The old Wen Zhaohua

"Why are you here?" Xia Xia looked at Fan Jin in confusion.

"Boss, you are here, of course I'm coming. I already told the teacher that I was temporarily demobilized. The teacher asked me how my injury was healed. I said that I met a **** who was healed outside." Fan Jin was very sensible and said: He didn't reveal that Xia Xia knew about medicine, and he was afraid that it would bring trouble to Xia Xia.

"Yes, since you're here, let's train with Manniu." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Inside the seven knives organization.

"Boss, the mission to assassinate Xia failed," the recorder said.

"How can an S-class killer fail if he fails?" the leader asked inexplicably.

"I don't know, the s-class killer is dead, but I heard that the sss-class killer Mo Li from the Mafia went to Huaxia. I suspect that she did it." The recorder said.

"Damn, is the Mafia planning to break the rules?" the leader said angrily.

"Boss, you also know that SSS-level killer Mo Li doesn't belong to any organization, so even if we want to investigate, we can only go to her, but who would dare to go to her." The recorder explained.

"Damn, what are they trying to do? If Mo Li really intervenes, then our mission will be impossible to complete." The leader said depressedly.

"I'll go to Huaxia too." Illusory God Greedy Wolf, who had not spoken for a while, spoke.

"You have to do it yourself" the leader asked inexplicably.

"Are they asking me for the money? Send someone, I'll keep an eye on Mo Li." Phantom God Greedy Wolf said coldly.

"Okay, if you take care of Mo Li, this task will be completed." The leader nodded, then looked at the recorder and said, "This time, two S-class killers are sent over, and the task must be completed."

"Okay." The recorder nodded.

Inside the Mafia.

"The mission of the seven knives failed, and an S-class killer was lost," the recorder said.

"Okay, that's great, it looks like Mo Li did it." The leader was very happy when he heard that the seven knives mission failed, and he also lost an S-class killer. Every S-class killer is an elite among the elite.

It took a lot of hard work to cultivate it.

Every death is a huge loss to the organization.

"Boss, there is bad news," the recorder said.

The "What News" leader has not recovered from his joy.

"The sss-level killer of the seven knives, the phantom **** greedy wolf, is also going to China," the recorder said.

"What?" The leader frowned when he heard that the phantom **** greedy wolf went to Huaxia, and the good mood all disappeared. He understood that the reason why the phantom **** greedy wolf went to China must be to contain Mo Li.

"Just got the news that there are two S-class killers with him." The recorder explained.

"Hey, forget it, it seems that they are going to complete the mission this time, but they have already lost an S-class killer, which is a good thing for us." The leader sighed.

Huaxia, Jianghai City.

"What the **** is going on, why am I getting older day by day." Wen Zhaohua angrily shredded everything in front of him. A part of his hair turned white every day, and now he looked like a forty-year-old man people.

"Shao Wen, this is a report from the hospital. They say that you are aging naturally, just like a normal person's birth, old age, sickness and death."

"Why, why is this?" Wen Zhaohua shouted angrily.

"Young Master Hu also shows signs of getting old, but he is not as serious as you."

"Young Master Hu is also getting old, it must be Xia Xia. He is the only one who has dealt with us. Damn, I must kill him." Wen Zhaohua blamed everything on Xia Xia.

"Would you like to inform Jiang Shao?"

"Yes, I will contact Young Master Jiang." Wen Zhaohua seemed to have caught a life-saving straw.

Hidden door.

"Jiang Shao, this is Wen Zhaohua's message. He and Hu Fangye are all getting old." Yu He gently shook his feather fan.

"It's normal to grow old, and black robes are not immortals. There must be a price to pay to heal their injuries." Jiang Tianshu said lightly.


"Wen Zhaohua put the crime on Xia Xia." Yu He continued.

"This is a good thing, let them fight, my affairs here are impossible to finish within a year or so, let them hold off the summer for me first, I didn't expect this summer to be so powerful, even Hua Wu Liu Lost." Jiang Tianshu had already received the news of Hua Wuliu's death.

He personally sent someone to deal with Hua Wuliu. Hua Wuliu was more uncomfortable to live than to die, and the black robe was too late, so he asked the people nearby to give Hua Wuliu a treat. His dog, he has this obligation.

"Young Master Jiang, shall we just let him go?" Yu He asked.

"Take care of things here first, he can't escape." Jiang Tianshu said.

Jianghai City is calm now. Since Jiang Tianshu and Xia Xia left, Jianghai City has become very calm, and there is no **** storm anymore. Even Wen Zhaohua, the fourth young master of Jianghai, and others are very low-key.

The only big thing is that the Huo family has cooperated with Ma Yongzhen.

A new company has also emerged in Jianghai City, the Xia Group. When this group appeared, celebrities from all over Jianghai City were present, and the Xia Group was involved in a wide range of businesses.

The channels of cooperation are also Taishan Beidou in Jianghai City.

Those people all know who the boss behind this Xia Group is, that is Xia Tian who dares to fight against Jiang Tianshu.

At present, there are four people at the helm of the Xia Group, Mr. Huo, Ma Yongzhen, Xu Dechuan and Zeng Rou.

When the Xia Group opened, Wen Zhaohua and others were still looking for trouble, but unfortunately they were repaired by Xia's apprentice Gao Fei. He was also stunned.

Wen Zhaohua was afraid of Xia Xia, but he knew Xia Xia would not kill people casually, so he still quarreled with Xia Xia, but when he met Xiao Fei, he didn't even dare to speak.

Because Xiao Fei kills people if he doesn't agree.

People from Shenlong Martial Arts School went to Jianghai University to look for Xia Xia, but they couldn't find it. Later, they heard that Xia Xia had something to do with the Department of Literature and Art, so they surrounded the Department of Literature and Art and asked Ye Qingxue to make friends.

In the end, it was Ye Xu from the Wushu Club who led people to drive the gang away. Yexu was the person from the Wushu Club who was maimed in the competition. Later, Xia Xia rescued him and healed his injuries. He has always been Want to repay summer.

So when he heard that the Ministry of Literature and Art was besieged, he immediately took someone to relieve the siege.

Of course, I don't know about all this summer. During this time, he has been training with Manniu and Fan Jin. He instructs the two of them every day. Fan Jin's foundation is very good, although he hasn't done it for a few years.

But after recovering for a period of time, he has also stabilized his strength.

"Hey, it's time to go back and have a look." Xia Xia has been in the army for almost two months, and he has been in the army for the past two months without going out.