win money

"Banker wins. Flash Dance Novel Network"

When he heard these three words, Wen Zhaohua stomped his feet angrily, and the female model beside him looked at Ding Min jealously. What she wanted most was that Ding Min lost, but Ding Min actually won again.

The 200 chips in Xia Xia's hand became 400, and the 10,000 in Ding Min's hand became 20,000.

Really won, Ding Min looked at the 20,000 chips in her hand and was slightly taken aback. She has not done any filming in more than half a year, nor has she accepted any commercial performances. The previous 20,000 yuan was really worth it to her. A piece of cake.

But now 20,000 yuan is a bit important to her.

"Do you want to bet with me?" Xia Xia looked at Ding Min and said.

"Bet, it's not my money anyway." Ding Min gritted her teeth. Although the 20,000 yuan can ease her next crisis, the money is not hers at all, even if she loses it all with the man in front of her. How can.

"Then continue to suppress the village." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and threw the four hundred yuan chips over, and Ding Min also put the money on the village.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, Wen Zhaohua smiled contemptuously. He didn't believe that he could open three houses in a row. According to the rules, this one should also be idle.

"Let's see how they lose." Wen Zhaohua is a young man, how could he not gamble, everyone will inexplicably worship themselves, and when they enter the casino, they think they are the **** of gamblers.

The female model next to Wen Zhaohua stared at Ding Min fiercely, she wished Ding Min would export all the money at once.

"Poor ghost, are you waiting for this money to make a fortune?" Wen Zhaohua said disdainfully.

"Give me one night, and I can win your gambling boat." Xia Xia smiled slightly, he didn't lie, with his perspective, he could be said to be completely undefeated against these bets.

"The poor are terrible. No wonder so many people dare to chase after goddesses. The proletariat really can do anything." The female model sarcastically said, she usually compares herself to a goddess.

Summer made a phone call.

"Hey, 110?" Wen Zhaohua and the model beside him were very puzzled when they saw Xia Xia's actions.

"There are people here who are pretending to be b, and the scene is out of control. I'm afraid that I will kill them both later." Xia Xia exaggeratedly said.

The phone was hung up.

"The other end said you have something wrong." Xia Tian glanced at Wen Zhaohua and said lightly.

"You idiot, what you said is that you have something wrong." The female model glared at Xia Xia and said, she has seen shameless people, but she has never seen someone like Xia Xia who has integrated shameless with herself. exist.

"Zhuang wins."

At this moment, the other side opened again, and it was Zhuang Ying, who had already won three games in a row. The four hundred chips in Xia's hand had also become eight hundred, and the chips in Ding Min's hand had also changed from twenty thousand. became forty thousand dollars.

Looking at the 40,000 yuan chips in his hand, Ding Min didn't know what to say anymore. It was too easy to earn.

"I want to see how long your dog Baba luck will go." Wen Zhaohua never believed that he could win in the summer. It might be luck to win a few games, but a person's luck is limited.

"Young Master Wen, will he be the best?" the female model said suddenly.

Hearing the female model's words, Wen Zhaohua only realized that this kid is not really a genius, or else how could he win three games in a row. "Let's see."

"Still pressing the banker." Xia Tian put his 800 yuan chips on the banker.

Ding Min also put all the chips of 40,000 yuan on Zhuang, very bold.

"I don't believe that you are still the banker." Wen Zhaohua stared at the gaming table. If the banker was opened this time, he would have reason to suspect that Xia Xia was out of the money.

Once you find out that you are smoking in the summer, you will not be able to run in the summer tonight.

"Zhuang wins."

It's another Zhuang, four Zhuang in a row, and they all won in the summer.

The chips in Xia Xia's hands became sixteen, and the chips in Ding Min's hands became eighty thousand.

"Poor ghost, you are an old man." Wen Zhaohua looked at Xia Xia angrily.

He absolutely does not believe that a person can be so lucky and even win four bankers, the odds are too low.

"I used to naively believed that there was no sb in this world until the moment I saw you." Xia Xia glanced at Wen Zhaohua and continued, "I don't play a business, nor do I play an idler, how can I make money? , am I using the mind?"

