crazy summer

Summer came to the place to exchange chips.

"Give me a ten-dollar chip." Xia Xia said very aggressively.

"I'm sorry, sir, the smallest chip we have here is one hundred yuan." The bunny girl at the front desk said apologetically.

"With such a big gambling boat, you don't even have a ten-dollar chip." Xia Tian curled his lips.

"Who am I supposed to be? Isn't this our President Xia?" Wen Zhaohua held a glass of wine in his hand and stood beside Xia with a beautiful model in his left hand.

"I won't see you in a while." Xia Xia looked at him seriously.

"Oh, what have I changed?" Wen Zhaohua looked at Xia Xia with great interest.

"I've become so skilled at pretending to be b." Xia Xia's face showed admiration.

"Hmph, poor ghost." Wen Zhaohua said with a cold snort.

"Of course I'm a poor ghost. How about if Young Master Wen lends me 100 yuan." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Okay." Wen Zhaohua took out a hundred-yuan bill from his arms and handed it to Xia Tian.

Xia Tian reached for it, but Wen Zhaohua let go of his hand. The hundred-yuan bill fell to the ground, Wen Zhaohua smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't hold it."

Seeing the hundred-yuan bill, Xia Xia understood what Wen Zhaohua meant. If he wanted to pick up the hundred-yuan bill, he had to bow his head and bend over to pick it up, which was equivalent to bowing his head to Wen Zhaohua.

Xia Tian smiled slightly, and then drew a circle around the hundred-yuan bill with his right foot, and the hundred-yuan bill immediately floated up. Xia Tian stretched out his right hand and directly pinched the one-hundred-yuan bill between his two fingers, "This hundred is yours tomorrow. Of that one million, you still owe me nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred."

"I said, I won't give it." Wen Zhaohua looked at Xia Xia fiercely.

"You will." Xia Xia smiled slightly, then turned his head to the bunny girl, he threw the hundred yuan to the bunny girl, "Give me a one hundred chips."

The bunny girl handed Xia a one-hundred-dollar chip.

"Young Master Wen, who is that poor ghost?" The female model in Wen Zhaohua's arms looked at Xia Xia with disdain.

"Just a poor and crazy poor ghost." Wen Zhaohua took two large chips of 5,000 yuan and threw them into the female model's clothes.

The female model's face was full of excitement, and her heart was full of excitement. As expected of Shao Wen, she would be willing to deal with these rich people with a tip of ten thousand yuan.

What she hates most is the poor, and it can even be said that she looks down on the poor, because she was poor when she was a child, and she is afraid of being poor.

Xia Xian took the one hundred yuan chip and walked to the next table.

Wen Zhaohua also walked over with his arms around the female model.

"Beauty, follow me and you will win money, believe it or not." Xia Xia stood beside a beauty and said lightly. This beauty is different from the other models. Although she also wears a long skirt, she is not violent. Leaked, and she sat here as if she didn't care about winning or losing at all, as if she was waiting for time.

"Oh." The woman replied lightly.

"Ding Min, you can mix with this poor boy now." The model in Wen Zhaohua's arms said sarcastically. She had two purposes. The first was to mock the woman named Ding Min, and the second was because of her. It can be seen that Wen Zhaohua hates summer, so she wants to ridicule summer to win Wen Zhaohua's favor.

Climbing up a big tree like Wen Zhaohua, then she will have a better life in the future. Even if she can't become Wen Zhaohua's girlfriend, it would be good for Wen Zhaohua to introduce some young masters.

So she wanted to win Wen Zhaohua's favor by mocking Xia Xia.

"You bet, I'll follow you." The woman named Ding Min looked at Xia Xia and said as if she was angry.

"Do you know her?" Wen Zhaohua asked after glancing at the model beside him.

"Of course I know. She used to be a great person, a second-tier star, and the owner of the nostrils. Later, she was banned because she pretended to be arrogant and refused to follow the director's unspoken rules." The female model said disdainfully, in her opinion, a woman Your body is the capital of a good life.

Xia Xia smiled slightly and placed the hundred-yuan chips in his hand on the

to Zhuangshang.

Ding Min also placed all the chips in her hand on Zhuang. She had more chips than Xia Xia's, about 5,000. These were all distributed by Wen Zhaohua.

She didn't think about winning or losing at all. To her, losing the money was like doing a mission.

"Zhuang wins."

Seeing that Xia Xia won, Wen Zhaohua was slightly taken aback, "Luck."

Ding Min didn't expect that the money she casually threw out really won, and 5,000 turned into 10,000.

The model was very upset when she saw that Ding Min had won money.

"I didn't disappoint you." Xia Xia smiled at the woman, and then continued, "Do you dare to bet against me?"

"Why don't you dare, it's not my money anyway." The woman said very casually.

"Don't pretend to be rich, if it wasn't for your friend to help you, would you afford to eat now?" the female model in Wen Zhaohua's arms said sarcastically.

"You don't need to take care of my affairs." Ding Min said coldly.

"Don't act arrogant there The model said disdainfully.

"I just came with my I don't ask for money." Ding Min said lightly.

"It's fake." The female model said contemptuously.

"Don't pay any attention to her, fish for fish, shrimp for shrimp, toad for frog, this puts me on remand to Zhuang." Xia Tian threw his two-hundred-yuan chips at Zhuang.

Ding Min also threw his 10,000 yuan chips to Zhuang.

Wen Zhaohua and the model girl all looked at the gaming table. They also wanted to see if the two of them could win in the summer. No one could say luck.

However, they are also convinced that there is no winner in the casino, and if you gamble for a long time, you will lose.

The female model was already thinking about what language she would use to attack Xia Xia and Ding Min. She knew that Wen Zhaohua must be very happy that she did that. As long as she could satisfy Wen Zhaohua, her future would naturally be limitless.

She can already imagine the days when she will sit in a big BMW and live in a big villa.

Thinking about it, she was very excited, so she quickly organized her own language, she thought this was an opportunity in her life, she must seize it, and let Wen Zhaohua see her role.

At the same time, she and Wen Zhaohua also looked at the gaming table seriously, whether the two of them won or lost this summer.

Ding Min didn't go to the gaming table, because she didn't know anything about these things. She turned to look at Xia Xia, and seeing Xia Xia's confident expression, she had a feeling that she would definitely win this game.