just shameless

Those people seemed to be eating Xia Xia alive, Xia Tian dared to treat their goddess with this attitude.

"What are you doing? Do you have the right to speak here?" Linger got upset, stood up and shouted to the people around her.

Who is Linger? She is Yun Miao's best friend. The two of them are inseparable every day. As soon as she speaks, those people don't know what to say. They just thought they were the righteous one.

But the Linger family is the real guardian of Yunmiao.

All the people who were shouting to dispose of Xia Xia just now sat back one by one, but they didn't dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction, for fear of leaving a bad impression on the goddess.

"Have a meal, what are you calling, my flesh is scared." Xia Xia looked at Ling'er dissatisfied.

"You are such a good-hearted person. I speak for you, but you still blame me." Ling'er glanced at Xia Xia, and then a smile appeared on her face, "Forget it, who made you so handsome, I forgive you."

Ling'er's words made everyone at the table stunned.

After Xia Xian finished talking just now, they all thought that Linger would get angry and scold Xia Xia, because Linger was really speaking for him, but he actually blamed Linger for a piece of meat.

But the final result left them completely speechless.

Linger actually said to forgive Xia Xia, and the reason was that Xia Xia was handsome.

"Boy from the Nursing Department, aren't you just pale and your skin is better? I really don't see how handsome you are. Just now, people were talking for you, but you actually talked to them just for a piece of meat." Yuan Li always couldn't see it. Getting used to summer, so he spoke for Linger.

"I forbid you to say that to him." Ling'er looked at Yuan Li aggressively.

Hearing Ling'er's words, Yuan Li was also confused, she was clearly speaking for her, but she actually murdered herself.

"What are you calling, she is my friend." Xia Xia shouted at Ling'er.

Li Ying and others have been completely confused. Now the atmosphere on the table is not right, and the relationship network seems to be a little messy. Linger speaks for Xia Xia, but Xia Xia complains about Linger, Yuan Li speaks for Linger, and Linger complains about Yuan Li, Linger started out for Xia Xia, but Xia Xia complained again.

Chaos, too chaotic.

A few of them were a little dizzy and couldn't understand what was going on.

"Are you free at night?" Yun Miao asked Xia Xia.

"What are you trying to do, I'm very pure. I admit that I'm very handsome, and I'll make women look at it and want to push it down, but I'm a very conservative person. I've never been a showman, I just want to be a quiet person. A beautiful man." Xia Xia covered her upper body with both hands and looked at Yun Miao vigilantly.

"I just wanted to chat with you." Yun Miao said.

Li Ying and other women have already been overwhelmed by Xia Xia's shameless momentum, and they have begun to admire Xia Xia a little.

"Talk about it, I understand, you must want to use this method to ask me out, and then say it's cold, let me give you the clothes, and finally you will say that it's too late to go back to the dormitory, and then let me open a room with you , this is your plan, right, I tell you, I'm not that kind of person, my resistance is very poor, you just need to tell me the house number." Xia Xia said seriously.

At the beginning of summer, it can be said to be shameless, but the second half of the sentence is completely the essence of shameless.

He's going to be shameless to the end.

Yun Miao didn't speak, just smiled slightly.

Li Ying and the four girls all gave a thumbs up to Xia Xia and admired them. Their admiration for Xia Xia was no longer there.

Even Yuan Li, who had been talking back to Xia Xia, stopped talking. She was finally defeated by Xia Xia. She didn't expect people to be shameless to this level.

"It's the first time I've seen someone who can be so shameless. I admire it." Yuan Li praised.

"According to ancient books, shameless people live longer." Xia Xia said.

"What kind of ancient book did you record that? I really can't accept it. I want to be ashamed and live a long life. A few days ago, the fortune-teller said that I had a hurdle when I was one hundred and thirty-five years old." Yuan Li said the meaning of this sentence It means to live a long life.

"What's the matter, the grave was dug up?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.


"Boy in the nursing department, I'm going to kill you." Yuan Li shouted at Xia Xia angrily.

Seeing the outbreak of Yuan Li in the summer, she didn't dare to stay for a long time, so she ran out. Yun Miao looked at Li Ying and the others, "Thank you for your hospitality, I'll leave first."

"Sister Miao, wait for me." Ling'er also chased out.

at the same time.

"Director, received information that a master of Quicksand entered Jianghai City."

"Who is it? Do you have any specific information?" Ye Wanqing asked.

"I don't know, the other party is very secretive, and all the people he followed were killed."

"Tell all departments to step up their vigilance and keep everyone on guard. Since the Hidden Bat was injured by Master Fan Zhuang, there has been no quicksand master in Jianghai for a long time." Ye Wanqing frowned.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

After that person left Ye Wanqing's office, Ye Wanqing made a phone call.

"Summer, where are you?"

"I'm at Jianghai University."

"Be careful recently, there are masters of quicksand breaking into the river and sea."


Xia Xia stood there after hanging up the phone. He knew that what was supposed to come was finally coming. The strong enemy that Bai Yu mentioned should be the master of Quicksand, but he didn't expect that the other party would come so quickly.

If he hadn't mastered every inch now, he really wouldn't have the confidence to face that master of quicksand.

From Bai Yu's words, Xia Xia understood that the opponent was definitely a Xuan-level master, and Xia Xia had no experience in fighting against Xuan-level masters~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although Xie Xiaofeng was also a Xuan-level master, Xie Xiaofeng was directly fooled by his forged strength. He stopped, and Bai Yu didn't show his full strength when he was fighting with him.

The way he won the island nation's Jōnin depended on his perspective, and it didn't count.

So strictly speaking, this quicksand master should be the first Huaxia Xuan-level master he has fought against.

Now that he received news from his aunt, he knew that the master of quicksand must have come for him.

"Hey, wait for me." Yun Miao followed from behind.

"What are you doing with me?" Xia Xia looked at Yun Miao in confusion.

"Sister Miao, wait for me." Ling'er followed from behind.

"Linger, go back first, I have something to do with him." Yun Miao looked at Linger and said.

"Ah, what can you do with him? I don't trust you. He is so lustful, and he hooks up with little girls everywhere. What if he has **** for you." Ling'er looked at Yun Miao worriedly.

"Hey, hey, have you made a mistake, I'm such a pure person, you actually said that I hooked up with little girls everywhere." Xia Xia responded with great dissatisfaction.

"Ye Qingxue, Bing Xin, Tang Yan, Yang Bugui, Li Ying, Lin Bingbing, Zeng Rou." Linger kept reciting her name.

"Stop" Xia Tian turned to look at Ling'er, "You investigate me."

"No, I'm just following you." Ling'er shook her head.