You seem to have more points

Seeing that there were more than 40 poker cards in front of him, Wen Zhaohua really wanted to cry, but he had to continue eating.

"You are a big fat man who eats poker." Xia Xia continued to sing.

"Humph." Wen Zhaohua hummed coldly.

"Let's continue." Umeko Shimagawa said.

The second game is baccarat. The bet is that if Xia loses the second game, he must kneel in front of the kimono and apologize to country D. If Umeko Shimakawa loses, he will kneel on the table and shout ten times D. All the people of the country are turtle sons.

Winning or losing the second game is different from the first game. Once the second game is lost, it will be a matter of power and dignity.

Although many of those who watched the excitement hoped that Xia Xia would lose, and wanted to see him make a fool of himself, they still didn't want him to lose Hua Xia's face in this incident.

Baccarat is gambling and leisure.

If two people are driving, then Shimagawa plums will naturally be the village, and summer will be idle.

Umeko Shimakawa opened a new deck of cards directly.

"You check your cards first."

"No need, you can start directly." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

It's still the same light-hearted look, while Shimagawa Umeko started shuffling the cards directly.


Seeing Umeko Shimagawa's shuffling technique, he was stunned by everyone present. This is too powerful. This technique, this technique, is like playing a stunt.

A minute later, Shimagawa Umeko shuffled the deck.

"Cut the cards."

Cutting a card means which card to develop from.

Xia Xia cut it casually, and then came over to a female dealer to deal cards for the two of them.

The female croupier dealt two cards to each of them, and they opened it up in the summer, one point.

"No more." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the female croupier was stunned for a moment. One point is the smallest point. He actually said no, that Shimagawa Meizi would win him directly as long as she opened the cards now.

"Sir, are you sure you don't want it?" The female dealer confirmed again.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"Huh." Shimagawa Umeko smiled contemptuously, and opened her first card, which was a ten. When they saw ten, everyone thought that Xia Xia was defeated, because as long as the one below her was not a one, then just won.

Umeko Shimagawa has never looked at the cards. She is very confident in her memory. He knows that her next card is a nine, so she will win this round.

She directly lifted her card, "You lost."

When he saw the card of Umeko Shimagawa, Xia Tian opened his mouth, "Wow, guy from country D, you seem to have a lot of points."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, she looked at her card. The second card made the corners of her mouth twitch. It was actually eleven o'clock, not j, but eleven o'clock, and there was a little more in the middle of the normal ten o'clock.

She clearly remembered that her card was nine o'clock.

"You are out of a thousand." Shimagawa Umeko looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"The two of us are so far apart, how can I make a fool of myself?" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

This hand Xia Xia stunned everyone, and even Ah San behind Jiang Tianshu was stunned. Because the first win, it can be said that Xia's inner strength was deep, but the second win was different.

Shimagawa Umeko knew she lost, and she didn't even know why she lost.

Shimagawa Umeko slammed her head against the table hard, her head was directly smashed, and her face was full of blood, "I lost."

Her blood is telling herself how painful it is.

Umeko Shimagawa knelt directly on the table and shouted loudly, "Son of the turtle from China."

"Okay." Xia Xia also felt that he was going too far, so he immediately stopped.

"I won't remember you well. In the next game, I will definitely ruin your reputation." Umeko Shimagawa looked at Xia Xia angrily, and she would never allow herself to lose in the last game.

"Stop betting." Xia Tian stood up.

"No, if you leave now, you will admit defeat." Shimagawa Umeko shouted.

"I'm doing it for your own good, I really can't bear to see you shaved

Shaved head and put on that fat man's pants. "Summer said lightly.

"Be sure to gamble." Shimagawa Umeko shouted angrily.

Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, looked at Jiang Tianshu and said, "I originally wanted to win your gambling boat, but I'm in a bad mood now and I don't play anymore."

"Stop for me." Shimagawa Umeko shouted loudly.

Xia Xia's right hand slammed on the table, and the deck of cards in front of him all flew up. He quickly struck out with his two fingers, but in a blink of an eye, four straight flushes appeared on the table in front of Shimagawa Umeko.

From ten to a.

Xia Xia turned around and left after finishing this move. He had had enough fun today. He never wanted to make a fortune by gambling, nor did he want to deliberately insult a woman. Even if the other party was from country D, she was just a woman from country D.

Looking at the four straight flushes in front of her, Shimagawa Umeko knew that she had lost, and she couldn't compare to Xia Xia in terms of eyesight and shot speed.

Xia Xia has a clairvoyant eye, she would be damned if she could compare. Xia Xia's lingering finger is a stunt that is famous throughout China. If a woman from country D can shoot faster than him, he doesn't need to mess around.

Shimagawa Umeko also went outside. She was defeated, and she was completely defeated.

The figure of Xia Xia was drawn with an invincible sign in her heart.

Xia Xia didn't go to see Zeng Rou's little He knew that Jiang Tianshu would not touch them, and the atmosphere here was not suitable for him.

After returning to Jianghai in the speedboat, Xia Xia walked aimlessly on the street.

After walking for a while, a man in white came up behind him. The man looked very handsome. Xia Xia never thought that a man could be so handsome. He always said that he was the most handsome man in the world, but He felt ashamed when he saw this man.

The man in white walked to the place where the summer was parallel and slowed down.

"Summer," the man in white asked.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"How's Bibi's speed?" The man in white asked Xia Xia.

"Okay, the destination is my old house." Xia Xia didn't tell the other party where his old house was, but he knew that the other party must know because he took the initiative to find it.

I also know what my name is.

The bodies of the two disappeared at the same time. Xia Xian was stunned when he saw the speed of the man in white. He thought his speed was fast, but when he saw the man in white, he was completely stunned.

"If you can't catch up with the speed, you have to compete for endurance." Xia Xia secretly said, the biggest advantage of Manyun Xianbu is that it is elusive during battle, not the fastest moving footwork.

Moreover, the stamina of Manyun Xianbu is also very long-lasting.