special operations

A war of annihilation, a very simple word, means to annihilate the opponent at all costs.

Huaxia's dignity is not allowed to be insulted.

When the other party rescued the leader of the terrorist organization, Zhahu, he attacked the 925th regiment of the garrison regiment, resulting in heavy losses. Helped people be caught off guard.

17 people died, that's 17 lives.

Huaxia is a forbidden place for mercenaries. In the past, when mercenaries entered illegally, Huaxia would send troops to warn them, and if the circumstances were serious, they would be arrested, but this time it was different.

The other party has violated Huaxia's bottom line. They killed Huaxia's soldiers. Since this is the case, Huaxia must show their attitude and prevent any of them from leaving Huaxia alive.

"Those who offend me in China will be punished even if they are far away."

This is the soul of Huaxia.

"The fifth team, we have arrived, and no danger was found outside." Vice-captain Zhan Hu said by radio.

The people of the fifth team walked out of the cave. Outside the cave, the other members of the Tigers threw their equipment to them. In the summer, they took off their exercise badges and replaced them with the badges of the Tigers.

All the weapons and ammunition on his body were thrown away and replaced with real weapons and equipment.

"Brothers, the mission this time is different from the past. Those mercenaries stepped into our country and killed our brothers. What do you think we should do?" Vice-captain Zhan Hu looked at the crowd and asked.

"Kill" the men of the Tiger Special Forces shouted at the same time.

"Tiger Special Forces, set off." Following Zhanhu's order, everyone chased into the depths of the jungle.

Li Goudan took the lead and rushed over. He was the first person in the pursuit of the Tigers. No one was more skilled than him in observing the situation at the scene.

"Give me a platoon." Zhan Hu said, booby-trapped mines are very useful, especially in jungle pursuit battles, if one is not careful, they will be blown up.

So they all stopped.

"Wait!" Summer suddenly shouted.

"Rookie, what did you find?" Gu Qi coldly asked the team leader.

"Look at your head, those birds have been circling and dare not fall." Xia Xia said.

"Prepare to fight." Zhan Hu understood what Xia Xia meant. Birds didn't dare to fall because they were afraid. So what makes birds afraid? That's people.

All the members of the Tiger Special Forces entered a state of battle.

"Jick, these people found us," said a mercenary.

"Since you've found it, let's start the fight." Jike gave an order, and everyone shot at the same time.

bang bang bang

A series of gunshots.


"Hide, the enemy is at eleven o'clock, don't show your head, find the opponent's sniper." Zhan Hu ordered.

Inside the headquarters of the Tiger Special Forces.

"Finally met." Everyone clenched their fists, and they all looked nervously at the screen, which was captured by the miniature camera carried by the special forces.

In the Tigers, there are five snipers in total including summer, and every sniper is an absolute expert.

Neither side was able to determine the exact location of the other, but the shootout had already begun.

Xia Xia found an excellent sniper spot, and then looked for the other party's traces. I have to say that these mercenaries are really not covered. Their hiding places are very hidden, even Xia Xia's perspective is difficult to find. traces of the opponent.

"Li Goudan, come with me." Zhan Hu shouted loudly. He knew that fighting like this was not the way to go. He had to find the opponent's people and then annihilate them. If they continued to drag on, the opponent would most likely escape their pursuit. .

Li Goudan didn't talk nonsense, he made a gesture with Zhan Hu, and then the two circled from left to right.

"Fire cover." The personnel of the Tiger Special Forces followed the pace of the two and began to move forward.

"Jick, the other party has taken the bait."

"Hit." Jike shouted, and at the same time he pressed the red button in his hand.


boom boom boom

A series of explosions came, and the surrounding trees were blown to pieces. The members of the Tigers rushed out immediately, but several people were still injured, but fortunately no one died.

Inside the Tiger Special Forces headquarters.

"It's a tree. They hollowed out the middle of the tree and hid the bomb inside." Binghua Lei Ting communicated it immediately by radio.

This is real special operations.

New skills emerge in an endless stream.

Even an expert in pursuit warfare like Li Goudan has never seen anyone set a bomb in a tree.

The Tiger Special Forces team member who just rushed up was directly suppressed by the opponent's firepower, and he couldn't even lift his head.

"No, in this case, we can't rush at all. As long as the other party fires at us during the explosion, we can completely suppress our firepower." Zhan Hu responded.

Inside the Tiger Special Forces headquarters.

"Let the masters of the pursuit battle investigate the explosives on the tree, and then let the snipers shoot." said a staff officer behind the division commander in the headquarters.

Hearing this person's suggestion, Binghua Lei Ting was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the person who was speaking, and when she saw the other person's appearance, Lei Ting was stunned for a moment, "It's you."

"Lei Ting, long time no see." The staff officer smiled slightly.

Binghua Lei Ting nodded slightly, and then used the radio to order, "Li Goudan~www.mtlnovel.com~Zhanhu, you two find me the location of the explosives on the tree and let the snipers hit them."

Hearing Lei Ting's order.

Li Goudan and Zhan Hu started to move, and soon they found the location of the bomb.

"Seven o'clock, thirteen o'clock."

bang bang

Two shots came, which directly penetrated the explosives, and the explosives exploded, but those explosives were far away from the members of the Tigers, so they could not cause any harm to them at all.


Using this method, the Tigers fired twelve bombs one after another.

"Jick, what should we do now?"

"Start the jungle war, you are the masters of the jungle war, let the soldiers of Huaxia see how powerful you are." After Jike finished speaking, he took the lead and ran to the depths of the jungle.

The real jungle battle was about to begin, and Li Goudan also ruled out the other booby-trapped mines one by one.

The six squads pushed me forward in parallel, alternately covering each other.

The real master duel is not just a competition of marksmanship and skills, but also depends on each other's tactics, just like the tactics of the Tigers just broke the deadlock.

If the staff officer hadn't come up with this method, the Tigers would have to take a detour if they wanted to continue their pursuit. By then, the opponent might have gone somewhere.