money comes

It is said to be advancing in parallel, but the distance between each team is less than 50 meters. The reason for this formation is to worry about which line will be ambushed again. If you go in this way, even if someone is ambushed, the other few will be ambushed. One team can also quickly support, while other teams can quickly pursue opponents.


"Deputy team, someone encountered a booby trap."

"How about people?" Zhan Hu asked.

"It's very hurt."

"Leave one person to send him to the troops behind." Zhan Hu ordered.

"Deputy team, I'm fine, don't delay everyone's progress." The man who was injured said with difficulty.

"Shut up, your brothers will help you." Zhan Hu didn't say much, he would not leave his brother behind.

Although some people were injured, their footsteps could not stop. The jungle battle was a pursuit battle. If the chasing party delayed for too long, the fleeing party would be completely lost.

The crowd moved forward again.

The sound of gunfire kept coming, but no one stopped. The Tigers had already delayed for some time, and it couldn't be delayed any longer. This was a competition for speed.

Later, another person was injured, but this time no one stopped.

Every time someone was injured, one person was left to send them to the rear, and then they continued to chase the troops.

This group of international mercenaries has very rich combat experience, and they gradually grasped the advantages of the battle situation. None of their group was injured, but five people in the Tigers have been injured, and five injuries means ten people. Currently unable to join the battle.

"Captain Lei, if you continue like this, you won't be able to stop the opponent." The teacher said.

"Master, the pursuit battle itself suffers. To catch up with the opponent, you need to rely on endurance." Binghua Lei Ting explained.

"No matter what method you use, you must kill them. If your Tiger Special Forces can't kill them, I will order the fighter planes to start coverage bombing. Even if the place is bombed to the ground, I can't let them leave China." Commander majestic said.

This is the attitude of the division commander. Everyone knows that he is not just talking. This border is a no-man's land. Although the coverage bombing will destroy some of the mountains and forests, he must protect the dignity of China.

"Encountered." The brigade commander of the third brigade suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at the screen.

"Oops, the terrain here is too bad." The staff officer behind the division commander frowned.

"Zhanhu, retreat, you can't fight there, otherwise the Tiger Special Forces will be wiped out." Binghua Leiting hurriedly shouted.

"No, someone is injured, come with me and cover with fire." Zhan Hu shouted loudly.

"Deputy captain, if you can't go up, you will be completely destroyed." Xia Xia said, the opponent's snipers are in front at this time, and the opponent's firepower is so strong, if they go up now, the probability of the group destroying is simply too high.

"Get out of here, I have the final say here." After Zhan Hu finished speaking, he rushed up.


A gunshot came.

Zhanhu fell directly to the ground.

"Deputy captain." The man behind him shouted anxiously.

"The vice-captain is not dead, hurry up and save the people." the people behind shouted.

"Don't," Xia Xia shouted hurriedly, but it was too late, and those few people had already rushed up.

bang bang bang

A few gunshots came, and those who were about to charge all fell to the ground.

bang bang bang

"Me." The members of the Tigers scolded angrily.

The opponent's sniper actually shot at the wounded lying on the ground, and instead of killing them, he shot at their arms and legs.

The command room of the Tiger Special Forces.

"Damn." Binghua Leiting clenched her fists.

"Captain Lei, don't hesitate any longer, otherwise all of your elites will be killed by a sniper." The staff officer stepped forward and said.

Binghua Leiting closed her eyes and didn't say a word. She seemed to be thinking and making up her mind.

bang bang bang

There was a sound of gunshots, and the sniper kept firing like this. He seemed to be playing.

Le is the same, that is, one shot at a time, but not a single one is killed. These people are also tough guys. They insisted without shouting, gritted their teeth, and his face was full of sweat.

"Withdraw, everyone obeys the order, remove the heavy equipment, bring a small amount of ammunition, and copy it for me." Vice-captain Zhan Hu shouted.

"Deputy Team"

"This is an order." Zhan Hu shouted loudly.

Some team members had tears in their eyes, and those squad leaders gritted their teeth and shouted, "Withdraw."

At this moment, a figure quickly ran forward from behind. When they saw this figure, everyone looked at him in surprise.

Inside the headquarters of the Tiger Special Forces.

"What is he going to do to stop him?" the staff officer hurriedly shouted. In his opinion, this person is simply crazy. Didn't he see the situation of those few people just now?

"It's summer," said the brigade commander of the third brigade in surprise.

"It's him." Binghua Leiting nodded.

"Who is he?" the teacher asked.

"Sir, he is the one who killed you." Lei Ting explained.

"It's him." The teacher nodded silently. He wanted to ask who this sniper was before, and now he finally had a chance to see it.

Xia Xia removed all his equipment and ran forward with the sniper rifle in his right hand.

"Rookie, dangerous." Gu Qileng, the team leader, hurriedly shouted.


A gunshot came, and Xia Xia's body fell down.

"Rookie." The people from the fifth team wanted to go and save him.

In the headquarters of the Tiger Special an idiot, another idiot. "The staff officer shouted angrily.

In the jungle at this time, when Xia Xia collapsed, everyone in the fifth team wanted to go up and save people, but at this moment Xia Xia's body rolled on the ground, and everyone was stunned when they saw this situation.

"Grandma's, the clothes are pierced, and Lao Tzu's clothes are also money, the hard-earned money of the people of the country." Xia Xia said on the radio, and when they heard Xia Xia's words, everyone knew that he was fine.

Xia Xia had already reached the injured people, and saw that he grabbed with his left hand and threw it behind him.

Inside the headquarters of the Tiger Special Forces.

"What is he doing? Is he crazy? This is simply killing people. The other party will definitely shoot the person he saved." The staff officer shouted angrily.


A gunshot came, but this shot was not fired by the other party, but in the summer. He did this to suppress the firepower of the other party by using the method of his own shooting speed.

"Success, the other party didn't shoot." Everyone was stunned.

The members of the Tigers took over the man thrown over in the summer, and then quickly bandaged him.

In the headquarters of the Tiger Special Forces, everyone was stunned. Summer actually succeeded. He really rescued people. This is too legendary.

"Unbelievable." The staff officer stared at the situation over Xia Tian in a stunned manner.