sit up 1

What kind of character is Yun Miao? She is recognized as the number one beauty by Jianghai University. When she heard this name, not only men, but even women all turned their attention to the door.

Yun Miao is a peerless beauty who can eat both men and women.

Even the people at the table in Xia looked towards the door. Although there were not many people in the canteen, everyone except Xia looked towards the door.

Next to Yun Miao was the quirky Ling'er, and the two of them didn't seem to notice the eyes around them.

Someone in the cafeteria has already started calling people or friends in their dormitory.

"I saw Yun Miao, she is in the cafeteria now, come quickly."

"What are you waiting for, she is more beautiful than the picture."

"Brothers, I will regret it for the rest of my life. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life."

The boys in the cafeteria have already started calling friends, and some even took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures. They had seen pictures of Yun Miao before, but now they are all unable to extricate themselves from seeing them with their own eyes.

This is the real goddess.

Ling'er glanced around, and then she was slightly taken aback, she saw a strange scene, there was a boy who didn't look at her senior sister, which made her very puzzled, and there were boys who were not interested in her senior sister.

Taking two steps forward, Linger felt that this person was very familiar, and after taking another two steps forward, Linger finally saw the appearance of this person clearly.

"Senior sister, she is the **** of basketball." Ling'er said lightly.

"En" Yun Miao was stunned for a moment, then followed Linger's gaze.

"Hey, boy from the nursing department, are you a man? It seems that you are the only one in this room who didn't go to see Yun Miao. She is a peerless beauty." Yuan Li glanced at Xia Xia and said, she was still complaining that Xia Xian didn't teach her Super invincible nirvana.

Only then did a few other people realize that Xia Xian actually bowed his head to eat there, and didn't even see Yun Miao at all.

Everyone looked at the summer curiously.

Ding Hu also looked at it just now, and he looked straight, but Sun Wenwen didn't mean to blame him at all, because Ding Hu's expression was just that of a normal person.

But summer is not normal.

"Senior sister, let's go and sit." Ling'er smiled slightly.

"Alright." Yun Miao nodded.

"Look, Yun Miao came over like me, wouldn't he want to fight a table with me?"

"You read it wrong, she came to me."

"Your eyes are not good, right? She obviously came to me."

In the summer, the boys on their right were almost quarreling.

"Hey, she seems to be heading towards us." Yuan Li was slightly taken aback.

"It seems to be true." Malan also nodded.

Only then did a few people realize that Yun Miao really seemed to be walking towards their table, and Xia Tian continued to eat without raising his head.

"You're a foodie, you know how to eat. The number one beauty of Jianghai University is coming to our table." Yuan Li said with dissatisfaction when she saw that she only knew how to eat in the summer.

Xia Tian didn't answer, but continued to eat with his head down.

Ma Lan looked at Xia Xia very puzzled, she never believed that any man would not be interested in Yun Miao, but Xia Xia was so calm, she would rather eat the braised pork in front of him than look at Yun Miao, just like the braised pork in front of him is more than Yun Miao Miao is more attractive.

"She seems to be really walking towards our table." Sun Wenwen was slightly taken aback.

"No way, is the number one beauty of Jianghai University going to fight with us?" Li Ying said with an incredible face. Although they were women, they could be regarded as Yun Miao's fans.

The people around were very excited to see Yun Miao walking here, but when Yun Miao passed by them, their hearts were lost again.

Originally, they knew it was impossible, but they really had fantasies just now.

"We have a table here." Ma Lan's face suddenly brightened, they all liked Yun Miao, but they couldn't get in touch with him at all.

Yun Miao and Linger came to their table in the summer, "Can I sit here?"

"Isn't there a place over there?" Xia Tian continued to eat the braised pork in front of him without raising his head.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the others wanted to strangle him to death.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, please take a seat." Yuan Li said hurriedly.

"Sit and sit, what do you want to eat, I'll order it." Li Ying said excitedly, this feeling was like a fan seeing his favorite singer in person.

"It's so beautiful." Ma Lan said with admiration. Although they had all seen pictures of Yun Miao, they only knew after seeing me today that I was much prettier than the pictures, even though she was always concerned about her appearance and skin. Very confident, but the moment she saw Yun Miao, she was also jealous of her beauty from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you." When Yun Miao said thank you, Li Ying and the others almost passed away happily.

Xia Xia didn't understand. They were also women, so why did they have so little resistance to Yun Miao.

There is no doubt about the beauty of Yunmiao. She is the most beautiful woman Xia Xia has ever seen, but she is also very dangerous. Xia Xia can't figure out their details at all, but she has sensed danger from them.

So Xia Tian didn't want to have too much communication with Yun Miao and Ling'er.

"Beauty, what do you want to eat, let's order it." Sun Wenwen asked.

"No need, these are enough." Yun Miao smiled slightly, and her smile attracted everyone present. Beauty, it was so beautiful, it was a complete mess.

She is completely male and Even Li Ying and other women are deeply attracted by her beauty.

"Hey, boy from the Nursing Department, what are you doing, how do you know how to eat? The one sitting next to you is the number one beauty in Jianghai University." Yuan Li said with great dissatisfaction, she was a big fan of Yunmiao.

"So what?" Summer said.

"How come you're an idiot? That's the number one beauty in Jianghai University. It's your blessing to see more." Yuan Li said angrily.

"She's not my wife, I see how lucky I am with her." Xia Xia was speechless.

"You" Yuan Li can't wait to kill Xia Xia.

The other girls also looked at Xia Xia with dissatisfaction, including Li Ying. Although she had a good relationship with Xia Xia, Xia Xia was too rude.

"You don't seem to welcome me very much." Yun Miao looked at Xia Xia and said.

"I'm not familiar with you, why should I welcome you." Xia Tian said without looking up.

"Stinky boy, what's your attitude?" The people at the next table finally couldn't get used to Xia Xia, and when something fell on the table, they pointed at Xia Xia and shouted.

"You must apologize to Yun Miao."

"Yes, you must apologize, otherwise you will never get out of here today."

"He actually dared to talk to Yun Miao like that. If you don't apologize, everyone will clean him up."

The people around who thought they were righteous all came up one by one, looking at Xia Xia menacingly.