3 big bets

Jiang Tianshu also became interested after hearing the words of Shimagawa Meizi. This Shimagawa Meizi is not an ordinary person. She is a master of gambling from country D who was recruited by Hu Fangye. She was not allowed to enter.

Even the big casino in Ao Amen has a limit on her betting limit.

Her research on gambling is very good.

In country D, it is not an exaggeration to give her the title of God of Gamblers, but she herself is very low-key. She said that her gambling skills in country D can only be ranked in the top three.

She also showed a hand in Jiang Tianshu herself, her gambling skills are no worse than the God of Gamblers played by Zhou Runfa on TV.

This is the main reason why Jiang Tianshu came to watch the battle. He wanted to see how Xia Xia escaped this disaster.

Xia Xia's words just now angered Shimagawa Umeko. She was relatively polite at first, but in the end she was still irritated by Xia Xia's words, so she proposed to add two more games.

Wen Zhaohua's game just now was regarded as the first game, and if you add two more games, it would be three games.

The bet in the first game is very simple. If Xia wins, then Wen Zhaohua will eat the whole deck of poker. If Xia loses, he will take off his clothes one by one, and then yell at me to admit defeat. Go out on a cruise ship.

What are the next two conditions?

"The chips are very simple. If you lose the second game, you must kneel in front of the kimono and apologize to country D; if you lose the third game, you must tattoo the totem of country D all over your body." Umeko Shimagawa said.

Her proposal made Jiang Tianshu very satisfied.

Both of these proposals can make Xia Xia lose face, that is to say, no matter which of the three games Xia loses, he will be considered a loser.

"This condition is too shameless." The beauty muttered.

"I accept, but if you lose the second game, then you will kneel on the table and shout ten times that the people of the country are all bastards, all despicable and shameless bastards. If you lose the third game, I won't let you tattoo Huaxia's totem, that's just insulting Huaxia's totem, I want you to shave your hair, and then put his pants over your head." Xia Xia pointed at Wen Zhaohua.

"You." Umeko Shimakawa looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"How is it, do you dare to bet?" Xia Xia asked Shimagawa Umeko.

"If you don't dare, I will definitely make you regret what you said today." Umeko Shimakawa looked at Xia Xia viciously.

"Hey, that one over there, how about you being a witness?" Xia Xia looked at Jiang Tianshu and asked, only if Jiang Tianshu came forward for this kind of gambling, Wen Zhaohua and Shimagawa Meizi would not dare to go back.

"Okay, I want to see how lively this scene is today." Jiang Tianshu said with great interest.

There are more and more people coming to watch the fun. Here are some of the most attractive people today. Some of these people have seen summer just now, and some have not seen summer. People who have never seen summer are dressed for him. Surprised, and he can still sit on such a large sofa, Jiang Tianshu is the only person here with this qualification.

So his controversy index is not small at all.

Another woman wearing a kimono also caused a lot of controversy. There are still many Chinese people who hate the people of D country.

Then the new Fourth Young Master Jiang Hai actually showed up.

Shimagawa Meizi changed into Chinese clothes and walked out.

"We bet three games, dice, baccarat and stud." Umeko Shimakawa said lightly.

"Whatever." Summer nodded.

"Okay, let's play the dice." Shimagawa Umeko looked at her clothes, obviously very uncomfortable, and wearing this clothes she felt that she was being forced, and she couldn't feel better at all.

Her only thought now is to win Xia Xian quickly, and then let Xia Xia regret what he just said.

Soon, two super large cups were brought up. Ordinary cups are about 18 centimeters long, but these two cups are 40 centimeters long, and there are a total of 24 dice on the tray.

Seeing so many dice, Xia Xia was very puzzled.

"It's a good show." Hu Fangye smiled slightly, this gambling technique was already done by Shimagawa plums just now.

It has been shown to them, and it is quite impressive.

Jiang Shao also nodded, and several of them saw it. This is also one of Shimagawa Meizi's special skills.

Seeing this behemoth in front of her, the beauty and Ding Min had a very ominous feeling. They could tell that this woman from country D must be a master, and they could tell from the expressions of the people behind her.

This gamble is definitely not easy to win.

There are 0 gamblers in front of you, you can see that the other party is professional, and Umeko Shimagawa has a confident expression on her face.

"How to bet?" Xia Tian asked.

"Twelve dice per person, see who has the smallest number." Umeko Shimakawa smiled mysteriously. "In order to prevent cheating, you choose the dice and cup first."

"Okay." Xia Xia smiled slightly, picked up the cup and twelve dice in front of him, and clasped it directly on the table in front of him.

Shimagawa Umeko smiled disdainfully when she saw Xia Xia's actions, and then slapped her right hand on the table, all twelve dice flew up, and then she picked up the huge cup with her right hand and pulled it directly, and all twelve dice were gone. into her cup.


Her hand made people around her keep complimenting her~www.mtlnovel.com~ You can see that she is a connoisseur at a glance, and she can quickly put all the dice in such a big cup. This hand is really beautiful.

Even Ding Min and the beauty behind Xia Xia were stunned by Shimagawa Umeko.

"This is too powerful." The beauty pushed Summer.

"You're scared." Xia Tian looked at her and smiled.

"What am I afraid of, it's you, not me, who lose face anyway." The beautiful woman said.

"Who said I would lose." Xia Tian didn't move the cup in front of him, but Shimagawa Umeko had already started, and her right hand actually shook the big cup, and the dice rolled in the cup.

It takes a lot of strength, and the bottom of the cup is empty, there is no cover, and none of the twelve dice have fallen.

This is exactly the same trick used by Chow Yun-fat in the gambling film.

It's really stupid.

Summer still didn't move, just sat on the sofa and watched Shimagawa Umeko perform there.

"Hmph, this time you're going to lose. I want to see how ugly you look next." Wen Zhaohua snorted coldly. Today, he finally had a chance to vent his anger. The strength shown by Shimagawa Meizi is already Invincible.

Not only him, Hu Fangye, Jiang Tianshu and others also believed that Shimagawa Meizi would win.