Shenlong Martial Arts School

Xia Xia and the others were attracted by the table next door. There were four people sitting at the table next door. They were looking at Xia Xia's table with a playful look. It was exactly what they said just now.

"Everyone continue to eat, ignore them," said the eldest sister Sun Wenwen.

"Hmph." Sun Wenwen's boyfriend snorted coldly, then turned around.

"Beautiful women, you four women and two men, that is, there are two of you who don't have boyfriends. How do you know each other?" The person at the table said again.

"What do you guys think?" Sun Wenwen's boyfriend stood up and angrily rebuked those people.

"Beauty, do you have a boyfriend? If not, would you like to have one? If you have one, would you mind switching to one? If you do, would you like to have two." Those people didn't look at him at all, but looked at him. said Sun Wenwen.

When Sun Wenwen's boyfriend saw that they were teasing Sun Wenwen, he couldn't bear it any longer and walked directly to their table.

"Ding Hu, come back." Sun Wenwen hurriedly shouted.

But Ding Hu didn't move at all and had already walked to the opposite table.

"You must apologize to my girlfriend." Ding Hu looked at the four of them coldly.

"Hahahaha, what did you just say, you actually asked us to apologize, do you know who we are?" the man headed said with a big laugh.

"I don't care who you are, I have to apologize to my girlfriend." Ding Hu said again.

"Don't you just want to fight? If we fight, our Shenlong Martial Arts School has never been afraid." The man directly reported the name of his school. Usually, only they reported the name of their school, so no one would dare to provoke them. .

Shenlong Martial Arts School is a very famous martial arts school. It can be regarded as an undergraduate university. The people in Shenlong Martial Arts School have won the national martial arts championship many times.

They advocate martial arts, so there are constant fights in the school. As long as no weapons are used, the school does not care, but as long as someone uses weapons, they will definitely be expelled.

Although there are constant fights in the school, if someone dares to bully people in their school, the school is very united.

In general, no one dares to bully the people of Shenlong Martial Arts School, because the people of Shenlong Martial Arts School know martial arts, and no one can beat them even if they fight outside.

Because of this, ordinary people would immediately stay away as soon as they heard the reputation of the Shenlong Martial Arts School.

"I don't care what school you are from, you must apologize to my girlfriend." Ding Hu still looked cold.

The manager of the hot pot restaurant hurried over to see the situation here, "Brothers, don't be noisy, everyone is here to eat."

"Who is your brother?" The people from the Shenlong Martial Arts Academy glared.

"I'll ask you this meal today, don't be angry." The manager of the hot pot restaurant didn't want them to make trouble here.

"Go away." The people from Shenlong Martial Arts School scolded, "Is my father sending you money?"

"Several, I know you're not bad, but our hot pot restaurant is a small business, take a look." The manager of the hot pot restaurant said.

"I told you to get out." The person from the Shenlong Martial Arts School kicked the hot pot restaurant manager in the stomach and directly kicked the hot pot restaurant manager to the ground.

Seeing the fight, the people at the other tables all hid far away.

"Boy, do you want us to apologize now?" The people from the Shenlong Martial Arts Academy looked at Ding Hu playfully.

"Apologies." Ding Hu said coldly.

"Call me." The man in the lead shouted loudly, and then the man closest to Ding Hu kicked Ding Hu's stomach directly, exactly like the one he kicked the manager just now.

Seeing that the kick was about to kick Ding Hu's stomach, Xia Xia found that Sun Wenwen and the others didn't have the slightest worry on their faces.

Instead, Yuan Li looked excited.

I saw that Ding Hu grabbed the opponent's thigh with his left hand, and his right hand condensed a fist, hitting the opponent's thigh directly.

"Ah!" A scream came out of the opponent's mouth.

"You have two strokes, kid. Come on with me." The man in the lead shouted.

Then the four of them rushed towards Ding Hu together.

Ding Hu didn't have the slightest fear, and his shot was extremely fast.

"Brother-in-law, come on.

"Yuan Li shouted loudly.

"Be careful, don't hurt anyone." Sun Wenwen shouted.

Ding Hu is very good at using the battlefield. Although there are many people on the other side, as long as they are not allowed to stand up, no matter how many people there are, they can only watch from behind, so Ding Hu blocks their seats and does not give them a chance to stand up.

"It's amazing." Xia Xia said indifferently, using the terrain of the battlefield, this is not an ordinary person.

"Of course, the eldest brother-in-law came back as a soldier, and I heard that he is a special forces soldier." Yuan Li said excitedly.

Two minutes later, Ding Hu had knocked all of them to the ground, but the plates and beer bottles on their table also fell to the ground and shattered.

"Wait for me." The leader of the Shenlong Martial Arts School fled with a few others in embarrassment.

Seeing the debris all over the ground, the manager shook his head helplessly.

"Manager, I'll take care of that table." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You guys should go, they are from Shenlong Martial Arts School, and they will definitely come to retaliate against you." The manager reminded, obviously this kind of thing happens often here, and the people of Shenlong Martial Arts School are usually used to being overbearing.

"Why do you want to leave?" Ding Hu said very strongly, and sat down directly.

"Ding Hu, why don't we go." Sun Wenwen said, she was afraid that something would really happen for a while.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, it's what they caused. Isn't there a king's law?" Ding Hu said.

"People from Shenlong Martial Arts School fight all the year but their school has something to do with it, so even if they go in, they will come out soon, and they won't leave a criminal record." The manager reminded that Shenlong Martial Arts School had something to do with it. It's very close to Jianghai University and this hot pot restaurant, so the managers here know them well.

"Brother-in-law, why don't we go." Li Ying was also worried that there would be trouble in a while.

"It's too late." Xia Tian said lightly.

"What's too late?" Li Ying asked in confusion.

"They've come back," Xia Xia said.

"Where?" Several people looked at the door at the same time.

"It's almost at the door." Xia Xia said.

Everyone didn't understand how Xia Xia knew, but they all looked at the door worriedly.

The other party came back too quickly.

A minute later, more than a dozen people came to the door of the hot pot restaurant.

Malan looked at Xia Xia suspiciously, how Xia Xia knew that the other party was coming soon.

"It's him, the one who bullied our Shenlong Martial Arts School." The people who were beaten just now pointed at Ding Hu and shouted.

These people were all found from the surrounding restaurants. This is how Shenlong Martial Arts School is. As long as someone is bullied, as long as they shout around, those people from the Shenlong Martial Arts School who are eating nearby will immediately come out to help.

That's why they came back so quickly.