I'm not good at shooting

Snipers are indispensable to any team. Whether it is a five-man team or a twenty-man team, they must have snipers. Snipers are the soul of a team. The range of sniper guns is longer than that of ordinary guns.

It is also a special team. In the jungle battle, a sniper can turn the tide of the battle.

That is really a one-man relationship, and ten thousand people can't open it.

Go up to the first one, kill one, he hits you, you can't hit him.

The third test in the summer is shooting.

The aircraft moving target position, although it is a one-kilometer aircraft moving target, it is no easier than a two-kilometer ground moving target, because the higher the altitude, the greater the wind speed and airflow.

The moving target of the aircraft is a gangster-like iron plate, which is fixed on the side of the field fighter. Generally, this field fighter can seat five people, but during training, there are usually two people, one piloting the plane and one sitting in the back for inspection. target person.

Xia Xia's final assessment is to shoot three shots and ninety rings, and can only shoot five shots.

"It's better not to be ashamed." Binghua Lei Ting came to Xia Xia and said.

No nonsense in summer, I stretched my tongue slightly, sensed the wind speed, and quickly calculated the distance and deviation in my mind. Although it was a moving target, the plane would fly very low and hardly move forward, otherwise it would keep flying forward at high altitudes. Airplanes can't be shot down with guns, so they need missiles.


The first shot was fired.

The recorder on the plane held up a big sign, Ten Rings.

When I saw the tenth ring, everyone around was stunned. This marksmanship is also very good. The aircraft moving target can actually hit the tenth ring. Although the tenth ring is much larger than the tenth ring of the ordinary target, it can shoot ten rings. Ring people are really uncommon.

"Beautiful." The brigade commander applauded.


The second shot was fired.

The recorder on the plane held up a big sign, Ten Rings.

It's ten rings again. The first shot may have luck elements, but the second shot actually hit another ten rings. Even Xia Xia himself sighed that the ten rings are too big, five times that of the ordinary ten rings, so He only hit the tenth ring so easily.

It's already two ten rings. As long as he hits the ninth ring or more with the third shot, then he has passed the test.

Just when everyone was feeling emotional.


The third shot was fired.

The pilot held up a big sign again, the ten rings.

The three shots are ten rings, and the summer has been successful. Today's summer let everyone present see the might of the Tigers, and an image has been established in their hearts. Only those who are as powerful as the summer are eligible to enter. Tiger Squad.

But Summer didn't stand up.

bang bang

He fired two shots in a row, but this time he didn't hit the target. The paintballs bloomed on the recorder's head. The paintballs used in this exercise are not powerful. Seeing the target hit in the summer, the scene burst into laughter. .

"Xiamen, what are you doing?" Binghua Lei Ting looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Report captain, my marksmanship is not good." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

The people around laughed even louder. This summer was really a thorn. The last two shots actually hit the recorder, and both shots were headshots.

"You kid." The brigade commander shook his head, then left the training ground. He saw a good show today.

"Summer." Binghua Lei Ting shouted loudly.

"Here." Xia Tian replied.

"Congratulations on your success in joining the Tigers. Pack up your things and prepare to leave." Binghua Lei Ting said.

"Report Captain, I have nothing to clean up." Xia Xia responded.

"Alright then, go to the plane." Binghua Lei Ting waved at Xia Xia.

When summer came under the plane, the man above threw a rope, "It's so fastened, there's not even a ladder, let me climb the rope."

Just when he was complaining in the summer, he suddenly felt that the plane was actually taking off. Why did he want to climb up? It was clearly to give him a rope and let him grab it.

After much thought, he tied the rope directly to his body, and was then dragged up by the plane.

After Xia Xian was dragged up, he pulled hard with both hands and climbed straight up. His arms were very strong and his speed was very fast. He climbed up bit by bit. Climbing directly onto the plane, even the pilot was startled.

Just like that, the plane flew to the depths of the forest.

How could the Tigers be in an ordinary place?

These ferocious tigers are proud of this deep forest. They are the patron saints here. After the plane flew for half an hour, they put Summer on a material dumping point.

After Summer landed on the ground, he looked around.

A lot of soldiers suddenly appeared around. They were fully armed, and each of them was very strong. At first glance, they were good players. Xia Xia understood that this was going to give him a blow. He would not be frightened, nor would he give in.

Looking at the stern eyes of the people in the car, Xia Xian didn't speak, he was waiting for the other person to speak first.

A man with a very cold face got off the off-road vehicle. When he saw him, Xia Xia finally understood why Binghua Lei Ting had always been cold, because everyone here is like this.

"Hmph, do you want to join the Tigers?" The man stood in front of Xia Xia and scolded.

"Give me a weapon, I'll be able to shove you a long time ago, and you can still sidestep me here," Xia Xia said.

"This kid is interesting." Said the surrounding special team members who were watching the excitement.

"Whoever came to the Tigers is not like this, stubborn temper, and who is not honest now, let's see how the deputy captain handles him." Another said.

"Huh" The vice-captain snorted coldly, then stood in front of Xia Xia, both of them looked at each other face to face like this, the distance between them was less than five centimeters.

No one moved.

"Isn't it really going to start a fight? Look at the vice-captain, he's ready for a fight."

"What are the fingers of that newcomer doing, are they provocative?"

"Let's fight~www.mtlnovel.com~ We can still see the excitement, what an interesting soldier."

The soldiers of the Tiger Special Forces around said with a smile.

"Sure enough, it's the same as in the legend. As soon as you come, you want to cause trouble." The deputy captain said.

"Report, I just want to be a quiet and beautiful man." Xia Xia said.

"Hahahaha" The people around were all bursting into laughter.

"Deputy team, I like this kid, how about messing with me?" A fair-looking man said, Xia Xia doubted whether this kid was a soldier, and how could a soldier not get sunburned.

"Xiao Leng, you're also a soldier, what the hell, he'll be yours in the future." The deputy captain looked at Xia Xia and said, "Remember, he's your team captain, his name is Gu Qilen."

"I'm his person" Xia Xia covered his chest, "Don't be so direct."

"Hahahaha" The people around also laughed, summer is simply a living treasure.

Gu Qi Leng patted the mark on his shoulder proudly. This is his habit, so that others can see the mark on his shoulder. On the side of the car, I want to jump down handsomely.

Just then, he felt his feet slip.


The whole person fell on the ground.