Fight against the S-class killer

"I just want to go shopping in Huaxia, you can give me some money." Mo Li directly stretched out her right hand.

"There are 100 million US dollars in this card." The leader of the mafia said very aggressively. He was indeed very generous in his shot. It was 100 million US dollars in one shot, which was not a small sum.

"Why do you want to bribe me by giving me so much money? I'll tell you that I don't sell my body." Mo Li took the card and left the room.

The leader of the mafia shook his head helplessly. He knew Moli's character very well. Moli never took other people's money casually. Once he took his money, he could ask Moli for anything.

"Boss, you are really brilliant." The information officer smiled slightly.

"That's natural. Moli doesn't like to owe others favors the most. I gave her 100 million yuan, and she can speak when she has something to do," said the leader of the mafia.

In the evening, Xia Xia and the bullocks returned to the barracks.

After the last competition, the division commander has given special approval. In summer, he can move freely within a division, and he does not need to participate in the training of the Tigers.

In the summer when I was idle and bored, I began to teach the bull's martial arts.

Manniu's kung fu was learned from a veteran. At that time, he and Fan Jin were sent to the garbage dump of the military area. There were two seniors there. The two of them gradually became familiar with the two seniors. The seniors taught them both martial arts, shooting and various fighting techniques.

Man Niu and Fan Jin worship a veteran as their teacher.

Every day, the bull is beaten by the summer until he can't stand up before leaving.

But every day the bulls come here, because he finds that every time he finishes fighting with Xia Xia, he feels that his strength has been improved. This is pain and happiness.

A week passed quickly.

Xia Xia learned a lot in the barracks, but he took a leave of absence today. He was going to see Fan Jin and pull out those silver needles.

"Boss, I've also asked for leave. I'll go with you." Man Niu knew what he was going to do in the summer.

"Let's go, by the way, there is a girl named Sha Lihua in your female barracks, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"Uh," Manniu was slightly taken aback when he heard Xia Xia ask Sha Lihua, because he knew that Sha Lihua had gone to Xia Xia for trouble, and he was afraid of Xia Xia's revenge. "Boss, she was just impulsive at the time, you must not know her in the same way. ."

"What do you think I'm so stingy?" Xia Tian was speechless for a while.

"Then what do you mean?" Man Niu looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"I have a brother, Shouzi, the skinny fellow of the second brother Shenma. He knows my relationship with you. I hope you can make it easier. Next time he goes, you don't drive him away." to him several times.

Since the thin man was beaten by Sha Lihua last time, he thought that Sha Lihua was his woman, so he always wanted to go to the female barracks to find Sha Lihua, but the bull's temper was very strong.

In the past, many people had the idea of ​​hitting the female barracks, but they were all fixed by him.

When the thin man went to the female barracks, he was chased away by the bulls.

"Ah, this kind of thing, since the boss has spoken, it's naturally no problem." A smile appeared on Man Niu's face. He just thought he was going to clean up the sand in summer.

After all, it was Sha Lihua who was wrong at the time, and she went to find trouble in summer.

"Okay, let's go." Xia Tian nodded.

When the two came to Fan Jin's house, Fan Jin walked out on his own. Although it was still a little inconvenient to move, he was completely able to leave by himself.

"Jiang Tianshu's subordinate's medical skills are much stronger than mine. If there is a chance, we must steal that person's medical skills." Although Xia Xia cured Fan Jin, but seven days passed, he still couldn't look like a normal person, he remembered At that time, Jiang Tianshu's subordinate only took a while to heal Wen Zhaohua, who was covered in injuries.

"Boss, look at me, I can go by myself." Fan Jin said excitedly.

"Come here." Xia Xia waved to Fan Jin.

Fan came in to Xia Xian's side, Xia Xian kicked Fan Jin's knees with his right foot, all those silver needles flew out, Fan Jin's legs were a little uncomfortable, and he fell directly to the ground. Go up to help Fan Jin.

"Don't move, let him stand up by himself." Xia Tian

Stop the bull.

When the bull heard Xia's words, he stopped.

Fan Jin squeezed his legs slightly, without the powerlessness he imagined, and stood up slowly.

"Jump," said Xia Xia.

"Boss, his injury is just right, if he jumps, will there be any problem?" Manniu asked inexplicably.

"Jump." Summer didn't explain.

Fan Jin nodded and jumped up with his legs.

He actually jumped up. At this moment, Fan Jin's face was full of smiles. He actually jumped up, and he actually jumped up again.

"Boss, I can actually dance." Fan Jin said excitedly.

"Nonsense, if I don't have the ability at all, how can I be your boss." Xia Xia said lightly.

"You can actually jump." Man Niu also said with a look of surprise.

"Okay, I still have some things to do. Let's go first, Manniu. You stay and fight with him. He hasn't done it for three years. He should have itchy hands." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Boss, you came so hard, why did you leave in such a hurry? My father has to thank you in person." Fan Jin hurriedly said when he saw that Xia Xia was leaving.

"You're my little brother, it's right to save you, no thanks, I'll go first." Xia Xia said.

Fan Jin and Manniu didn't hold back Because if something happened in the summer, it was definitely something.

"Da Niu, fight with me." Fan Jin said excitedly.

"Come on," said the bull.

The two fought in the community like this.

"Look, isn't that Fan Jin? Isn't his leg disabled? Why did he stand up?"

"It's him, he's actually fighting someone else."

"He's alright, this kid is alright. It's a good man who has good rewards."

There were more and more people in the community. Some people were just starting to fight, but Fan Jin said that this was his comrade-in-arms, and the two were practicing against each other. Everyone didn't say anything, but just gathered around to watch the fun.

Fan Jin's father and mother both rushed back.

After Xia Xia left the two, he was not in a hurry to return to the military area. When he just stepped out of the military area, he found that someone was following him, but he did not show it at that time in order to treat Fan Jin's injury.

Now that the silver needles in Fan Jin's legs have been taken out, he naturally has to get rid of the tail, so he deliberately said that he had something to leave early.

There is a rule in summer. He will go to a very remote place, and he likes narrow spaces the most.

"Do you want me to invite you out?" Xia Xia said coldly after reaching the depths of a very remote alley.

The other party didn't move.