"Uh." Wen Zhaohua was stunned for a moment, Xia Xia was right, he was just a sloppy person, and he had never touched a card. "Hmph, I don't believe that your luck has always been so good."

The female model also nodded silently. That's true. Xia Xia's hand has never touched a card, so it's impossible to cheat. As for see-through glasses, it's even more impossible. Once someone wears see-through glasses, then the The alarm will sound immediately.

"Beauty, do you dare to push the big one with me?" Xia Xia looked at Ding Min and said.

"Don't you dare." Ding Min's arrogance also came up.

"Then this is a draw." Xia Xia said lightly. When he heard Xia Xia talk about a draw, Wen Zhaohua's face was full of sarcasm. There are seven people playing at the gambling table now, and adding the dealer is eight times that.

But the odds of a sum are almost zero.

Under normal circumstances, the probability of occurrence of sum is one percent.

"Hey, poor ghost, you are really poor and crazy." Wen Zhaohua said.

"I've never seen Kaihe," said the model girl.

Xia Xia ignored the two of them, but put all the money on He Shang, a chip of 1,600 yuan, and Ding Min also threw 80,000 yuan of chips on He Shang very arrogantly.

Eighty thousand yuan is not a small amount, especially for Ding Min now.

Ding Min's current living situation is not good. These 80,000 yuan can change her current life, but she still squeezes the money out to suppress the one percent chance.

"Ding Min, you really don't want to die. That's 80,000 yuan. It's enough for you to live. You still lose it. It seems that you can only rely on your friends to support you." The model girl Said sarcastically, she likes to laugh at Ding Min the most. Ding Min used to be someone she couldn't stand up to, but now she's down, she naturally has to find a good sense of existence.

Wen Zhaohua looked at Xia Xia and Ding Min with disdain. In his opinion, the poor are like this, they won't know how to stop after winning a few games.

In the end, I still want to come to the big one, who really regards himself as a **** of gamblers, and the reconciliation is courting death.

"Hey, that idiot over there, do you think my gang can win?" Xia Xia looked at Wen Zhaohua and said.

"If you can win, I'll eat that deck of poker." Wen Zhaohua said coldly.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Prev Chapter Catalog Next Chapter 190 Winning money

? "Banker wins. Flash Dance Novel Network"

When he heard these three words, Wen Zhaohua stomped his feet angrily, and the female model beside him looked at Ding Min jealously. What she wanted most was that Ding Min lost, but Ding Min actually won again.

The 200 chips in Xia Xia's hand became 400, and the 10,000 in Ding Min's hand became 20,000.

Really won, Ding Min looked at the 20,000 chips in her hand and was slightly taken aback. She has not done any filming in more than half a year, nor has she accepted any commercial performances. The previous 20,000 yuan was really worth it to her. A piece of cake.

But now 20,000 yuan is a bit important to her.

"Do you want to bet with me?" Xia Xia looked at Ding Min and said.

"Bet, it's not my money anyway." Ding Min gritted her teeth. Although the 20,000 yuan can ease her next crisis, the money is not hers at all, even if she loses it all with the man in front of her. How can.

"Then continue to suppress the village." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and threw the four hundred yuan chips over, and Ding Min also put the money on the village.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, Wen Zhaohua smiled contemptuously. He didn't believe that he could open three houses in a row. According to the rules, this one should also be idle.

"Let's see how they lose." Wen Zhaohua is a young man, how could he not gamble, everyone will inexplicably worship themselves, and when they enter the casino, they think they are the **** of gamblers.

The female model next to Wen Zhaohua stared at Ding Min fiercely, she wished Ding Min would export all the money at once.

"Poor ghost, are you waiting for this money to make a fortune?" Wen Zhaohua said disdainfully.

"Give me one night, and I can win your gambling boat." Xia Xia smiled slightly, he didn't lie, with his perspective, he could be said to be completely undefeated against these bets.

"The poor are terrible. No wonder so many people dare to chase after goddesses. The proletariat really can do anything." The female model sarcastically said, she usually compares herself to a goddess.

Summer made a phone call.

"Hey, 110?" Wen Zhaohua and the model beside him were very puzzled when they saw Xia Xia's actions.

"There are people here who are pretending to be b, and the scene is out of control. I'm afraid that I will kill them both later." Xia Xia exaggeratedly said.

