when my little brother

Even the commander of the third division was stunned. He had no idea that someone could assemble guns like this. This was simply the creation of a new method of assembling guns.

The two-second gun formation speed can be said to have broken the world record.

Even the first division's group were all dumbfounded.

Although the commander of the first division had heard of the terrifying speed of Xia Xia's formation of guns, it was the first time he saw it. Man Niu's face was full of incredible. This time, he understood that he really underestimated Xia Xia.

"Is he still human?" said Sha Lihua, the instructor of the female barracks.

"Instructor, he is so powerful, are you sure he is not your opponent?" the female soldiers in the female barracks asked one by one.

"He will win if he sets up a gun," Sha Lihua said.

The members of the Tiger Special Team in the audience were all stunned. The speed of this group of guns is really famous. It's better to meet each other.

"We won the first summer game." The commander of the first division brought everyone back to reality.

"Hey, you're really good at pretending to be b." Xia Xia shook his head, his eyes full of contempt.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, blue veins burst out on Hua Wuliu's face.

"Humph." Hua Wuliu snorted coldly.

"The second game is a blind sniper match, a moving target 500 meters away, moving at the same speed." The commander of the first division shouted, this game is about the control of memory and feel.

"This time, I must completely shatter your confidence." Hua Wuliu, the king of soldiers, looked at Xia Xia angrily. He lost face just now, so he planned to win back his face this time.

"I've started pretending again." Xia Xia said helplessly.

"You." The soldier king Hua Wuliu's face was flushed with anger, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only clench his fists, and he swore that he would destroy Summer by himself in the third game.

It can be said that the match just now gave Xia Xia the advantage, and the momentum was also taken away by Xia Xia. This time Hua Wuliu vowed to completely shatter Xia Xia's confidence.

After the sniper rifle was brought up, the two sides checked the sniper rifle and tried the gun, and the game could start if the gun was not faulty.

"This match is so difficult. Although 500 meters is not far, it will be a bit difficult if you play blindfolded."

"I have tried blind sniper, but I couldn't even hit the tenth ring."

"Blind sniper tests are too many things, only real masters can hit the bull's-eye."

There was a lot of discussion among the special forces in the audience. The ones who came here today are the special forces of the first division. Although the Tigers are the strongest special forces in the first division, there are also other special forces in the first division.

The Female Barracks is one of them.

"Instructor, can you blindly spy?" the female soldier asked.

"I won't, the captain will." Sha Lihua said.

"Why didn't the captain teach us?" the female soldier asked again.

"If you want to run before you learn to walk, let's practice your marksmanship first." Sha Lihua taught a lesson.

The teacher of the third division on the stage looked at the teacher of the first division with disdain.

"We have won this match. No one can beat Hua Wuliu. He practiced for a year in order to train the blind sniper." The teacher of the third division said confidently that Hua Wuliu was his pride. , Huawuliu also brought infinite glory to the third division. The reason why the third division can become the strongest division in the Southeast Military Region is because of the existence of Huawuliu.

Moreover, the soldiers of the King of Soldiers will receive a lot of care. The weapons and equipment and exercise equipment are the best, and they are the first to choose.

"Let's talk with your real skills," said the teacher of the first division.

"What's more true than the title of King of Soldiers," the commander of the third division said arrogantly, "Hua Wuliu is the King of Soldiers, he can't possibly lose, but then again, your Soldier King candidate is a bullshit. His physique is really good, I thought after the last match he was just like your Fan Jin and couldn't stand up again."

The commander of the third division was talking about the last Soldier King Challenge.

In that battle, the first division lost miserably, and the first division had never lost so miserably.

Of the two candidates for the King of Soldiers, one had his legs broken, and the other lay in the hospital for three months.

And the people who start are all soldiers, Huawuliu


"Damn, I'll take revenge for you in a while, how about you being my little brother?" Xia Xia said with a glance at Manniu.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone was stunned. Xia Xia actually said that he wanted to take Manniu as his younger brother. Who is Manniu who has the strongest individual combat ability in the division? Xia Tian actually said that he would be his younger brother.

"It's too arrogant to ask our captain to be his little brother. I'm mad at me. I have to teach him a lesson when I have a chance." Sha Lihua said angrily.

"Instructor, you must repair him properly."

"That's right, he actually asked our captain to be his little brother. It's so shameless."

"Beat, you must beat."

The people in the female barracks said angrily.

"Summer, don't make trouble." Binghua Lei Ting shouted from below.

"I didn't make trouble, what I said is true, you idiot, do you do it?" Xia Xia looked at Man Niu and asked again.

"Okay, if you can beat him so much that you don't even know his mother, then I will treat Manniu as your little brother." Manniu agreed very happily, and when Manniu agreed, everyone was even more incredible.

Manniu is usually a cold-hearted character, very serious, but he actually agreed to Xia's rude request.

"Haha." Hua Wuliu, the king of soldiers, sneered, "Ban Niu, you are becoming more and more rubbish. You actually want to be a newcomer's little brother."

"So you think you must have lost, right? ~www.mtlnovel.com~ If you lose one more game, it will be over." Manniu still looks cold.

"Hmph, I can't possibly lose." The soldier king Hua Wuliu snorted coldly, then turned his head.

"I've started pretending again. I'd especially like to see you pretending to be a B. You're good at shooting." If Xia Xia didn't speak, Hua Wuliu's face flushed with anger.

There was another series of laughter from the audience.

"Get ready to start." After the first division's teacher finished speaking, the two covered their eyes with a cloth.

"What an idiot, what difference does it make if my eyes are covered?" Xia Tian secretly thought.


Following the words of the first division commander, Xia Xia quickly fired the first shot, and everyone was blinded, because Xia Xia's first shot was so weird that there was no target, but the bearing that moved under the moving target. It was interrupted, that is to say, the moving target became a fixed target.

No one dared to speak, because in this situation, if anyone spoke, they would be sentenced to lose.

bang bang

Xia Xia's next two shots were fired directly, all of which hit 100 rings.


The King of Soldiers Huawuliu shot with a single shot, his face full of confidence, although his eyes were blindfolded, but he had already calculated in his mind, the target should have come here now "It's like looking for death as a blind sniper with me. "