Li Ying's roommate

"Some things have been delayed, I'll clean it up." Ma Lan smiled slightly. They all knew what day it was today. Today was to meet Li Ying's rumored boyfriend. The reason why it was her rumored boyfriend was because Li Ying didn't admit it at all.

But they didn't believe Li Ying's words, so they planned to expose the two of them today.

Li Ying never went out at night before, but she has gone out with Xia Xian several times, and Xia Xia also found a job for Li Ying.

Everyone was very curious about this mysterious man. They all thought that Li Ying had a rich second-generation boyfriend.

"I'll go find him first. He's in the library. I'll call you later." Li Ying walked out of the classroom after she finished speaking.

"Library" Malan was stunned for a moment, then continued to clean up without thinking much.

When Li Ying came to the door of the library, she sent a text message to Xia Xia. Xia Xian put the Book of Changes back on the bookshelf and stored the book and pen in the library.

After walking out of the library, Xia Xia saw Li Ying.

Li Ying also saw Xia Xia, Xia Xia was still wearing ordinary clothes, which was bought by Xia Xia herself. Wen Zhaohua called him the money, one million, although Xia Xia said that it was only 999,900, but Wen Zhaohua played a million yuan very generously, not missing the one hundred yuan.

In the summer, I used this money to directly buy more than 30 sets of clothes at one time, but none of these clothes cost more than 200 yuan.

"Whatever you want to eat, I'll invite you today." Li Ying smiled slightly.

"I'll ask." Xia Xia said.

"I have to ask. I haven't thanked you yet. I was treated so well as an intern, which I never dared to think about." Li Ying felt that her treatment was really good.

She is a student who has not yet graduated and can only work a few days a month, but the other party not only did not despise her, but instead gave her a salary of 3,000 yuan a month.

He also gave her a very important position, allowing her to learn a lot.

Even CEO Zeng of the company was very kind to her.

Zeng is always a powerful woman, Zeng Rou, who is her idol.

So Li Ying is very grateful to Summer.

"I'll ask, otherwise I won't go. I just made some money two days ago." Xia Xia said lightly.

Li Ying was slightly taken aback when she heard that Xia Xia could not go, but she promised the sisters in the dormitory to let them see Xia Xia's "Farewell."

"Then it's settled, I'll ask." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Okay." Li Ying shook her head helplessly and continued, "Then you must ask me next time."

"Okay, let's talk about it next time." Xia Xia suddenly postponed until next time.

"Then what shall we eat?" Li Ying asked.

"Then let's eat hot pot." Xia Xia knows women, and women generally like to let men call the shots, and they also hope that men will tell them what they like to eat. If the man says something wrong, the woman will say no to it, and you say it again.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Li Ying smiled with satisfaction, Xia Xia knew that she guessed right, it seems that Li Ying really likes hot pot.

Eight out of ten women like to eat hot pot, which is why they say hot pot in summer.

Xia Xia took Li Ying to the hot pot restaurant where Ye Qingxue and the others went last time. Li Ying called the other girls in the dormitory and told them the location.

Li Ying asked Xia Xia to order, Xia Xia ordered a table of food that girls like to eat, and the rest will be ordered when Li Ying's roommate arrives.

It's not far from Jianghai University, so they arrived in less than half an hour.

"I'm here." Li Ying waved when she saw a few people in the dormitory coming over. Xia Xian sat opposite Li Ying with her back to those people. When Xia Xia knew that Li Ying's classmates were coming, she naturally wanted to Stand up as a courtesy.

When Xia Xian turned his head, he was slightly taken aback because he saw an acquaintance.

It was the girl in the library, Malan.

Ma Lan was also stunned when she saw Xia Xia. She stood there not knowing what to do. It was too coincidental. Xia Xia was actually Li Ying's rumored boyfriend.

"Ma Lan, what are you doing here?" Another woman in their dormitory patted her.

"Ah." Malan was slightly taken aback

, found himself lost.

The table can hold a total of six people. In the end, Li Ying and Xia Xia sat in a row, and the other three women sat in a row. Ma Lan kept her head down and didn't say a word.

During the summer treat, the girls were embarrassed to order, so they added something in the summer.

"Let me introduce you to him. His name is Xia Xia, and he is my good friend." Li Ying introduced.

After Li Ying's introduction, Xia Xia got to know the members of Li Ying's dormitory.

The eldest sister Sun Wenwen, the second sister Ma Lan, Li Ying is the third, and the youngest fourth is Yuan Li.

The eldest sister usually doesn't like to talk, but she treats the other people in the dormitory very well. The second sister Ma Lan is a lively and cheerful girl, the third is Li Ying herself, and the fourth Yuan Li is a quirky woman. The woman who likes to gossip the most.

Everyone has their own characteristics.

"You are the rumored boyfriend of the third sister." Yuan Li was the first to speak. She seemed to be familiar with anyone.

"Eh." Xia Xia was slightly taken aback, when did he become Li Ying's rumored boyfriend.

"I said it all, you are my good friend, but they just don't believe it," Li Ying hurriedly explained.

"You are really not boyfriend and girlfriend." Yuan Li looked at Li Ying and Xia Xia in surprise, her face full of disbelief, "That must be your pursuit of my third sister, right?"

Hearing Yuan Li's words, Li Ying's face turned red and she lowered her head.

"Look at I'm thinking about it." Yuan Li continued.

"Don't make trouble." Li Ying said in a low voice.

"Second sister, you're talking. How come you haven't said a word since then?" Yuan Li seemed to be asking for help. Whenever she talked about this topic, Ma Lan would talk to her about Li Ying. joke.

But today's Malan is very strange, she actually sits there quietly, without saying a word.

This is a little different from her usual.

"Lily, don't make trouble." Malan said.

Yuan Li was a little surprised to hear that Ma Lan, who usually jokes the most, actually said to stop making trouble. She looked at Ma Lan in confusion, "Second sister, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Malan smiled awkwardly.

"Second sister, you are really strange today." Li Ying said lightly.

After thinking for a while, Malan smiled slightly, "The food is here, let's eat first."

The eldest sister Sun Wenwen, who has never spoken, smiled, "Summer, are you also a student of Jianghai University?"

"It's just the start of school." Xia Xia said.

"You're a freshman who just entered university. That's great. After you go to university, if you have anything to do, you can come to us. No matter what, we're all your senior sisters," said the eldest sister, Sun Wenwen.

"Second sister's rumored boyfriend, which major did you apply for?" Yuan Li asked.