Hot dishes to catch Wen's house

The purpose of shooting out the silver needles in Xia Tian was to heal Wen Zhaohua, but some of them turned Wen Zhaohua into an idiot. Amnesia, physical inconvenience.

However, he just suppressed it, not cut it off, so after five years, Wen Zhaohua's brain meridians will automatically recover, and he will become a normal person again.

After all this was settled, Summer returned to the hotel.

"It's resolved," Mr. Huo asked.

"Well, the Wen family will move out of Jianghai City tomorrow, and Wen Zhaohua has become an idiot." Xia Xia said lightly, his eyes set on a plate of hot dishes on the table, he remembered that when he left, this plate of dishes Just came up, and now that he has come back, the dishes are still hot.

Brother Ma also noticed the dishes.

"In ancient times, Guan Yuwen wine killed Huaxiong, and you have the cash to catch Wen's house with hot summer dishes." Brother Xiao Ma smiled slightly.

"Brother Xiaoma, you make fun of me too." Xia Xia said helplessly.

"This isn't a joke, it's a fact. When you left, the food just came up, and when you came back, the food was still hot, but in the middle of it, you actually drove the Wen family out of Jianghai City. This is a real skill. "Master Huo praised.

"That's right, the Wen family's status in Jianghai City is not low. If the food is not cold, you drive the Wen family out of China. This is even more powerful than the second master Guan." Mr. Xu said.

"Second Master Guan only dealt with one Huaxiong, boss, you dealt with a family, you are indeed too majestic today." Even Fan Jin joined in the fun.

"Okay, okay, don't praise him, or maybe he will do something earth-shattering next time." Zeng Rou said hurriedly, this time it was the Wen family, and she was afraid that Xia Xia would be impulsive next time. Make some other mess.

"Actually, I always just wanted to be a beautiful man quietly. As long as they don't mess with me, I don't bother to pay attention to them." Xia Xia said seriously.

"Hahahaha" Everyone in the hotel burst into laughter.

After a meal, Xia Xia finally understood some things about the Xia Group, but he really wasn't interested in these things.

"Brother Xu, Fan Jin will be handed over to you." Xia Xia asked Mr. Xu to find a place for Fan Jin to stay, but he couldn't do anything with him, and he didn't do anything.

"Fan Jin, Xiaofei is my apprentice. You have to teach him more things in the future." Xia Xia looked at Fan Jin and said that although Xiaofei's strength has improved rapidly, he has nothing but ruthlessness. Experience, not much to know.

Fan Jin, on the other hand, is an all-around talent, a candidate for the King of Soldiers, maybe an ordinary person, and Xiao Fei can really learn a lot of practical things by following him.

"Don't worry, I will definitely arrange it." Old Master Xu said.

"Where are you going at night?" Zeng Rou asked Xia Xia.

"Go home and see my dad." Xia Xia was talking about the spiritual position.

"I'll go with you." Brother Ma smiled slightly.

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Zeng Rou nodded.

"Master Huo, send someone to help me send Sister Rou back." Xia Xia was most worried about Zeng Rou.

"Well, I have already sent someone to protect Mrs. Zeng 24 hours a day, and there are people patrolling outside her villa." Mr. Huo had already arranged it. He knew that if he wanted to seek Xia's help, he had to show his worth. Come.

"Thank you very much." Xia Xia nodded to Mr. Huo, and Mr. Huo arranged the appropriate benefits.

Brother Xiao Ma drove Xia back to the old house. During the days when Xia Xia was away, Brother Xiao Ma often came to clean it, and the house was very clean.

"Summer, do you remember when we went to the stadium when we were two children?" Brother Ma looked at Summer with a smile on his face.

"Of course I remember. I was going to play ball at the time, but those people bullied me, and you helped me get ahead. Unfortunately, in the end, both of us were beaten with bruises and bruises." Xia Xia certainly remembered that, Xiao Ma was very kind to him, when he was a child As long as someone bullies Xia Xia, whether Brother Ma can beat the other party or not, he will go out and help Xia Xia out.

"You remember one time when we both came back after being severely beaten, the adoptive father gave me to him.

Are you scolding?" The little brother asked.

"Remember, when I was young, it was the first time I saw my father get so angry." Xia Xia said.

"Do you know why foster father scolded me at that time?" Brother Ma asked again.

"I don't know." Xia Tian shook his head.

"The reason why foster father scolded me was why he didn't dare to use nearby bricks to smash each other's head. My foster father told me that this world is where the weak eat the strong. If you are strong, others will be afraid of you. If you are weak, others will bully you." Xiaoma Brother remembered the scene at that time.

"That's true. If I didn't have the strength of Xuan level and did those big things again, the Wen family would not leave Jianghai City obediently. They would even try to kill me." Xia Xia said.

"My name is Ma Yongzhen, my father is also called Ma Yongzhen, my grandfather is also called Ma Yongzhen, my grandfather was a prefecture-level master, he led people to resist the aggression of the islanders at that Later, he was betrayed by his own people , was poisoned and died in the ring when he was competing with the masters of the island country." Brother Xiaoma told Xia about his life experience for the first time, "My father inherited my grandfather's martial arts, and he plans to help grandpa To get revenge, so he took me to meet the masters of the island country, but my father finally underestimated the island country. He died at the hands of a ninja. Originally, I should have died in the island country, but I happened to be saved by my adoptive father. return."

"And then?" Xia Tian asked.

"Later, my foster father taught me martial arts, but he didn't teach me his kung fu. He told me that the name Ma Yongzhen was not just a code name, it represented an inheritance. He hoped that I could be the same as my grandfather and father. The name Ma Yongzhen." Brother Ma said lightly.

"Brother Xiao Ma, I have never known what strength you are now." Xia Xia asked Brother Xiao Ma.

"In the early stage of the Xuan level, but I haven't done it with anyone for a long time. When I first started out, I relied on the society, so my foundation is not clean. Now it is a harmonious society. I must be cleaner than others." Brother Ma knew that no matter how powerful he was, he would never be able to fight against the country. Even if he could fly to the sky, he couldn't stop the cannons.

So he cleaned up all his business and often went to fundraise to show his determination.

"Brother Ma, here is a friend." Xia Xia said suddenly, and then he walked directly outside the room.

"Oh." Brother Ma was stunned for a moment, then followed Xia Xia out.