The phone was hung up.

"The other end said you have something wrong." Xia Tian glanced at Wen Zhaohua and said lightly.

"You idiot, what you said is that you have something wrong." The female model glared at Xia Xia and said, she has seen shameless people, but she has never seen someone like Xia Xia who has integrated shameless with herself. exist.

"Zhuang wins."

At this moment, the other side opened again, and it was Zhuang Ying, who had already won three games in a row. The four hundred chips in Xia's hand had also become eight hundred, and the chips in Ding Min's hand had also changed from twenty thousand. became forty thousand dollars.

Looking at the 40,000 yuan chips in his hand, Ding Min didn't know what to say anymore. It was too easy to earn.

"I want to see how long your dog Baba luck will go." Wen Zhaohua never believed that he could win in the summer. It might be luck to win a few games, but a person's luck is limited.

"Young Master Wen, will he be the best?" the female model said suddenly.

Hearing the female model's words, Wen Zhaohua only realized that this kid is not really a genius, or else how could he win three games in a row. "Let's see."

"Still pressing the banker." Xia Tian put his 800 yuan chips on the banker.

Ding Min also put all the chips of 40,000 yuan on Zhuang, very bold.

"I don't believe that you are still the banker." Wen Zhaohua stared at the gaming table. If the banker was opened this time, he would have reason to suspect that Xia Xia was out of the money.

Once you find out that you are smoking in the summer, you will not be able to run in the summer tonight.

"Zhuang wins."

It's another Zhuang, four Zhuang in a row, and they all won in the summer.

The chips in Xia Xia's hands became sixteen, and the chips in Ding Min's hands became eighty thousand.

"Poor ghost, you are an old man." Wen Zhaohua looked at Xia Xia angrily.

He absolutely does not believe that a person can be so lucky and even win four bankers, the odds are too low.

"I used to naively believed that there was no sb in this world until the moment I saw you." Xia Xia glanced at Wen Zhaohua and continued, "I don't play a business, nor do I play an idler, how can I make money? , am I using the mind?"

"Uh." Wen Zhaohua was stunned for a moment, Xia Xia was right, he was just a sloppy person, and he had never touched a card. "Hmph, I don't believe that your luck has always been so good."

The female model also nodded silently. Indeed, Xia Xia's hand has never touched a card, so it is impossible to cheat. As for the see-through glasses, it is even more impossible. Once someone wears see-through glasses~www.mtlnovel .com~ Then the alarm here will call the police immediately.

"Beauty, do you dare to push the big one with me?" Xia Xia looked at Ding Min and said.

"Don't you dare." Ding Min's arrogance also came up.

"Then this is a draw." Xia Xia said lightly. When he heard Xia Xia talk about a draw, Wen Zhaohua's face was full of sarcasm. There are seven people playing at the gambling table now, and adding the dealer is eight times that.

But the odds of a sum are almost zero.

Under normal circumstances, the probability of occurrence of sum is one percent.

"Hey, poor ghost, you are really poor and crazy." Wen Zhaohua said.

"I've never seen Kaihe," said the model girl.

Xia Xia ignored the two of them, but put all the money on He Shang, a chip of 1,600 yuan, and Ding Min also threw 80,000 yuan of chips on He Shang very arrogantly.

Eighty thousand yuan is not a small amount, especially for Ding Min now.

Ding Min's current living situation is not good. These 80,000 yuan can change her current life, but she still squeezes the money out to suppress the one percent chance.

"Ding Min, you really don't want to die. That's 80,000 yuan. It's enough for you to live. You still lose it. It seems that you can only rely on your friends to support you." The model girl Said sarcastically, she likes to laugh at Ding Min the most. Ding Min used to be someone she couldn't stand up to, but now she's down, she naturally has to find a good sense of existence.

Wen Zhaohua looked at Xia Xia and Ding Min with disdain. In his opinion, the poor are like this, they won't know how to stop after winning a few games.

In the end, I still want to come to the big one, who really regards himself as a **** of gamblers, and the reconciliation is courting death.

"Hey, that idiot over there, do you think my gang can win?" Xia Xia looked at Wen Zhaohua and said.

"If you can win, I'll eat that deck of poker." Wen Zhaohua said coldly.