see you again

"I'll go first." Lin Bingbing was a little embarrassed. When she remembered how tightly she hugged Xia Xia just now, she felt her face heat up. She had never hugged another man before.

"Sister Jinghua, don't go. I'm a sick patient and I need someone to take care of me." Xia Xia said in a weak voice. He pretended to be pitiful and his voice trembled, as if he was about to die.

"One of the sick patients is a four-timer, and a boy flies out of bed. Some of them have scuds." Lin Bingbing glared at Xia Xia and walked out of the ward directly.

"I'm leaving too." Bai Yiyi was frightened just now, and she never knew what she had caught, but now she has realized what she caught, and it was the lifeblood of Xia Xia.

Thinking of this, Bai Yiyi felt even more embarrassed.

Bai Yiyi ran straight out of the ward.

"Let's go anyway, I'm the only one left." Xia Xia said depressedly.

Being bored, Xia Xia brought up that little tripod, and a bunch of things he stole from that senior brother just now.

"I was going to find these guys, but I didn't expect them to come to my door." Xia Xian rummaged through the pile of things.

Summer picked up a paper bag.

After opening the paper bag, I saw a dry grass in the summer.

"What kind of grass has I never seen before?" Xia Tian smelled it, but there was only a faint fragrance.

Xia Xia picked up another piece of old yellow paper, which recorded some methods of controlling ghosts, as well as some things about the Witch Gu Sect, but there were two things that caught Xia Xia's attention the most.

The first thing is the use of the grass, and the second thing is about the opening of the treasure house on the night of the full moon on August 15. "It seems that the profession of thief is really a good way to get rich."

I am very interested in these two things in summer. That grass is called Soul Gathering Grass, which is a treasure for improving spiritual power. However, this herb is too negative to take it directly, otherwise it will be hurt by Yin Qi.

If it could be taken directly, the senior would have eaten it long ago.

As for the opening of the treasure house, Xia Xia was even more interested. According to the records above, the treasure house contained the secret techniques of the Witch Gu sect, and there were also many treasures of the Witch Gu sect.

"The biggest drawback of this thing is that it is strong negative, which can be fatal to others, but I want to try it." Xia Xia secretly said that he has the ancient Buddha relic in his body, which is the most masculine thing, so He didn't need to look for an adjuvant at all.

In the summer, take that grass directly.

"Oh, I'll go." Xia Tian felt a chill in his body, which must have come too quickly.

His body was getting colder and colder, as if it was over thirty degrees below zero and he was standing outside naked.

"Damn, it's freezing me to death."

At this moment, a warm current rose up from the dantian in Summer. Soon, Xia Xian's body returned to its original state. Five minutes later, the abnormality on Xia Xian's body completely disappeared.

"The mental state is very good, and the effect is so obvious." Xia Tian directly opened the fluoroscopy eye, and his vision penetrated the door of the ward, continued to extend, and then penetrated the door on the first floor to see the situation in the ward opposite.

There were no patients in that ward, and the lights were off, but there was a doctor and a nurse in it. As for what they were doing, I didn't continue to see them in the summer.

"The penetrating power of the clairvoyant eye is actually more than twice as strong as before. The effect of the soul gathering grass is really good." Xia Xia was extremely excited.

He had always wanted to find a way to increase his mental power, but no matter what he did, he couldn't find any way, but now a single soul gathering grass has doubled his ability to see through.

"Looks like I'm really going to see that treasure trove after August 15th." Xia Xia secretly thought.

How could he miss such a good thing, and he also planned to go out to find this kind of soul gathering grass.

"Huh" Xia Tian, ​​who was experimenting with clairvoyance, suddenly saw an acquaintance.

dong dong dong

"Come in." Xia Xia looked at the door and said.

It was Bai Yu who came in. In the blink of an eye, Bai Yu, who had just entered the ward, came.

"It doesn't matter what you look like."

"I can't die yet," Xia Xia said.

"Your life is really big, you can survive the attack of the black tiger and the sniper." Bai Yu nodded in appreciation.

"Do you know someone who is going to kill me?" Xia Xia asked.

"Of course I know. Heihu is a special killer in the quicksand. Along with him, he is also a retired super gunman among the international mercenaries. This is the first time the two of them have lost their cooperation over the years." Bai Yu said.

"You seem to know quicksand very well, and you reminded me that the killer should be the one named Heihu." Xia Xia said.

"Yes." Bai Yu nodded.

"Who exactly are you?" Xia Xia asked Bai Yu, but he immediately said again, "Don't talk about it, I don't want to know."

"Are you interested in comparing the speed again?" Bai Yu didn't say his identity.

"Okay." Xia Xia squeezed with both hands, and all the mummy equipment on his body was torn by him. Then he put on the hospital uniform in front of the bed and walked out of the ward with Bai Yu.

"Let's run," Xia Tian asked.

"Let's go." Bai Yu and Xia Xia rushed forward together.

Xia Xian's footsteps are full of clouds, and he rushes straight forward.

This time, Bai Yu seems to have deliberately slowed down the to keep parallel with Xia Xia. Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu, and he found that Bai Yu was actually floating. Xian Xian's walking in the clouds relies on change and speed, but Bai Yu It is actually floating.

His body was as light as a feather, and every time he landed, his toes were a little bit, and then the whole person floated up.

The last time he competed with Bai Yu in speed, Bai Yu disappeared in a flash, but this time Bai Yu deliberately slowed down, so he could see clearly.

"How can your body be so light?" Xia Xia said while running.

"You can also try." Bai Yu smiled slightly.

Xia Xia also imitated Bai Yu's appearance, with a little toes.


Xia Tian's body lay directly on the ground, "I've got a slot, you play with me."

"Idiot, you've been using the Manyun Immortal Step to run, and it's no wonder that you don't fall down." Bai Yu looked at Xia Xia with a smile.

"You're too embarrassed to laugh." Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu angrily.

"You picked up your leg before it was broken. Use the Manyun Immortal Step to stop forcibly. Normally, your bones may be broken. Fortunately, your body is strong, otherwise I will carry you to the hospital on your back. Yes." Bai Yu said.

"You didn't tell me again." Xia Xia stood up and continued to run forward. With a little toes, he really floated forward three meters.

"Hahahaha." Bai Yu couldn't bear it any longer and laughed directly.