Boys in Nursing

"Yes, I still don't know what major you applied for." Li Ying asked.

The other women also looked at Xia Xia at the same time. They were very curious about what major the man in front of him applied for. Sun Wenwen and Yuan Li still didn't believe Xia Xia was not Li Ying's boyfriend, so they were very curious.

Although Ma Lan also suspected that Xia Xia was Li Ying's boyfriend, she still hoped Xia Xia was not. As for why, she didn't know.

If it is said that she likes summer, it is absolutely impossible. At most, she is a little curious about summer.

Xia Xia smiled awkwardly, and he was really embarrassed to say the major that his cousin reported to him, "I ordered eight plates of meat, everyone can eat it."

This is the method of changing the topic, but Xia Xia discovered that his method of changing the topic did not work. None of the four girls looked at the meat, but looked at him curiously. a curiosity.

Human curiosity is like this. If Xia Xia said it happily, everyone might not take it seriously. The more secretive Xia Xia was, the more curious they were.

"Nursing." Xia Tian had no choice but to say.

When they heard the word "nursing", the four girls were stunned. They were stunned for about ten seconds, and then laughed together, including Li Ying.

Boys study nursing, which is the same as girls studying machinery.

Usually, there are less than ten boys studying nursing in the nursing department, and less than ten girls in the mechanical engineering department.

Nursing is a woman's profession, while mechanical manufacturing is a man's profession.

"Hahahaha" Yuan Li laughed the loudest.

"No, I'm dying of laughter. You, a big man, actually went to study nursing. Now I believe you are not the boyfriend of the third sister." Yuan Li said while laughing.

"Well, it's definitely not. Only those who can't find a girlfriend will study nursing." The elder sister Sun Wenwen, who has always seldom spoken, actually began to make fun of Xia Xia.

"Why did you apply for nursing care?" Li Ying asked in confusion.

"My cousin reported it for me." Xia Xia said embarrassedly, it was not the first time he had been laughed at.

"If you report it yourself, just say it yourself, we won't laugh at you anyway." Yuan Li said, she seemed to have forgotten how unscrupulous she was laughing just now.

Xia Xia knew that the more she explained, the more she could not explain it, so she simply stopped talking.

At this moment, the phone of the eldest sister Sun Wenwen rang.

"I'm having dinner with the people in the dormitory."

"What are you doing here?"

"What on earth are you going to do?"

The eldest sister Sun Wenwen frowned, obviously the person opposite wanted to come over.

"Brother-in-law, if you want to come, let him come." Yuan Li said.

"Then come here." Sun Wenwen hung up the phone.

She sent the address to the other party, then looked at Xia Xia apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, it's my boyfriend."

"What's so embarrassing about this, let's come and eat together." Xia Tian doesn't care about one more person or one less person.

"Boy in the nursing department, how did you and my third sister know each other?" Yuan Li looked at Xia Xia and asked. She was originally a person who likes to gossip very much.

Hearing Yuan Li's name for herself, Xia Xia was very speechless. She just called him the rumored boyfriend of the third sister, but now she directly calls him a boy from the nursing department. "It was a coincidence."

"Oh, let's hear it, the third sister only said that you rescued her." Yuan Li looked at Xia Xia curiously, her level of gossip was very strong.

"There's nothing to say, just save her." Xia Xia said.

"How could there be nothing to say, for example, the third sister was held hostage with a gun, and then you fell from the sky and said, "I represent the moon to destroy you, and then those few people knelt directly on the ground and fell to the ground." I have to admire Yuan Li's Imagination, her imagination is really scary.

"Little Si, why don't you write novels? With your imagination, you will definitely become a great writer." said the elder sister Sun Wenwen.

"You can't expect me to order it, and let people be held hostage by guns,

You watch too many movies. "Li Ying tapped Yuan Li's head with her hand.

Yuan Li pouted, and said unconvincingly, "It's what it is, look at those heroes, or Spider-Man, Batman or something, don't they all appear like that, and their classic lines are the greater the ability. , the greater the responsibility."

"You really watch too many movies." Big sister Sun Wenwen smiled.

"Brother-in-law is here." Malan, who had not spoken for a while, said suddenly, and with her voice, everyone looked at the door.

Malan stood up directly, gave up his seat, and then came to Xia's side, "You two, sit inside."

"Second sister, come in and sit inside." Li Ying said.

"No, I like to be outside." Ma Lan sat directly next to Xia Xia.

Sun Wenwen's boyfriend sat where Ma Lan had just now, next to her eldest sister Sun Wenwen.

"This is" Sun Wenwen's boyfriend asked Xia Xia.

"My name is Xia Xia, I'm Li Ying's friend." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"Oh, it's the third brother-in-law." Sun Wenwen's boyfriend said.

"He is not Li Ying's boyfriend." Ma Lan said.

Li Ying blushed and did not speak.

"What nonsense are you talking about, he is Xiaosan's good Sun Wenwen hurriedly said, I can see that Sun Wenwen is very helpless to her boyfriend, but the two of them have a deep relationship.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Sun Wenwen's boyfriend smiled slightly.

"Second sister, you are really weird today. Do you know this boy from the nursing department?" Yuan Li looked at Ma Lan and asked. She is a very gossip person, and her thoughts are also gossip. She When she first discovered the Malan monster, she didn't find anything, but then she found out that it was only the topic of summer, and she would speak immediately.

Ma Lan was slightly taken aback when Yuan Li said it, and then nodded.

"You two really know each other." Li Ying frowned, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"It's interesting, you actually met my third sister, and then went to know my second sister. No wonder you applied to the nursing department. It turns out that you are so careless." Yuan Li looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense." Li Ying and Ma Lan said at the same time.

"Uh." Yuan Li was slightly taken aback, "You two don't like him, right? You are good sisters. You can't tear your face just for a man."

"Don't, if you have many women, you can share a few among our brothers. We are all single." At this moment, a man at the next table said loudly, and a few of them had been watching just now. Lively, after all, one table, four women and one man, this situation is rare.