fat man eating poker

Whether in terms of technique or momentum, Shimagawa Umeko has the advantage, while Xia Tian has been sitting there motionless.

"What are you looking at? Shake it too." The long-legged beauty said anxiously, although she didn't know why she was in a hurry, she was very anxious, maybe she liked summer more than Wen Zhaohua and the girl in kimono opposite.

But it's only limited to the three of them being compared.

"I've finished shaking." Xia Xia said lightly.

"When did you shake it after shaking?" the long-legged beauty asked inexplicably.

Even the other people were very puzzled, they never saw Xia Tian touch the dice in front of them.

Shimagawa Meizi was still shaking her dice seriously. She heard Xia Tian's words. She originally wanted to hear what time Xia Xia's dice was. Now that Xia Xia was over, she naturally couldn't hear it, but she had Confidence to win the summer, because no one can roll smaller than her.

Shimagawa plums are a stark contrast to summer.

Shimagawa plums are swaying in the wind, but in summer they sit there with light clouds and wind.

The scene was unusually quiet, and no one spoke, for fear of disturbing the two of them.

"Xia Tian, ​​today I must make you lose face." Wen Zhaohua said fiercely in his heart.


Shimagawa Umeko's dice finally settled on the table, and the result of the first duel is about to appear.

Is it Shimagawa Umeko who wins, or Summer?

If he wins in the summer, Wen Zhaohua will eat a pack of poker.

And if Shimagawa Umeko wins, she will take off her clothes one by one in the summer, and then yell at me to admit defeat and get off the cruise ship.

What the outcome will be, everyone is looking forward to.

"I'll go first, or you go first?" Shimagawa Umeko looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"You go first." Xia Xia said.

There is a feature of opening first and opening later, that is, if the number of points is the same, the one who opens first wins.

Seeing that Xia Xia was so light, everyone around him thought he was pretending, and some thought he had given up, knowing that he would lose, so he was so casual.

Shimagawa Umeko opened her hood.

A scene that surprised everyone in the audience appeared. The twelve dice were all stacked together, and the top point was one, which means that Shimagawa Umeko's point was one, and she opened first, so even if Even if Xia Xia had the same technique as her, she would definitely lose.

This technique can only be seen in the stunts of gambling films.

"It's amazing, is this a gambling movie?"

"Is she Chow Yun-fat's apprentice?"

"Her technology has blinded my 24k alloy dog's eyes."

Everyone around was shocked by her skills, and she convinced them all at the scene.

The long-legged beauty has been shaking her head constantly. She no longer has any confidence. She thinks that Xia Xia will lose. Although she is about to see Xia Xia's shameful side, she finds that she is not as happy as she imagined.

"Hahahaha, Xia Xia, you are sure to lose. I want to see how you run naked today." Wen Zhaohua laughed loudly.

Hu Fangye, Jiang Shao and the others also smiled slightly. They all believed that the first game was a sure win. Shimagawa Meizi's skills had convinced everyone. They had seen Shimagawa Meizi's ability before.

The second time I saw it, I was still so shocked.

"I haven't opened yet, how do you know she won?" Xia Xia asked.

"Then you open, her point is one point, and it is the first to open, even if you have her ability, and her points are the same, you will lose no doubt, besides, do you have such a strong ability, hurry up and finish the bet Let's make an appointment." Wen Zhaohua said excitedly, thinking that he was going to run naked in the summer, he was in a particularly good mood.

He has known Xia Xia for so long, and Xia Xia has always made him suffer. Today, he can finally let Xia Xia taste that way.

"There is no difference between opening and not opening, and opening is just self-inflicted humiliation." Umeko Shimagawa said disdainfully.

Everyone looked at Xia

God, although everyone knew that he would lose, everyone was curious. They were all waiting for Xia Xia to open the hood. Some people were ready to laugh, and some people were wondering what time Xia Xia shook.

The scene was unusually quiet.

Xia Tian's hand was slowly placed on the hood, and his face was always full of smiles.


Xia Tian opened his hood, and everyone was stunned.

Because there is no summer at all, the dice have turned into powder.

"Impossible." Shimagawa Umeko looked at the pile of powder with an unbelievable face. What kind of ability is this? All these dice turned into powder, and there was nothing at all.

Wen Zhaohua's chin was about to fall to the ground. Originally, he was full of confidence, but now his confidence has been completely crushed by Xia Xia.


Everyone stared at everything in front of them in stunned eyes.

Jiang Tianshu almost didn't scold, Hu Fang stomped wildly, Wen Zhaohua glanced at Xia Xia, and then at the poker on the table, he swallowed.

This can be lost.

Ding Min and the long-legged beauty all looked at Xia Xia in confusion. The two of them couldn't imagine how Xia Xia did it.

"He is a Xuan-level master~www.mtlnovel.com~ soldier brother said in a low voice.

"Xuan level, hum, it's really troublesome." Jiang Tianshu muttered.

"Hey, that fat guy over there, it's time for you to perform, eat poker." Xia Xian shouted at Wen Zhaohua, who almost escaped secretly just now, he was praying, Xia Xia must forget the bet, but In the end, his name was called out in the summer.

Wen Zhaohua glanced at Jiang Tianshu, but Jiang Tianshu actually put his head away, meaning you can figure it out.

The poker on the table was quietly placed there.

Wen Zhaohua picked up the poker and slowly unpacked it. Everyone looked at him. Could it be that he really wants to eat it? He just wants to eat it. This game is the testimony of Jiang Tianshu. If he doesn't eat it, then It is to challenge the majesty of Jiang Tianshu.

So he must eat.

Picking up the poker, Wen Zhaohua put it in his mouth.

"You're a fat man, a fat man who eats poker." Xia Xia sang over there, and he made up the tone of the lyrics himself.

Watching Wen Zhaohua's performance of eating poker, many people around wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh. The scene suddenly became embarrassing, and the song that Xia sang became even more prominent.

Hearing Xia Xia's song, Wen Zhaohua almost died of anger.

He wished that he was eating the flesh and blood of summer now, he swore that today's revenge must be avenged, and he had already eaten the tenth card of poker, and he was already disgusted.