King of B

Huawuliu, the king of soldiers, was still intoxicated. After three shots in the summer, he took off the cloth covering his eyes and watched Huawuliu, the king of soldiers, intoxicated there. This kind of self-intoxicated pretence made Huawuliu very refreshing.

He didn't know that since the first shot in the summer set the target there, he was still shooting at the position calculated in his mind.

He missed the target with the shot, but he was still there, intoxicated, thinking he had hit the first shot.

The people below all wanted to laugh, but they were holding back. Sweat appeared on the forehead of the teacher of the third division, but he didn't dare to say anything, because once he spoke, Hua Wuliu would really be eliminated.

So he could only wait for the remaining two shots.

"Blind sniper tests not only memory, but also the control of wind speed and the control of moving targets. Boy, you still have a lot to learn." After the soldier Wang Huawuliu fired a shot, he was there to teach Summer leisurely. .

He seemed to believe that his shot had hit the target.

Moreover, he is very confident in himself. He likes the feeling of educating others. He not only wants to defeat Xia Xia in terms of strength, but also overwhelm Xia Xia in terms of momentum and assume the attitude of a superior.

"It's amazing." Xia Xian cooperated with him and said.

"Hmph, learn it, boy, but you probably won't have that chance, because you're sure to lose." said Hua Wuliu, the king of soldiers.

The king of soldiers, Hua Wuliu, was still intoxicated. He thought he had hit a hundred rings, and the first shot was the easiest for him.

That's why he spoke to Xia Xia with the attitude of a superior.

It seems that he is educating the summer, but in fact he is highlighting the strength of his ability, he wants to let everyone know the accuracy of his blind sniper.

But he didn't know that he didn't hit at all.


The king of soldiers, Hua Wuliu, fired the second shot.

He is very confident in this shot of his own. He thinks that there will be no deviation in his calculation. Even if this shot does not have 100 rings, it must have 90 rings.

How could Hua Wuliu, who likes to brag so much, miss such a good opportunity, he will blow hard, "How can you blind your 24k big alloy dog's eyes?"

"Well, it's really bright." Xia Xia nodded, then looked at the teacher of the third division and asked, "Do you still need to continue?"

Xia Xia shot 200 rounds with three shots, while Hua Wuliu, the second soldier Wang Hua Wuliu, hit zero with two shots. Even if he hits the next shot, it would be of no use.

He was destined to be impossible to win.

The commander of the third division was full of unwillingness. He was completely speechless now. They boasted too much just now. As a result, they won two games in three games and lost two games directly.

"Hahaha" The people around couldn't hold it any longer and started laughing. The scene just now was so funny. The soldier king Hua Wuliu Mingming didn't hit anything, but he kept bragging there. As if he had hit a hundred rings.

"Hua Wuliu, you have already lost, you don't need to fire a third shot." The first division commander said lightly.

Hearing the teacher of the first division, Hua Wuliu hurriedly took off the cloth covering his eyes, and when he saw the target, his face was full of disbelief, "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, you are cheating, definitely You are cheating."

"Hmph," Man Niu snorted coldly, "Stop insulting the title of King of Soldiers, okay?"

"It's a shame, I don't even dare to admit that I lost." Binghua Leiting said.

Hua Wuliu couldn't say a word, he actually lost, he actually lost to such a recruit, this is a great shame, he is not reconciled, he is really not reconciled.

"Hua Wuliu, according to the rules, you should go to the headquarters to remove your title of King of Soldiers. If you don't go, then I will go to the headquarters with the documents and video. I'm afraid that the entire third division of yours will be at the headquarters. The face is also lost." The teacher of the first division said disdainfully.

The teacher of the third division's face was very cold, and he couldn't say a word.

"No, you must have cheated." Hua Wuliu shouted angrily.

"Shut up!" The teacher of the third division shouted. Today they have already lost. If Hua Wuliu continues to make trouble, the face will be lost.

All lost. "You lost."

"No, it's impossible, I can't lose, there's one more game, I want to compete with you in the last one." King of War Hua Wuliu looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Why are you not the king of soldiers now? You have no bargaining chip with me." Xia Xia said sarcastically, "The recognition of your three divisions is really ridiculous."

"It's a shame, is that what the third division is capable of?" Sha Lihua shouted together with the female soldiers behind.

"This is the King of Soldiers. I thought how powerful he is. Not only is he poor in strength, but his character is also so bad. If you can't afford to lose, don't gamble."

"People can't afford to lose. After they go back, they will cry to the chief above. Maybe they won't lose the title of King of Soldiers."

"It turns out that the title of King of the Soldiers was exchanged for self-esteem. It's just too funny."

The special forces below said disdainfully one by one.

The people below spoke very loudly. After hearing their words, Hua Wuliu felt that every word was like a knife, piercing his heart fiercely.

"Hey, pretend to be crazy, do you want to compete again?" Xia Xia looked at Hua Wuliu and asked to compare, if you dare to compare, I will take any bet. "Bing Wang Huawuliu shouted loudly.

"No need to bet, let's finish the third match, anyway, you have no eyes on your fists and feet, in case your arms or legs are interrupted, you three divisions will not be held accountable, don't run to the chief and cry. ." As soon as Xia Xia's words were spoken, everyone understood, and the people from the third division would sue, and they would not admit their losses.

"Hmph," the commander of the third division snorted coldly, "You don't need to provoke me with words, what I said will definitely count, the title of King of Soldiers, our three divisions just give up."

"It's really domineering, as expected of the teacher." Xia Tian smiled.

"Xiamen, I will definitely break all your bones." Hua Wuliu looked at Xia Xia fiercely.

"Summer, you are still injured." Binghua Leiting shouted loudly.

"Do you still use heyday to deal with him? He doesn't seem to be very powerful except for pretending to be b." Xia Xia said very casually, "By the way, don't be sad, although you lost the title of king of soldiers, but now you have a fake-b. The title of the king, this title is recognized by all of us, if you don't believe me, ask the brothers below, brothers, his title is"

"The King of Pretend B"

Everyone shouted in unison.

"Look at how much the people in our first division support you. The people in our first division have always been so hospitable, so you don't have to thank us." Xia Xia said lightly.