Save Fan Jin

Manniu is a straightforward person. He is just like that. He and Fan Jin are brothers who entered the army together, participated in training together, and entered the special forces together.

Later, they became candidates for the King of Soldiers of the 1st Division and fought for the 1st Division.

Since there has always been a conflict between the first and third divisions, Hua Wuliu deliberately targeted the two of them during the game, and even disabled Fan Jin in the final game. In the end, even Manniu was almost killed by him. The crippling, if it wasn't for the first division's commander who hurriedly came forward to stop it, even the bulls would be finished.

Now Xia Xia has avenged Fan Jin, and he is grateful to Xia Xia from the bottom of his heart.

"I heard you mention that Fan Jin, where is he now?" Xia Xia asked.

"His house belongs to the city, but his leg is disabled, and now he can only use a wheelchair." Man Niu sighed.

"The two of you seem to have a good relationship." Xia Tian asked.

"Well, the two of us joined the army together, joined the special forces together, and when we were punished together, we learned from the apprentices, and finally became the soldier king candidate of the first division, but then he was maimed by Hua Wuliu, and I lay in the hospital for three days. months." Bull explained.

"I want to meet that Fan Jin." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, you avenged him. He will be very happy to see you. I'll go and ask the boss for leave first, and then we two will leave now." Manniu hadn't seen Fan Jin for a long time.

After taking leave, I went to the city with Manniu by car in the summer.

Fan Jin's family was in good condition. His father was a leader in the city, and their ancestors had served in the army for generations, so Fan Jin joined the army when he was young, and he was so good, but he ended up like this in the end.

Man Niu brought Xia Xia to Fan Jin's community.

"Hey, Jinzi, I'm a big bull, open the door for me quickly." Man Niu called Fan Jin, and Fan Jin was very excited when he heard that it was a bull.

After a while, a nanny pushed a young man out.

The young man was sitting in a wheelchair with a smile on his face. He did not become a boring melon because he was disabled.

"Da Niu, why did it take you so long to see me." Fan Jin said with a big smile when he saw Man Niu.

"I'm not busy, can you go out and let's have a good chat?" Manniu asked.

"Of course there's no problem." Fan Jin said with a smile on his face, then glanced at the nanny behind him, "Go back first, this is my comrade-in-arms, if you tell my mother that I'm going out to dinner with Daniel, she will know Who is it?"

"Come here, I'll push you." Manniu is usually a very cold person, but when he saw Fan Jin, his face was full of smiles.

"Who is this brother?" Fan Jin asked Xia Xia.

"I'll tell you about him later, you'll be very happy." Man Niu pushed Fan into a nearby restaurant, which he had come in with Fan before.

This hotel is not big, but this hotel is the most famous one in the neighborhood. It has a history of several decades. When Manniu and Fan Jin first entered the hotel, the owner saw, "It's a small one, how are you doing lately? "

"It's still like that, Brother Li, my comrade-in-arms is here today. You want to bring me some good dishes." Fan Jin and the boss were very familiar.

"Don't worry, it will definitely satisfy you." The boss smiled slightly.

Fan Jin is a very famous person in the neighborhood. He joined the army at a young age and received first-class merit. Although he was later disabled, his cheerful personality infected a large number of people.

The three came to a box.

"You can introduce me now." Fan Jin looked at the bull and said.

"His name is Xia Xia, he's my boss, a member of the Tigers." Manniu said.

"Your boss is my boss." Fan Jin said.

"Jinzi, I'll finish talking in a while, you must be convinced by your bossy cry." Man Niu smiled slightly.

"Oh, let's hear it." Fan Jin was also interested.

"Hua Wuliu fought against the boss and lost two games in a row, and also lost the title of King of Soldiers." Manniu said.

"Hahaha, good things, good things, there must be more today

Have a drink, this news makes me so happy. " Fan Jin said with a big laugh.

"This is just the beginning. Later, Hua Wuliu was unconvinced and insisted on the third test. As a result, the boss broke his arm and leg. I estimate that he should spend the rest of his life in bed." Manniu continued.

"What?" Fan Jin was stunned, Hua Wuliu was actually disabled.

"No, he's not disabled, he shouldn't survive tonight." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Boss, you played tricks on him," Man Niu asked in confusion.

"He wants to kill me, of course I can't let him go." Xia Xia said very casually, he didn't like killing people, but he had to kill Hua Wuliu, because innuendo couldn't be leaked.

This spiritual tool will become his secret weapon.

"Happy, boss, I, Fan Jin, have never admired anyone other than my master in my life. You are one of them. From now on, you will be my boss." Fan Jin shouted excitedly.

"Boss, bring me a bottle of Erguotou." Fan Jin shouted loudly.

He is very happy today. In the past three years, he has never been so happy today. Although he is smiling every day, disability has always been his biggest heart disease.

Hua Wuliu's ugly face when he attacked him, he still remembers it He never thought that someone would take revenge on him.

"Come here, let me see your legs." Xia Xia said.

"Boss, I'm fine, I'm used to it for so many years." Fan Jin thought that Xia Xian was afraid that he would be sad.

"Come here, I know some medical skills." Xia Xia said.

Fan Jin moved the wheelchair forward and said with a wry smile, "Boss, you don't have to worry about me, the doctor said it can't be done."


Xia Xia punched Fan Jin in the leg.

"Ah" Fan Jin grinned hoarsely in pain.

"Boss" Man Niu looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"It's okay, I feel it, it can be cured." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Can cure" Fan Jin looked at Xia Xia with a look of surprise.

"It's not a big problem, and you usually pay attention to exercising your body. After seven days, you should be able to walk on the ground." Xia Xia's hands condensed and pointed at Fan Jin's knees.

Then he threw the silver needle with both hands and pierced the inside of his leg.

"Well, my legs seem to be really conscious." Fan Jin was stunned. He really felt his legs. Although he couldn't move now, he clearly felt his legs.

"I inserted seventy-eight silver needles into your leg. It will be a little itchy, but it's okay, don't pull it out." Xia Xian patted Fan Jin on the shoulder and said.