
"I'll go." Seeing the small words in the lower right corner, the chief sighed.

Everyone else in the cabin was stunned by Summer, who in their eyes had turned into a superhero.

The beautiful flight attendant who was rescued by Xia Xia just now had completely forgotten her fear, and looked at Xia Xia with admiration on her face, with red hearts in her eyes.

"He's actually so powerful." Female star Yang Ziqi thought to herself.

Just when everyone was wondering why the summer didn't move, the radio rang "It seems that you are not being honest, I warn you, as long as I pull the trigger in my hand, you are all dead, and I have installed it on the plane. bomb."

Hearing his words, everyone's hearts were suspended again.

But they discovered a very strange thing, summer actually aimed the gun at the wall of the cockpit.

"What is he doing?" the chief asked in confusion.

"Sir, he seems to be shooting," said the skinny man.


Fatty slapped him, "You sb, is he like that? He just wants to shoot."

"Summer, don't mess around." the chief shouted.

But Xia Xia ignored him, and the gun continued to search.

"Summer, I order you, come back to me, let's study it carefully." The chief shouted again.

bang bang bang

When a series of gunshots came, everyone was stunned. He actually dared to shoot.

Seeing him shoot, the brigade commander of the Southeast Military Region finally understood the meaning of the line in the lower right corner.

A series of bullets penetrated the thick wall, and through the wall, directly penetrated the bodies of the two robbers. The two of them did not expect that Xia Xia would really dare to shoot, and they still shot blind guns through a door. .

Those two people just happened to stand in a row, which also gave summer a perfect opportunity.

In fact, Xia Xian had already observed the situation inside with his clairvoyant. He also used clairvoyance to take down the first-class cabin. He first locked the positions of those people, and after entering, he could accurately find the other party's position and open it. gun.

The head of "Blind Gun" was stunned. Xia Tian actually fired a blind gun, and the cockpit door was opened, which proved that he succeeded.

"Is this the power of special forces?"

The people in the cabin were completely stunned. It has to be said that Xia Xia's two hands completely stunned them. In their hearts, they already imagined the special forces as a symbol of invincibility. The brigade commander of the Southeast Military Region did not explain.

If everyone in the special forces is really like Xia Xia, then Hua Xia's army is really impeccable.

But it's okay to misunderstand like them, because this way you can leave this kind of misunderstanding in the hearts of the people, and everyone can trust the country's military more in the future.

The special forces were originally the face of the army, and Xia Xia interprets this face very well.

"One minute is up." Xia Xia said.

Only then did the brigade commander of the Southeast Military Region understand what Xia Xia meant by one minute just now. His one minute was to solve the battle in one minute, and he really did it.

"Thank you so much." The captain held Xia Xia's hand and said excitedly.

This hijacking incident was resolved by Xia Xia in this way. Although one person died, it is better than death. The rest will be handed over to the police below.

"Let's die together." Just when everyone was excited, the robber leader shouted angrily, and at the same time he pressed the time bomb in his hand.

"Oops." Xia Xia frowned. He knew that he was careless, but he forgot that there were time bombs on the plane.

"Look, let's find out together, where is the time bomb?" the commander of the military region shouted.

"No need, I found it." Xia Xia looked at the location of the bathroom.

Walking to the bathroom, six liquid time bombs appeared in Xia's hands, and the time on it was less than five minutes.

"Can someone defuse bombs?" asked the chief of the military region.

There was silence in the cabin.

"I have a way."

Summer suddenly said.

"What way?" the head of the military region hurriedly asked.

"Open the cabin and throw the bomb out," Xia Xia said.

"No, once the cabin door is opened, the air flow outside will **** everyone out, and the change in the air flow is so great that it's easy for the liquid bomb to explode directly." The captain said hurriedly.

"Let everyone fasten their seat belts, and I'll throw them away," Xia Xia said.

"No, in this case, you will be sucked out." said the chief of the military region.

"It's too late to think about it, everyone fasten their seat belts and hold on to what they can hold around them." Xia Xia looked at the captain and continued, "Find me a rope, or something related to the rope, the more the better, fast."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the captain hurried to the warehouse.

Two minutes later, they found more than ten ropes, all of which were very strong, prepared in case of an accident on the plane.

"Hang the ends of the ropes in different directions, and they must be strong." Xia Xia said that the ends of these ropes are all hooked.

Xia Tian used ropes to tie himself firmly, and more than ten ropes were all tied to him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" the commander of the military region asked Xia Xia.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

The commander of the "Salute" military region shouted loudly. He and the two Shenma brothers saluted Xia Xia at the same time, and Xia Xian also saluted them. At the same time, everyone in the cabin stood up and saluted Xia Xia at the same time.

"Summer, you are the pride of Huaxia, you are a hero, if you can survive, I will invite you to drink." The head of the military region held the hand on Xiaxia's You have made an appointment. Xia Xia smiled slightly, then turned to look at the captain. "You must remember that you can only open half of it, and then immediately close the hatch. "

"Then what do you do?" the captain asked.

"Don't worry about me, you have to remember, be fast." Xia Xia said, the liquid bomb is afraid of shaking, so Xia Xia must hold it firmly, otherwise if it explodes at the door, the whole plane will be over.

"Take care," said the chief of the military region.

"Huh" Xia Tian let out a long breath.

The stewardess ran to Xia Xia's side, hugged Xia Xia's neck directly, and kissed Xia Xia's lips with her jade lips. When they saw such a scene, everyone was stunned, "I will marry you if you survive. ."

"Sit back." Xia Xia smiled slightly. He knew how dangerous this matter was. The chance of his death was as high as 80%, but he just wanted to do it.

"Everyone, please pay attention, the hatch is about to open, everyone, please fasten your seat belts." The captain said using the broadcast.

Xia Xia looked at the bomb in his hand and clenched his fist. He had only one chance, and that was to throw the bomb out at the moment when the plane was at its fastest speed, so that both himself and the plane could escape the explosion range of the bomb.

There is only one minute left on the bomb.

The door of the cabin opened slowly, Xia Xia only felt a strong suction force coming, and then he was taken away.