SSS class killer

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Fan Jin was stunned. He could feel his legs. He knew that his legs were really good. Even the bull beside him was surprised.

"Boss, I Manniu has completely convinced you. No matter what you send in the future, I Manniu won't blink." Manniu patted his chest and assured.

"Boss, I, Fan Jin, won't say nice things. From now on, my life is yours." Although Fan Jin only said this sentence, it was the most sincere.

Life, one person has one, and hand over his life to Xia Xia.

Although he had been alive before, his soul was almost dead, and the disability was his biggest heart disease. Now that his illness is getting better, he feels that his life has become meaningful again.

"Drink a bar." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Manniu's strength is not bad. Although he hasn't reached the Xuan level yet, he is almost there. Moreover, he is an all-round war talent. Fan Jin is as famous as him, and his strength is naturally not bad. My little brother, of course, is very happy.

The three drank very late.


"Master Kun, we have contacted the two most mysterious killer organizations in America." A terrorist leader said respectfully.

"Who are they?" Quincy said with a frown.

All those people in Scorpion died in Huaxia, no one was rescued, and his brother's revenge was not avenged. When he thought of these things, he couldn't even sleep, so he planned to find the most famous killer organization in the world to kill Xiaxia. .

"They are all organizations with sss-level killers, one is seven knives, and the sss-level killer inside is called phantom **** greedy wolf; the other organization is called the mafia, which has an sss-level killer Mo Li." The terrorist leader said. .

"Hmph, nonsense, there is indeed a sss-level killer named Phantom God and Greedy Wolf in the seven knives, but the sss-level killer Mo Li is not from the mafia, she does not belong to any organization, she takes the task completely depends on her mood, the mafia actually It's advertising based on her name." Kunsai still knows a lot about the SSSS-level killers in the world.

Huaxia's Wei Guang is an SSS-level killer.

"What do you mean?" the terrorist leader asked.

"Give the task to seven knives, money is not a problem, let them send experts to Huaxia, and they must kill Xiaxia for me." Kunsai said angrily.

"It's impossible for the phantom gods and greedy wolves to shoot at will." said the terrorist leader.

"I know that the seven knives are not the only killer. It's okay to let other people go, as long as you kill Xia Xia." Kunsai understands that sss-level killers will not shoot at will.

America, within seven knives.

"Boss, Kunsai's mission has been won. This is the document called Xia Xia." said a person holding the document.

"The last name is Xia," said a killer sitting next to the leader coldly.

"Qihuan, are you interested?" The leader looked at the man and asked. That person was the SSS-level killer, the Phantom God and Greedy Wolf. The Phantom God and Greedy Wolf was just his nickname, and Qihuan was his name.

"I'm not interested, Xia Xialong is already dead. If he's not dead, I'd be willing to give it a try. I grew up listening to his legends since I was a child." Qihuan's tone was very cold.

"The Leopard Girl and the girl are in Jianghai right now, why don't you let the Leopard Girl take action?" the person holding the information suggested.

"Do you want the two of them to die? Who is Kunsai? If it's easy to deal with, why would he come to us?" Qihuan said coldly.

"I'm sorry, Lord Qihuan." The person holding the information hurriedly apologized. He knew that Leopard Girl and the girl were the sisters of Qihuan, and if there was any danger, he would be dead.

"Okay, let's send the S-class killer. The target of those two girls should be a man named Zeng Rou in Huaxia, but the person who assigned the task has been cancelled, let them both come back." The leader said.

"My subordinates will make arrangements now." The person holding the documents left the conference room.

Only the leader and Qi Huan were left in the room.

"It's been a long time since I touched." Qi Huan said coldly.

"You can't do it casually, you are mine

Signboard, as long as you are here, my tasks here are endless. "The leader is very aware of the importance of an SSS-level killer to their organization.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Seven Phantoms that the Seven Swords became the world-famous killer organization.

"I really want to go to Huaxia when I have time, that's my motherland." Qihuan said.

"You can be happy, but Huaxia Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, don't mess around." The leader reminded.

"I really want to see those tigers and dragons. I have never met an opponent since I was eighteen." Qihuan said very arrogantly, but he had arrogant capital.

Inside the Mafia.

"Boss, the mission was robbed by seven knives again." said the information officer.

"Seven knives, damn, it's them again, I'm so mad at me. In the past few years, most of our tasks have been taken away by seven knives." The leader said angrily.

"There is a sss-level phantom **** and greedy wolf in the seven knives, and outsiders naturally like to post tasks there." The data officer said.

"What's so great about sss-level killers, don't we have them too?" the leader said angrily.

"You also know that Mo Li is an idle person. Although she has taken on a lot of tasks from us, the real people with dignity and respect know that she does not belong to our The information staff explained.

"Damn, sooner or later I will uproot seven knives." The leader said angrily.

"Where did you get so angry? I saw you being so angry when you first came." A young girl appeared at the door. The girl was not very old, but she was really a beautiful woman.

A pair of strange eyes.

She came in without knocking on the door. According to normal circumstances, if someone dares to come in without knocking on the door, the leader of the mafia will definitely peel the other person's skin, but when he saw the girl, his face was full of smiles." My eldest lady, it's not because of you, how good you are to join our mafia, I guarantee that the second top spot in the mafia will always be yours."

"I'm not interested." The girl is the SSS-level killer Mo Li.

"Hey, this mission was robbed by seven knives again." The leader said depressedly.

"There's nothing to be angry about, it's better not to let them finish it." The girl said very casually.

"My eldest lady, it's easy for you to say, we have rules in our business, and we can't disrupt other people's tasks." The leader said.

"It's fine if I destroy it, who would dare to talk to me about the rules?" Mo Li said very domineeringly.

"That's not true, but the target this time is Huaxia." The leader was naturally very happy when he heard that Mo Li would take action. If Mo Li took action, even if someone knew that she was sabotaging, no one would dare to reason with her. .