jungle dogfight

The staff officer witnessed an incredible scene, and everyone in the headquarters looked at him.

"What's the matter?" the teacher asked.

"Snipers have time to move and aim, especially the top snipers. He calculated this time and fired at the sniper's hiding place before the opponent fired. The opponent had to give up aiming. Take advantage of this time to save people." The staff officer explained.

"These may sound simple, but the real hardest points are how he finds the opponent's hiding place, second, he must shoot faster than the opponent, and third, he actually uses one left hand to shoot a man When the special forces with equipment are thrown out, this arm strength cannot be calculated, the weight of those people plus the equipment is about 230 pounds." Binghua Lei Ting said.

"What a powerful boy, when did your Tigers have such a powerful sniper." The commander kept nodding, he liked the boy on the screen very much.

"He was transferred yesterday." Binghua Leiting explained.

"Whose unit did he come from?" the division commander asked.

"It was transferred from the brigade commander." Binghua Lei Ting looked at the brigade commander of the third brigade.

"Why didn't I know that you still have such a good hand." The teacher looked at the brigade commander of the Third Brigade and said.

"It's a coincidence that his file says that he requested to join the Tiger Special Forces as a soldier of the Southeast Military Region, and I approved it." The brigade commander of the third brigade explained.

"In the case of the report, how could it be your brigade commander's turn to come forward in person? Could it be your relative?" The commander looked at the brigade commander of the third brigade seriously.

"Master, don't be joking. Our military region doesn't let you go through the back door. I know it well. I met this kid on the plane. We encountered a hijacking incident at the time. The other party called me to bring you back. For the safety of the passengers on the plane, they handed it over, and later the gang wanted to kill people, so the two Shenma brothers took action, and finally successfully rescued all the hostages on the plane this summer." The brigade commander of the third brigade explained.

"It turns out to be like this. I heard about the hijacking, and I probably know who did it. I won't just let it go, but you really found a piece of treasure this time, go check it out for me. His details." The teacher ordered.

in the jungle.

Xia Xia's body was moving fast there, and the opponent's machine gunners couldn't hit him at all. Xia Xia's distance was beyond their firepower range. Only snipers could hit Xia Xia here, but he was completely suppressed by Xia Xia.

The members of the Tiger Special Forces stepped forward together and rescued the person.

Vice-captain Zhan Hu was covered in blood, "Don't worry about me, take advantage of everyone's lightening of their equipment and chase me. You must remember that they cannot leave China alive."

Inside the mercenary camp.

"Jike, this kid has two strokes, what should we do?" a mercenary asked.

"Master Kun is calling for his head, so he can't just leave." Ji Ke frowned, he didn't expect the opponent's marksmanship to be so good. "Everyone obey the order, disperse, divide the troops to fight, two people in a team, give me points Kill these special forces and let them see how powerful we are."

"This is fun," said a brawny mercenary.

"Before noon tomorrow, whether you kill the opponent or not, you must go to the meeting point to gather, stupid monkeys and the others will meet us there." Jike said.

The eleven people were scattered into six teams, with Jike in a team by himself, and the others rushed in different directions.

"Brothers, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you any more, I'll leave the rest to you." Vice-captain Zhan Hu gasped.


Everyone salutes together.

"Set off."

The big teams set off again. This time they removed their heavy equipment, leaving only simple equipment, detectors, grenades, daggers, submachine guns, pistols and a small amount of bullets.

This kind of equipment is for pursuit, and a few dozen pounds of equipment can make them faster.

Inside the headquarters of the Tiger Special Forces.

"Can you find out the identities of the other party's mercenaries?" the commander asked.


Drop one, otherwise it would be impossible to know their identities, and the miniature detectives would be killed as long as they approached them. "The staff officer shook his head.

"After fighting for so long, the other party didn't even have one injured. They are definitely not ordinary mercenaries. Once they are allowed to leave Huaxia, Huaxia will no longer be a forbidden place for mercenaries." The division commander said with a frown.

"The fighter jets and heavy weapons are ready, and will carry out coverage bombing the moment they step into the border," the staff officer said.

"I believe in the Tigers," said the brigade commander of the third brigade.

In the jungle, gunshots and explosions kept coming, and the battle escalated into a jungle melee.

No one knows what's going on in other people's places, they only know that the enemy here is very powerful.

"Rookie, I'll be the bait, find me the opponent's sniper, and kill him." Gu Qileng, the team leader, said.

"This is too dangerous, the opponent is definitely the top sniper." Xia Xia said.

"If you don't kill the sniper, other teams will be in danger as well. Now we have only two snipers left, and the others are incapacitated, so we must kill the opponent's sniper, then we You can let go and fight." Gu Qi Leng said firmly.

"Be careful." Summer doesn't talk nonsense.

"Millions of troops, you two will watch over the newcomer for me. If he is in danger, I will shoot you two." Gu Qi Leng ordered.

"Don't worry, Team Gu." Million and Dajun said.

"Li Goudan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com you can catch up with the opponent's cross-country expert, don't do it yourself, just hold him, and wait for us to kill the sniper to support you." Gu Qi Leng ordered again. road.

"En." Li Goudan nodded, then looked at Xia Xia, "Rookie, you have to protect yourself, I, Li Goudan, have never admired a few people in my life, you are one of them, I will take you to meet me when I have a chance. my girlfriend."

The fifth team officially opened the jungle melee mode.

Gu Qileng threw the submachine gun on the ground and started running forward with the pistol in his hand.

Run the gun.

He didn't dare to be too big, he had to turn in the second second.


The opponent's sniper fired, but the first shot didn't hit Gu Qilen.

Xia Xia's eyes locked on 60% of the space, he knew that the opponent's sniper must be in that space.


The opponent's sniper fired another shot. This time, Gu Qilen wasn't so lucky. When he turned around, he stepped on the weeds and slipped. He didn't turn around in time, and his right arm was pierced.

"Gu Team"

"Don't be nervous, I'm fine, newcomer, how are you doing?" Gu Qi Leng asked.

"Almost." Xia Xia said.

"Then continue." Gu Qilen's body rolled on the ground, and then continued to run.