avenge brother

"Jick, are we going to shoot them now?" a mercenary asked.

"Don't worry, since I've come to Huaxia, it's natural to break the legend and leave a deep lesson for them." Jike said coldly.

Xia Xia and the others were hiding in the cave to rest.

"Rookie, who did you learn your marksmanship from?" Gu Qileng, the team leader, asked as he lay on the ground.

"Wu Daniel," said Xia Tian.

"Da Niu, you know Da Niu" Gu Qi Leng looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"No wonder your marksmanship is so good. Daniel was the team leader when I joined the Tigers. Later, when he retired, I became the team leader of the fifth team." The team leader Gu Qi Leng said with emotion.

"Gu Team, is Wu Daniu's marksmanship better than Xia's?" Li Goudan asked.

Xia Xia's marksmanship was seen with their own eyes, but not many people knew Wu Daniel. When they joined the Tigers, Wu Daniel had already retired, so in the fifth team, only Gu Qilen knew him.

"I can't say this. Wu Daniu is the most standard sniper I have ever seen. Every action of his is the same standard as a textbook, but Xia Xia's insight is definitely better than Wu Daniu." Gu Qileng, the team leader, said.


Suddenly, a series of explosions came from outside. When the explosions were heard, everyone's expressions changed.

"Get ready for battle." Gu Qileng, the team leader, hurried out.

"Don't go out." Xia Xia jumped and directly pressed Gu Qi Leng to the ground. At the same time, a bullet hit the stone wall. If it wasn't for Xia Xia just now, Gu Qi Leng would have turned into a corpse.

"It's a real bullet." Li Goudan shouted.

Xia Xia and Gu Qi Leng's bodies rolled on the ground at the same time.

"My darling, I almost died, scaring the baby to death." The team leader Gu Qi frowned coldly.

Inside the Tiger Special Forces headquarters.

"What the **** is going on?" The brigade commander frowned.

"It's a live ammunition. It is impossible for a live ammunition to appear during the exercise. Someone must have invaded." Binghua Lei Ting's hands quickly tapped on the keyboard.

"Thunder Team, the command of the division."

"Connected." Binghua Lei Ting said.

The image of a person appeared on the big screen in front of him, the teacher.

"Captain Lei, immediately contact all the members of the Tiger Special Forces. There are foreigners entering the country. Now the number of casualties has reached hundreds of people. I want you to annihilate them for me, and leave none of them." The division commander said very seriously.

"Yes, Chief." Lei Ting saluted.

"Master, what happened?" the brigade commander asked.

"I don't know the specific situation yet, but I don't think it's easy. I have already sent someone to investigate. The exercise is temporarily suspended, and real guns and live ammunition are replaced." said the division commander.

"Connect me to the radios of all the members of the Tigers," said Lei Ting, a soldier.

"The Tiger Special Forces listened to the order, the exercise is over, and there are foreigners entering, and immediately change their equipment to annihilate these immigrants."

All the members of the Tigers heard Lei Ting's order.

"Lei team, we can't go to meet now. We are hiding in a cave, and there is a sniper at the entrance of the cave." The team leader Gu Qilen said.

"Zhanhu, change equipment quickly, and bring someone to support the fifth team." Lei Ting gave an order.

There were constant gunshots throughout the forest. All the members of the Tigers were running fast in the jungle. Their speed was very fast. The destination was the assembly point. The plane had already left the combat equipment.

Ten minutes later, everyone in the Tigers assembled. This time they put on real combat equipment.

"Ten seconds to check the equipment." Vice-captain Zhan Hu shouted.

Everyone started to check their equipment.

"Hello everyone, I'm the brigade commander of the third brigade. This time the task is very arduous. We don't know who the other party is, how many people there are, and we don't know the other party's purpose, but you must strengthen your beliefs. , that is the annihilation of the enemy." The brigade commander spoke to the crowd by radio

said the man.

"Defend the family and the country."

"Let's go." Binghua Lei Ting said.

The members of the Tiger Special Forces rushed into the jungle together. They all had somatosensory devices on their bodies, and each team member could find the position of the other team members. The place they were going now was the cave hidden by the fifth team.

Inside the Tiger Special Forces headquarters, it became more and more lively.

The brigade commander of the first brigade, the brigade commander and the division commander of the second brigade all arrived at the headquarters of the Tiger Special Forces.

"Chief." Lei Ting saluted the three.

"How is the situation now?" the teacher asked.

"They have already set off and are going to pick up the fifth team." Lei Ting said.

"Get me the members of the Tigers," the division commander said.

The operator turns the radio on.

"The elites of the Tiger Special Forces, I am your division commander, the situation of the other party has been checked out, they are international mercenaries, a total of 22 people have come, and now they are divided into two groups, one of which has rescued the international terrorist organization. One of the leaders of the 925th Regiment, Zhahu, and another group attacked the 925th Regiment. Now the 925th Regiment has killed 17 people, seriously injured 78 people, and slightly injured 201 people. They have violated China's bottom line, so you guys The purpose is to completely wipe out the opponent." The teacher said very seriously.

"Those who offend me Huaxia will be punished even if they are far away." The teacher shouted loudly.

All the members of the Tiger Special Forces understood that this was a battle that could not be lost. They wanted to avenge their dead brothers. Seventeen people, that was seventeen lives, and they died just like that.

At the same time, they also know the strength of the other party~www.mtlnovel.com~ There are only 22 people in total, but they have brought such great losses to China, and none of these 22 people can leave the land of China.

And Zha Hu, the leader of that international terrorist organization.

Huaxia has already sentenced him to death.

There are twenty-three of them, and these twenty-three are the target of the Tigers.

"Aircraft support, find me the miniature reconnaissance instruments, none of them can go." The division commander gave the most serious orders to those high-level officials in the headquarters.

"What about the field troops?" asked the brigade commander of the first brigade.

"Give it to me, I don't believe that an army of tens of thousands of people can be defeated by these 22 people." The division commander slapped his hands on the table angrily.

Inside the cave.

"Seventeen people died, grandma's, I will definitely not let these guys go." Li Goudan shouted angrily.

"Everyone in the fifth team obeys the order." The team leader Gu Qi Leng shouted loudly.

The five people stood there neatly.

"Salute," the team leader Gu Qi coldly shouted.

The five saluted the air.

"Avenge the dead brother," said the team leader Gu Qileng. They are all soldiers of Huaxia, and everyone is their brother. Now that the brothers have been beaten to death, and seventeen of them have died, then they must fight for Brother revenge.