The legend of the summer dragon

Ling'er said it very casually. She was clearly following Xia Xia, but she could be so calm in the face of Xia Xia.

"Follow me" Xia Xia frowned, he never noticed Linger following him.

"You are very stupid. Every time I follow you, I am very close to you, but you just can't find me." Ling'er said triumphantly.

Xia Xia opened her clairvoyant again and looked at Linger, but she still couldn't see through. Xia Xia was sure that her clairvoyance was definitely not ineffective, but she just couldn't see through Linger's clothes.

His see-through eyes were blocked outside that layer of clothing.

"Well, you win." Xia Tian was speechless, he had to admit that Ling'er's tracking ability really defeated him.

"Linger, go back, trust me." Yun Miao looked at Linger and said seriously.

Seeing Yun Miao's appearance, Ling'er could only pouted, "Okay."

But Linger immediately turned to look at Xia Xia, "Although you are handsome, if you dare to bully Sister Miao, I will definitely beat you."

Ling'er looked at the summer aggressively.

"Uh," Xia Tian was slightly taken aback, "Did you make a mistake, she insisted on going with me, not what I wanted to take her for."

"I don't care, anyway, if Sister Miao has something to do, I'll beat you up." Ling'er said domineeringly.

"Okay, I'll endure it." Xia Xia could only endure it, and he might not be able to beat Ling'er if he fought.

Yun Miao and Ling'er felt very strange to Xia Xia. It was a kind of unknown. Although he was about to face a mysterious master, he was only excited, without any fear.

But Yun Miao and Ling'er gave him an unknown feeling.

So I don't want to take risks in summer.

"Come with me." Yun Miao said.

"Of course I would like to be accompanied by a beautiful woman." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Linger, don't follow, you know I can find you." Yun Miao reminded.

"Oh." Ling'er said very aggrieved.

Yun Miao walked quietly, Xia Xia followed behind, neither of them said a word, they just walked quietly, and gradually the two walked out of Jianghai University, but they still didn't speak.

"I know you have a torn scroll on your body." Yun Miao finally spoke.

The first sentence she said made Xia Xia stunned. Yun Miao was right. The Scroll of Tongtian was indeed on him, but he couldn't admit it, otherwise there would be endless trouble. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I didn't mean to rob it, I just reminded you to protect that thing." Yun Miao reminded, "It was taken back by your father with his life."

"You know my father" Xia Xia frowned.

"I don't know, but I have heard stories about him since I was a child. My master said he was a heartless man, but my master never hated him." Yun Miao said as he walked, "I have heard many stories about him, Those stories had a deep impact on me too."

"Tell me." Xia Xia said lightly, he knew very little about his father.

"His name is Xia Xia Long. He is the youngest prefecture-level expert. At the age of 20, he traverses the whole of China, and is called Xiyin." When he said this, Yun Miao paused, "There are four major masters in China. It is Dongweng Jiang Wenshan, he should be in his 70s this year; Xiyin is Xia Xialong, your father; Nansha is called Wei Guang, he is the leader of Quicksand, he is one year older than your father; Bing Dehuai, a marshal of Huaxia, is as old as Dongweng."

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded, silently remembering these names.

"Your father was very romantic when he was young. It's very similar to you, and he messes with flowers everywhere." Yun Miao smiled slightly.

"Hey, it's better not to do it with me." Xia Tian was speechless for a while.

"There are three of your father's most classic battles, the first is the battle of the Xia family, which is also his battle to become famous; the second is the battle of the hidden door, which established his status in the arena; the third is the point It was the battle of Cangshan that he died." Yun Miao seemed to regard Xia Xia as a person to talk to. For so many years, she had been listening to her master tell stories about Xia Xialong.

Today she finally

It can be told to others, and this person is still the son of Xia Xialong.

"Diancangshan." Xia Xia remembered this place name.

"The battle of Xia Xialong's fame is the battle against the Xia family in the capital, which is your clan." Yun Miao said.

"My clan" Xia Xia looked at Yun Miao suspiciously.

"Yes, you are the descendant of the Xia family in Jingjing, but they should not admit your existence. Your father has been pushed out by the family since your grandfather disappeared, and finally kicked out of the Xia family. The day your father left the Xia family. Standing at the door of Xia's house and shouting, one day I will definitely call back." Yun Miao seemed to be telling a legend.

"When your father was nineteen years old, he returned to the Xia family. In that battle, your father even fought against the seven elders of the Xia family. In the end, he left four big characters on the plaque of the Xia family. That's all. Those four characters have no one so far. Dare to wipe it off, that's also the shame of the Xia family." Yun Miao paused and continued, "That battle shocked the entire capital, because your father defeated the seven elders of the Xia family with a prefecture-level cultivation base, UU reading www.uukanshu .com immediately became the top player in China."

"Xia family, hehe." Xia Xia smiled coldly, he knew that things would never be so simple.

"The second thing is the Hidden Gate War. Hidden Gate is a mysterious place. For ordinary people in China, it is definitely a forbidden place. It is the most mysterious place in China. It gathers the strongest group in China. People." Yun Miao said lightly, "There are seven sects and twelve sects, there is a martial arts paradise, and there are countless masters."

"You're also a hidden person," Xia Xia asked.

"Yes." Yun Miao nodded.

"You continue." Xia Xia said.

"The cause of the Hidden Sect battle was the fragment of the sky in your hand. You should know Ye Wanqing's identity," Yun Miao said.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"At that time, she was a member of the Special Operations Department. The Ye family has always been in charge of the Special Operations Department and the Dragon Group. She pursued your father at that time. Although your father did not agree, your father recognized her as his sister. Once During the mission, she was responsible for escorting the fragments of the sky, but she was robbed by the masters in the hidden door, and was severely injured." Yun Miao glanced at Xia Xia and continued, "Your father rushed to the crown and turned into a red face, so he killed it alone. Going to Taishanmen, the most classic sentence he said at that time was that all you brought here will get out of here."

When it came to this, Yun Miao was actually a little embarrassed, but those words were indeed said by Xia Xia's father himself.