really fly

Although Xia Xia had already made preparations, he did not expect that the suction force would be so strong. What he can do now is to protect the liquid, body, bombs, and bombs so that they do not explode. The hatch is already closed.

"No, there will definitely be a strong vibration when the rope ends." Xia Xia secretly thought, he threw the bomb behind him without hesitation.


A heat wave hit, and Xia Tian's body was blown away.

"Ah" The people in the cabin saw the situation outside through the window. They knew that the plane was saved, they were saved, but Xia Xia's situation was not good at all. That powerful explosive force blew Xia Xia's body away.

"He is our hero." The chief of the military region stood up and saluted outside the window.

Tears flowed from the flight attendant's eyes, and the female star Yang Ziqi beside her embraced her and patted her with her hands.

Everyone thinks that summer is sure to die.

The captain walked out from the front and returned the box and jade to the military chief and actress Yang Ziqi respectively.

"Let us all observe a moment of silence for him." The captain closed his eyes.

Everyone closed their eyes and mourned for the summer.

"Look, he's not dead." Someone suddenly shouted.

This sentence was like a bomb. Everyone looked out the window, only to see the summer outside holding the rope with both hands, as if it were flying.

"Really, look, he is really alive." Female star Yang Ziqi said to the flight attendant.

At this time, the summer is not feeling well. At the moment of the explosion just now, his body was swept away by the heat wave. The powerful explosive force made him dizzy, but at the last moment, the fairy step under his feet could not help but use it. Now, and still an inch, he took advantage of the heat wave to fly over a thousand meters in an instant.

Although his back was blown open, his life was finally saved.

But the feeling of being suspended in the air is really bad. The speed of the plane is too fast. Xia Xia has already hit the surface of the plane, and his face is attached to the outer surface of the plane.

"I'll go, it's too exciting." Xia Xia's body was dangling in the air.

Xia Xia didn't feel good. Because of the speed, his body was aching from the wind, and there was a burning sensation on his back.

"Grandma, if it goes on like this, he will surely die." Xia Xia knows that although his body is much stronger than ordinary people, he is only a flesh and blood. If this continues, he will surely die.

It's high in the sky and the air pressure is so high that it's hard for him to even breathe.

"Captain, immediately contact the nearest airport and request an emergency landing," said the chief of the military region.

"Okay, I'll go right now." The captain said hurriedly.

"No, you can't make an emergency landing. I still have important business to discuss." Someone suddenly said.

"What did you say?" The head of the military region looked at the man angrily.

"What are you doing?" The man looked at the head of the military region in horror, "You soldiers can't bully others."

"Do you still have a conscience? If he hadn't saved us, we would all be dead now." One person stood up.

"I don't care, I have to sit somewhere, I have a very important business to discuss over there." The other party said.

"Skinny." The commander of the military region shouted, and then sat down.

The thin man walked directly to the man, and then punched him on the chin, knocking him unconscious with one punch. "Chief, he agreed."

"Okay, now everyone agrees, and immediately find the nearest airport to land." The commander of the military region shouted.

The captain quickly ran back, "I have been contacted. The nearest airport is about ten minutes away from here, and it is ready. The special police and emergency personnel will arrive at the destination soon."

Everyone looked at the thin man with admiration.

"You must persevere," said the chief of the military region.

Xia Xia has now mastered some rules. When the airflow hits, he must use his legs to resist the strong force of hitting the plane.

After the airflow disappeared, he had to breathe heavily.

"If only I could fly." Xia Xia felt in her heart

the way.

When Fei Xia thought of this place, she stepped into the air with her feet.

"No, there is nothing to borrow, and the speed is too fast." Summer did not succeed.


It was another powerful blow of the air current, and Xia Tian felt like his bones were about to fall apart.

"Fight." Xia Xian stepped on the plane hard with his feet, and then walked with his legs in the air. What he was doing was Manyun Xianbu. At this time, he closed his eyes and imagined that there was a road under his feet.


"Successful." When Xia Xian opened his eyes, his feet had already stepped on the front of the plane, and his legs exerted force again, continuing to use the method just now, to step on the sky with a fairy step.

This summer, he appeared behind the plane, like he was on a swing.

However, his posture on the swing looked extremely graceful, as if he was a fairy from the sky, stepping on the fairy steps of the clouds under his feet.

"Look, he seems to be flying." Someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at Xia Xia. His current posture really seemed to be flying. He flew from the front of the hatch to the back, and then from the back to the front. The posture was like that of a fairy.

"It's coming, it's coming, you must hold on." said the leader of the military region.

"Don't worry about anything." The beautiful flight attendant Xia Tian can no longer feel his legs at all, and his perception seems to have disappeared, but his subconscious is still casting clouds. Immortal steps, the body kept changing from the front and rear of the hatch.

"It hurts so much, I really want to die." Xia Xia felt as if his body was about to fall apart, and the pain was even greater than when he was fighting the Xuan-level master of quicksand.

"No, I can't die." Xia Xia's eyes suddenly opened, and her eyes were filled with determination. At this moment, she felt that the plane was slowing down, and it seemed that it was about to land.

"It's finally about to land." Xia Xia's body tumbled in the air, and then forcibly settled on the plane.

The plane landed slowly.

Due to inertia, Xia Xia's body also slammed into the thick skin of the plane. When the plane stopped, the door opened directly, and everyone rushed off the plane. The ambulance personnel had already started to untie Xia Xia's rope, and the special police Get on the plane and catch those gangsters.

"It's great that you didn't die." Tears of happiness flowed from the beautiful flight attendant's eyes. She hugged Xia Xia directly, and Xia Xia's body was paralyzed in her arms.

"I knew you wouldn't die." The head of the military region also had tears in his eyes, but he still held it back.

"I want to drink the wine you invited"


Before Xia Xia's words were finished, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and then the whole person fell straight down.