I will bully you

Seeing that Xia Xia was about to leave, Brother Xiao Ma and others wanted to stop him, but how amazing Xia Xian's walking in the clouds was. With a flick of his body, he directly avoided Brother Xiao Ma and the others, and his figure disappeared directly into the hotel.

"Come back, you can't stop him." Zeng Rou said helplessly, she knew Xia Tian very well.

What Xia Xia hates most is that someone threatens his relatives and friends. Although Xiao Ma is fine now, if Xia Xia happened to be there, Xiao Ma and them might be separated by yin and yang.

She knows how close the door between life and death is, just like the last time she had a car accident. If it wasn't for summer, she would have died. Although she is fine and healthy now, as long as summer slows down In a second, she is now dead.

Sometimes it is this second that makes people regret for a lifetime.

"Why don't we go and have a look," said Mr. Xu.

"Forget it, let him go. What we have to do is to finish. No matter how much noise he makes, we will do the rest for him." Brother Ma sat down.

"Yes." Mr. Huo nodded.

In the current era, it is impossible for him and Xiao Ma to last for a long time, so they must transform, dissolve the previous company, and re-establish a formal company.

People like them should be more careful than others no matter what they do. Other companies dare to evade taxes, but the companies they run will never dare.

But these are not the most important, the most important thing is that they must survive and not be destroyed all at once.

The people who can kill them all at once are people like Jiang Tianshu.

If they want to not be destroyed by Jiang Tianshu, they must follow Xia Xia. They not only have to follow Xia Xia, but also make Xia Xia's power grow stronger and stronger, and have a force that can rival Jiang Tianshu.

After Xia Xia left the hotel, he went directly to Wen's house. This time, he didn't sneak in, but walked in through the gate. The security guard tried to stop him, but he threw him directly into the courtyard.

All the big and powerful people in the Wen family came out.

"Xia Tian, ​​what do you want to do? This is the Wen family." An old guy from the Wen family said angrily. There is no one in the Wen family who doesn't know Xia Xia.

"What am I going to do? Wen Zhaohua is going to kill my dearest person. Now you ask me what I am going to do." Xia Xia smiled sarcastically, and then continued, "I will tell you now what I am going to do, I am going to kill."

"You said that Wen Zhaohua was going to kill your relatives, what evidence do you have? I know you are powerful, but you can't just bully people," the old guy continued.

"I don't have the evidence, but I'm not being unreasonable today. I'll give you two paths. The first one, I will turn Wen Zhaohua into a fool, and your Wen family will leave Jianghai City. The second one, I will kill Wen Zhaohua. , then I will cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and I will not leave me with trouble." Xia Xia's words were threats.

The status of the Wen family in Jianghai City is not low, but he directly threatened the Wen family. His attitude was very clear. If the Wen family did not agree, then he would directly step on the Wen family.

"Xia Tian, ​​you are deceiving people too much." Those around the Wen family looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Yes, I'm just bullying you. I'm not here today to make sense. You've already touched my bottom line. I'll give you a minute to think about it, and I'll do it in a minute." Xia Tian was too lazy to talk to them Keep talking nonsense.

"In summer, one person does things and one person does the same thing. I do the work, and it has nothing to do with the Wen family." Wen Zhaohua walked out from the back of the crowd, and when he saw Wen Zhaohua, Xia Tian was slightly taken aback, because Wen Zhaohua was actually getting old, and now it looks like Wen Zhaohua seemed to be in his forties, with wrinkles already appearing on his face.

"How did you become like this?" Xia Tian looked at Wen Zhaohua and asked puzzled.

"Hmph." Wen Zhaohua snorted coldly, "Xia Tian, ​​do you dare to admit it? It seems that I really think highly of you."

"Fart, how can I have such ability." Xia Xia scolded, but he immediately thought of a possibility "I understand, the person who treated you must not be a serious doctor, I said that your injuries are every No matter how fast it gets better, it turns out that the person used your vitality to activate his injured cells

, so you will accelerate aging. "

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Wen Zhaohua was slightly taken aback, but he still didn't believe it, "Xia Xia, stop quibbling, you must have done it."

"s13, I don't need to explain anything to a dead person. I thought he was a genius doctor. It seems that I really think highly of that person." Xia Xia said disdainfully, he wanted to treat that person before. The method was learned secretly, but I didn't expect that the other party actually used this method.

Wen Zhaohua understood, Xia Xia really did not need to lie to him, that is, the black robe turned him into this. Jiang Tianshu must know the side effects of the black robe's treatment, but he did not tell them. Now he thinks about the situation at that time, he and Hu Fangye had been healed by the black robe, and as a result, both of them became like this.

Even when he sent a message to Jiang Tianshu for help, Jiang Tianshu didn't tell him that it was because of the black robe's injury. At this time, he finally fully understood that he was a piece of Jiang Tianshu's chess piece and could be discarded at any time.

"Fang Ye, be careful with Young Master Jiang." After Wen Zhaohua sent this message, he turned off the phone~www.mtlnovel.com~ One minute later, if you don't make a choice, then I will implement the second rule. Xia Xia looked coldly at those people in the Wen family.

Everyone who was seen by Xia Xia's eyes felt a chill in their hearts, and their bodies involuntarily retreated.

"I choose the first one. Living is really too tiring for me. Uncle, I'm sorry for the Wen family. Let's leave Jianghai." Wen Zhaohua looked at the patriarch of the Wen family and said.

"Wen Zhaohua, for the sake of your repentance, I will make you an idiot for five years, and at the same time I will cure your illness, but you do threaten the life of Xiao Ma, so your Wen family must leave Jianghai. City." Xia Xia didn't want to kill them all, and Wen Zhaohua had already realized it.

"Thank you." Wen Zhaohua really regrets it now. He has done such a thing. Even if Xia Xian kills him, he has nothing to say, but Xia Xia actually repays his grievances with virtue, and uses five years of idiot life in exchange for dozens of dollars. years of life, the purchase is worth.

"Hey, forget it, everyone, go back and pack up, all the properties of the Wen family in Jianghai City are going to be relocated." The patriarch of the Wen family sighed, he was not an unreasonable person.

Who is Xia Xia? Although he doesn't know much about Xia Xia, he has heard of Xia Xia's reputation. If Xia Xia is really pushed into a hurry, Xia Xia can really do anything.

He is also old, and he doesn't want to harm the whole family because of his momentary wrong decision.

Xia Tian flicked his right hand, and a hundred silver needles flew out at the same time.