summer performance

What she wants to test in the summer is not just cross-country ability. Cross-country ability can be trained through hard work, but the ability to observe the battlefield and analyze the surrounding terrain is a must for the sniper.

She had people buried a lot of landmines on this mountain, and there were booby-trapped mines. Booby-trapped mines were the type of grenade with a rope tied to it, but the rope was only one of them.

What is buried here is not real, but a special mine for exercises, but as long as Xia Tian stepped on it, it means that his assessment is over.


This is her real assessment of summer.

Five minutes is not a short time. Without these tests, ordinary brothers can run to the red flag within five minutes, but with these landmines and booby traps, it is impossible for ordinary people to run up.

"He ran so fast." Someone suddenly shouted.

"Yeah, this speed is simply too fast." Someone shouted.

"What's the use of being fast, Captain Lei must have buried the thunder. He must have stepped on the thunder when he ran so fast."

"Yes, he will definitely step on the thunder."

Everyone understands that even if they are here, some people can run up to it in five minutes, so this test is definitely not that simple.

Just when everyone was waiting for the summer to step on the thunder, the time passed a little bit, a minute and a half later.

When Xia Xia ran to the red flag, everyone was stunned.

Because not a single thunder sounded.

"Who buried the thunder, did you bury all the thunder in the back mountain?" Lei Ting shouted angrily.

"Thunder team, I buried a total of forty mines and twenty booby-trapped mines. It doesn't make sense." The man stepped forward and explained.

"Okay, let him pass the border, and bring me the hot sand." Lei Ting said while quickly disassembling the guns on the table. She quickly disassembled all the twenty guns, and then let her throw them all in. Inside the casserole.

Everyone looked at Xia Xia. When he went down the mountain, he still didn't step on a single thunderbolt.

"Nice job." The brigade commander praised.

"Brother, I saw it. He seems to have found those mines. He deliberately avoided them and ran away," said the thin man.


Fatty slapped him with a slap, "You s13, you forgot what happened in the first class of the plane."

It was only then that the thin man realized that when he broke the first-class cabin of the plane in the summer, it was enough to prove his ability to observe the scene and keen judgment of objects.

"Report, complete the task." Xia Xia said.

"You've passed the second level, set up a gun." Lei Ting still looked cold, with no expression on her face, "Blindfolded, find the sniper gun you just used from the casserole, And assemble it, within ten minutes."

This level is much more difficult than the previous level, because the casserole is very hot, and the hands must go in quickly and then come out quickly, otherwise the hands will be burnt, and it is difficult to find familiar parts at that moment, so this requires Test your familiarity with guns.

Ten minutes may sound like a long time, but there isn't much time to actually assemble a gun.

"This is too perverted."

"The assessment of the Tigers is too difficult. Who can do it?"

"No wonder I can't get into the Tigers. It turns out that the assessment is so difficult."

Those who were watching the lively around sighed with emotion.

Everyone looked at Xia Xia with anticipation. Xia Xian picked up a cloth and covered his eyes. He felt very funny. For him, it was meaningless to not cover his eyes. His perspective eyes completely saw through.

Just like the off-road just now, those booby-trapped mines and mines did not threaten him at all, unless someone buried the mines below fifty centimeters, but if they were buried that deep, it would be difficult to detonate them.

"Can we start?" Xia Tian asked.

"Okay," Lei Ting said.

The next scene became a myth in the Southeast region. Everyone could not forget what happened in that scene. Even Lei Ting, the captain of the Tigers, was shocked.

Her elite and strong generals are like clouds, but the next scene is completely beyond

her understanding of the gun group.

I saw Xia Tian insert his hands into the casserole, and his ten fingers were quickly groping in the casserole.

His hands stayed in the casserole for three seconds. Just when everyone thought his hands were going to be useless, he quickly pulled out his hands, and a pile of parts flew in the air, while Xia Tian's hands quickly moved towards I touched those parts, and at the moment when all the parts fell to the ground, Xia Xian also lay on the ground, and it was the sniper rifle in his hand.


The scene was completely quiet, and no one spoke.


Completely stunned.


Only this word can describe what just happened.

The whole process took less than eight seconds, but it was completely impossible for Summer to accomplish such a feat.

"Brother, hit me, am I dreaming?" said the thin man.


Fatty slapped him, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts." The thin man nodded.

"That's true." Fatty looked at Xia Xia with surprise, there was really no one in this gun team.

After hearing Fatty's everyone reacted, and even the brigade commander was stunned. The speed of this group of guns can almost break the record in the entire region. No, it can even be said that there should be no such thing in the world. The second person can do it.

It's just like a myth.

"Have I passed it?" Xia Tian looked at Lei Ting and asked.

"Pass." Lei Ting knew that even if she made an exception to hire Xia Xia, others would never gossip, because this stunt could already enter the Tigers, but she still wanted to see Xia Xia's next performance.

"I'm sorry, I'm injured, so I'm a little slower to set up guns." Xia Xia said apologetically.

But he didn't mean the slightest apology in his words, and he said that the speed was slow, which was clearly a provocation.

Troubled guy.

"Hmph, don't be too complacent. You can't get into the Tigers if you don't have good marksmanship." Lei Ting snorted coldly. She could see that summer is a thorn, but which one of the Tigers is not a thorn now? The same honesty that was cleaned up by her.

"How to take the test?" Xia Tian asked.

"One thousand meters to move the target position, five shots must have three shots and ninety rings." Lei Ting said, this is a requirement for a sniper. The distance of one thousand meters is already very far, but the members of the Tigers must know Shots from a thousand meters away.

Because the Tigers' operations are all elite operations, in elite operations, a super sniper can change the fate of the entire battle.