Jiang Tianshu moved

"Laugh, keep laughing, laugh to death." Xia Xia glared at Bai Yu.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back, you are too funny, you floated three meters just now, and you actually showed a complacent expression." Bai Yu said with a smile, "Let me explain it to you, I have seen ordinary middle school students. You can jump three meters."

Xia Xia finally understood why Bai Yu laughed at him, "Cut, I'll try again."

Xia Xian exhausted his strength and jumped out directly. This time he jumped five meters.

"Hahaha, I beg you, don't you jump, okay?" Bai Yu's graceful appearance had long since disappeared, and she turned back and forth with a complete laugh.

"Hey, don't you have to laugh so exaggeratedly." Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly.

"I laughed so hard, just like you, even if you cultivate to the Earth level, you can't fly." Bai Yu sorted out his expression.

"I watched all the heroes on TV fly like this." Xia Xia said.

"They are tied with ropes, do you have them too?" Bai Yu looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"It doesn't seem to be." Xia Xia said embarrassedly.

"If you want to learn to fly, you must first forget your fairy walk with clouds. Don't want to run without learning to walk. After you learn to fly, you can slowly add the fairy walk with clouds." Bai Yu said lightly.

"How can I float up?" Xia Tian asked.

"The movement technique can be divided into four realms. The first realm is your brainless running now," Bai Yu said.

Xia Xia looked at Bai Yu with contempt.

"The second realm is floating. It's actually very simple to float. Just transfer the internal force to your feet and rush forward. Don't jump up." Bai Yu said again.

"The third realm is flying. This flying is not flying in the air like an airplane, but an evolutionary version of floating. Every time you use strength, you can float in the air for a long time. The highest level of this realm is that you can use strength to step on a feather. ." Bai Yu said.

"The fourth realm is flying with the sword. This only appears in legends, because only the sky-level masters can fly with the sword." Bai Yu said.

"I'll give it a try." Xia Xia's inner strength was transferred to his feet. He didn't think about walking in the clouds for a while, and then jumped forward with one foot.

This time, the summer floated a full ten meters.

Bai Yu looked at Xia Xia with surprise, "You have learned it before"

"No." Xia Tian replied.

"Your talent is too strong." Bai Yu looked at Xia Xia and said that when he learned to float, it took him ten days to float ten meters.

"Haha." Xia Xia scratched his head in embarrassment.

"You use this method to run back and try." Bai Yu said lightly.

The two of them floated back like this. It was the first time he practiced floating in the summer, and he didn't grasp the trick at all, so the physical exertion was very large, but the speed was not as fast as Manyun Xianbu, but he knew that as long as he learned this floating well, the speed would be certain. It will be stronger than the ordinary Manyun Xianbu.

When I got home, Summer was out of breath.

"When you come this time, someone is going to kill me again." Xia Xia asked while lying on the ground.

"No, the super killer of Quicksand is not Chinese cabbage. If one dies, Quicksand must take it seriously." Bai Yu said.

"That's good." Summer nodded.

At the same time another place.

"Young Master Jiang, everything is arranged." Yu He gently shook the fan in his hand.

"Okay, inform the three guys that they must not provoke that summer recently. I will deal with him after I have dealt with these things first." Jiang Tianshu nodded.

"Actually, we can do it at the same time." Yu Crane said again.

"No, I want to come bit by bit. No one dares to resist me in Jianghai City. The forces of the Huo family and Ma Yongzhen must be eliminated." Jiang Tianshu said viciously.

In the fire house.

"Master, we got the exact news that Jiang Tianshu is going to take action against you and Ma Yongzhen."

"Jiang Tianshu really thought I didn't dare to touch him anymore. Although my Huo family doesn't have the 100,000 members it used to have, the power is no less than before. If it's a big deal, the fish will die and the net will be broken."

Not small.

"Master, Ma Yongzhen is here."

"Let him in." said Mr. Huo.

"Master Huo, I'm here to see you." Brother Xiao Ma walked in with a smile on his face.

"You still have the heart to laugh." Mr. Huo said dissatisfiedly.

"Are you afraid?" Brother Ma asked.

"I've never been afraid." Mr. Huo said angrily.

"But I'm afraid." Brother Ma said.

"There are times when you are still afraid" Huo Laoyeye smiled and looked at Brother Xiao Ma, "When you single-handedly selected me twelve times, I have never seen you afraid."

"The situation is different now. Although I still have the title of gangster on my head, I haven't had a hand with anyone for two years, and I've already cleaned up." Brother Xiao Ma said.

"Although I have also been whitewashed, the dead camel is bigger than a horse. There are quite a few people in my Huo family," said Mr. Huo.

"We can't fight him. You should know that he is the son of Yinmen. Once you offend him, all the experts of Yinmen will be dispatched. There are dozens, hundreds of Xuan-level experts, how many people in your Huo family are enough to kill. "The little brother asked.

Mr. Huo kept silent, he knew that Brother Xiao Ma was right.

"What do you say, do you just see your power being disintegrated like this?" Mr. Huo asked.

"Jiang Tianshu likes the sense of accomplishment the most~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then we will give it to him." Brother Xiaoma said.

"Hey," Mr. Huo sighed and said, "Where are you going?"

"Yunhai City, I still have some relationships there, so it should be no problem to protect myself." Brother Ma said.

"Okay then, I'll ask someone to pack up and go with you." said Mr. Huo.

"This is the best, but it must be fast. You must leave before dawn. The people on this list have already been controlled by Jiang Tianshu. You must not disturb them." Ma Yongzhen put a list on Mr. Huo's table. .

Seeing the names on the list, Mr. Huo shook his head and smiled wryly. If it wasn't for this list from Brother Ma, he might have really fallen for it.

"In summer, I'm leaving Jianghai City."

"Brother Ma, what's the matter?"

"I'm fine, but you must be careful, Jiang Tianshu won't let you go so easily."

"It's Jiang Tianshu again, don't go, little brother, I'll kill him in a while."

"Don't be impulsive, you must remember that Jiang Tianshu can't kill, I will go to Yunhai, if you can't escape Jiang Tianshu, come to Yunhai to find me."

Brother Ma hung up the phone.

"What, encountered difficulties?" Bai Yu looked at Xia Tian with a smile.

"Do you know where that Jiang Tianshu came from?" Xia Xia asked Bai Yu, looking at him.