leave the barracks

"Xiamen, you decided." The teacher looked at Xia Xia regretfully and asked.

"Well, school is about to start. I want to go back to school. This is my father's biggest wish." Xia Xia smiled slightly. It was his father's wish to go to college, so he had to go back to college.

"You are a good soldier. With you guiding them every day, the strength of our first division has been rapidly improved." The first division is now the strongest division in the entire military region.

The new Soldier King is Manniu. Although Manniu is the new Soldier King, everyone knows that his Soldier King was given by Xia Xia. Xia Xia removed all obstacles to him, and he conceded defeat in the final duel.

Xia Xia understood that he could not be bound by the title of King of Soldiers, so he gave the title of King of Soldiers to his younger brother Manniu.

"If I'm not here, everyone will be number one. Tigers lead the team. How can there be dogs in the team?" Xia Xia smiled slightly. dog.

"Okay, come back to see me if you have time, call me if you need my help with anything, and call your brigade commander if I can't get through. I know you two have always had a good relationship." First Division The teacher said jealously.

"Sir, you say that as if I have a bad relationship with you." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"Stinky boy, go, your comrades are still waiting for you. By the way, your brigade commander told me to tell you that he will not send you. He said that he is too old and can't stand the feeling of separation." the teacher said.

"Yes." Xia Xia nodded. During the time in the army, the brigade commander treated him like his own child. The two of them talked all night every day.

Outside, all the members of the Tigers are here, and even the soldier Lei Ting is here.

The fat man of the two Shenma brothers came, but the thin man didn't.

"Summer, the thin man said that he was beaten by Sha Lihua and couldn't get up, so he won't give you away." Fatty said.

Xia Tian nodded. He knew that the thin man had a temper with the brigade commander and didn't like to be separated, so he said this on purpose. Although Sha Lihua still beats the thin man, he will no longer be so bad that he can't stand up.

The thin man goes to Shalihua almost every two days to be beaten.

"Summer, I'm about to be demobilized. When I'm demobilized, I'll go to Jianghai City to find you. I'll eat and live with you then." Gu Qileng, the team leader of the fifth team, said.

"And us." The Million Army shouted.

"What are you doing, rebel, you are all gone, am I the captain of the bare pole?" Binghua Lei Ting shouted.

When they heard Lei Ting speak, they all smiled slightly and did not speak.

"Lei Team, I'm leaving. What do you think? In less than two months, you punished me for cleaning the toilet eight times." Xia Xia complained, but Lei Ting, a soldier, didn't give him any face.

When you say clean up, clean up.

"You're embarrassed to say, which time did you clean up, either Manniu and Fan Jin helped you clean up, or Slim and Xiao Leng." Binghua Lei Ting said angrily, every time she punished Xia Xia, Xia Xia could find help.

The most free labor is Manniu and Fan Jin.

When Shouzi and Xiao Leng have something to ask for in the summer, they will also go to help the summer clean up.

"Look, I'm not popular." Xia Xia smiled.

"Don't forget the brothers." Vice-captain Zhan Hu patted Xia Xia's shoulder. During Xia Xia's time, the Tigers were the happiest, and Xia Xia brought them different joys every day.

"Brothers, find me when you come to Jianghai. You all have my mobile phone number. Please notify in advance." Xia Xia said.

"Fan Jin, you must take good care of the boss, or I will blow your head." Manniu looked at Fan Jin and said, Fan Jin and Xia Xia went together, Manniu is now the king of soldiers, and it is impossible to leave the army for the time being.

"You're not a soldier now, can you marry our little Jie?" The witch Yu Lili looked at Xia Xia with dissatisfaction.

In the past two months, he has been looking for Xia Xia's troubles almost every few days, but he was blocked by Fan Jin. She and Fan Jin had fought quite a few times, and Shouzi and Sha Lihua still had no results.

But the witch Yu Lili and Fan Jin have made progress.

When Yu Lili came over for the first time, she was repaired by Fan Jin, and it was the first time she was beaten. Gradually, she actually liked Fan Jin.

However, Fan Jin said that he would go wherever he went in the summer and would not stay in the army.

"Can you stop talking about Xiaojie all day long, is the boss someone willing to give up the whole forest for a tree?" Fan Jin taught him a lesson.

"Let's see fate." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

The witch Yu Lili was reprimanded by Fan Jin, but she didn't say a word. Everyone shook their heads helplessly. It was really one thing. The witch Yu Lili was never afraid of anyone, but she became very good in front of Fan Jin.

"Let's go quickly, don't waste everyone's feelings." Binghua Lei Ting said.

"It's so heartless, have you forgotten the story of that night?" Xia Xia said aggrievedly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, all the people around started snickering. This was the craziest thing Xia did in the army. He lost the bet with Gu Qilen and the others, and ended up going downstairs to sing love songs in Lei Ting's dormitory.

Gu Qileng and the others also found a guitar.

Xia Xia held the guitar and sang a love song~www.mtlnovel.com~ Later, Lei Ting, a soldier upstairs, poured a basin of foot-washing water on her head. As for whether the water washed her feet or not, it is still a mystery.

"Get out, get out of here quickly." Binghua Lei Ting got angry when Xia Xian mentioned that.

"Brothers, I'm leaving." Xia Xia saluted everyone.

Then he left the military area with Fan Jin.


As soon as Xia Xia walked out of the military area, the fat man burst into tears, "I said I won't come, and the brigade commander insists that I come, will I not be sad?"

Just now, they were all the members of the Tigers with smiles all over their faces, and they couldn't even laugh. Especially when Fatty cried, it brought their emotions up, and some even shed tears.

"What are you doing? All of them are pure men, but they actually started to cry. Everyone is fully equipped for 20 kilometers off-road." Binghua Leiting understood their mood and planned to use training to change their mood.

I regret being a soldier for three years, and I regret not being a soldier for a lifetime.

He heard this sentence before in the summer, but he didn't feel it until now. Although he only served as a soldier for two months, his military career has enriched him and he has learned a lot.

"Boss, shall we take a taxi directly to the airport?" Fan Jin asked.

"Don't worry, there are killers following us, find a quiet place to deal with them before leaving." Xia Xia already felt that this time it was two people, and their strength should not be worse than the last killer.