
Xia Xia has always been very confident in his own speed. Before, he heard others say that Fan Zhuifeng was fast, but he still didn't believe it, but now he finally believes that there are people outside people, and there are heavens.

Although he didn't try to compete with Fan Zhuifeng, he knew that Fan Zhuifeng was not a vain name, including the previous Xie Xiaofeng, he was very lucky to win.

If it wasn't for Xia Xiaofeng being deterred by Xia Xia's forged strength through Tianxing Jue, then no one would know the final result.

including summer.

Although his realm is very high, and his martial arts are also top-notch, he has no combat experience.

Xie Xiaofeng is different. Xie Xiaofeng has devoted himself to studying martial arts for so many years. His accomplishments in martial arts are quite remarkable.

But in the end Xie Xiaofeng lost. What he lost was not his kung fu, but his heart.

The invincible heart that a strong man needs.

In the summer, there is no trace of the man in white at all.

At the beginning, he thought that his speed could not match the opponent's, which could be compared to endurance, but now he realized that he was no match for the man in white, whether it was speed or endurance.

When Xia Xia got home, the man in white kept smiling at him.

"How long have you been here?" Xia Tian asked.

"Half an hour." The man in white said lightly.

"You pervert." Xia Xia said, he only spent forty-five minutes in total, but the other party actually arrived half an hour earlier than him, which means that the other party only spent fifteen minutes.

It's really hard for Xia to imagine how fast he is.

Under normal circumstances, it would take an hour and a half to take a taxi from there to his house if there was no traffic jam.

"How about a test?" The man in white looked at Xia Xia and asked, and he said it very casually.

When Xia Xia heard the words of the man in white, he became interested, "Okay."

The man in white far surpassed him in speed, but he was very curious, whether it was his own strength or the strength of the opponent. Since Xia Tianxingjue broke through to the third level, he has hardly encountered an opponent. .

Behind the hands of the man in white, he rushed towards Xia Tian at an unbelievably fast speed.

Xia Xia's right hand condensed his fingers and pointed directly in the direction of the man in white.

Just when Xia Xia's hand immediately clicked on the man in white, the man in white's body disappeared.

The man just disappeared in front of him out of thin air, and suddenly he felt a crisis hit his head, and then he hurriedly used his finger to point upwards.

Only then did he realize that the man in white was actually on his head.

"In the air, the human body cannot move freely." Xia's finger is extremely explosive.

"Really?" The man in white smiled slightly, and then his toes touched Xia's fingers slightly, and he flew up lightly.

"What?" Xia Xian was stunned for a moment. He saw the man in white flying just now. Although he borrowed strength, he just tapped the tip of his finger lightly, and the power on his finger hadn't even exploded. Going out, the other party has already flew high.

Although he can jump very high in summer, it is jumping, not flying. Just like when he went to run the window, he just jumped and climbed instead of jumping up.

The man in white was definitely flying just now.

"Let me introduce myself again, my name is Bai Yu, and I am the fastest person in China." Bai Yu said calmly, but the content of his words was full of arrogance, but Xia Xia did not doubt his words at all.

Because the strength he showed just now has proved it.

Xia Xia didn't know whether he would fly in the future, but he was sure that even if he could fly in the future, he wouldn't be able to be as light as Bai Yu.

"Next, I'm going to be serious." Bai Yu smiled slightly and rushed towards Xia Tian.

Encountering such a monster-level existence, how dare you be sloppy in the summer, and your feet are wide open. Although the speed of the cloud is not as good as the opponent's, the original comparison is not the speed, but the angle and the walking distance. The way.

Manyun Xianbu evolved from the Book of Changes, and the subtleties contained in it have not been fully grasped in summer.

Because his former adversary never had any

Who can let him use full speed.

Bai Yu was the first one. Xia Xia not only completely opened the Manyun Immortal Step, but he was also slowly comprehending the true meaning of the Manyun Immortal Step. It was the first time he was so nervous. Although Bai Yu didn't have any murderous aura, Xia Xian seemed to be on the verge of being so nervous. With the same qi, he had to compete with Bai Yu in his footwork.

"As expected of a fairy walk in the clouds, it's fun." Bai Yu was also interested, the whole figure quickly disappeared in front of Xia Xia, and when it reappeared, it was a feather.

That's right, White Feather's weapon is feathers.


In the summer, a silver needle was thrown at the feather, the two collided, and all fell to the ground.

"So powerful." Xia Xia sighed, a feather can exert such a powerful force, this person's strength is definitely not low.

"Your silver needle is also good." Bai Yu praised.

The two have fully deduced their exquisite movements. If someone passes by at this time, they will definitely think that this is a blockbuster action movie, because one person's movement is as illusory as Duan Yu, and the other is the enhanced version of Qiao peak.

Xia Xia's best kung fu is Manyun Immortal Step and Lingxi One Finger, UU Reading But he hasn't fully mastered Manyun Immortal Step now, so Lingxi One Finger has no chance to be used at all, but throws a silver needle The method is getting more and more proficient.

Bai Yu's speed was too fast, and Xia Tian always suspected that his feathers were plucked from himself. Feathers were different from silver needles, so it was not convenient to carry at all.

In fact, Xia Xia didn't know that it wasn't just him. There were not many people in China who could keep up with Bai Yu's speed, and those people did not rely on speed to compare with Bai Yu, but their martial skills made Bai Yu unable to attack. If you kill Bai Yu, then you must let Bai Yu enter their absolute range.

Otherwise, it is impossible to catch up with Bai Yu.

Bai Yu said that he was the fastest person in China. In fact, he just didn't want to sit and watch the sky. He knew that there must be people in this world who were faster than him, but as long as he kept improving his strength, he would also surpass those people.

"I'm going to show some real skills, can you do it?" Bai Yu looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"It's impossible for a man to say no." Xia Xia was actually about to reach his limit, but his arrogance was there, and he couldn't just admit defeat so easily.

Bai Yu's body moved fast, and his speed was so fast that it gave the illusion that he was teleporting.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Xia Xia's mouth, and then his entire body was thrown straight out.