human trafficker

No matter what the reason is, summer has persuaded himself.

"There is only one reason for such a decent person to take this bus, and that is to go to Jianghai University." Xia Xia secretly thought, he was still convincing himself, but her eyes had already seen the woman walking behind.

"I'm a decent person, I shouldn't stand in the aisle in front, I should go back." Xia Xia walked to the back with a sense of justice in her heart, but stopped when he was not far from the woman pace.

Although it has not been a long time for people to go to work, there are still more and more people on the bus. This summer, it was really not intentional to go close to the woman. He was squeezed past.

"What are you squeezing?"

"You're blind, you stepped on my foot."

"Why are you like this, look at it."

There are constantly scolding voices around. This is how buses are often crowded. They deliberately crowd each other. Originally, there was still a lot of space for everyone to stand, but when people standing on both sides saw that someone was going to pass by. It's intentional to squeeze.

And the people passing by in the middle squeezed to both sides.

This made the bus more and more crowded, and those people didn't give way to each other, as if they were crowded there on purpose.

But Xia Xian stood there as still as a mountain, no matter how crowded others were, his body didn't move at all, just like a pillar on the car, at this moment a hand reached Xia Xia's arm.

Xia Xian turned his head to look, it was the woman just now.

"I'm sorry, I can't stand there anymore, can I hold you?" The woman asked Xia Xia.

"En." Xia Xian nodded, the distance was getting closer, Xia Xia could see the other person's appearance clearly, he was very clean, but her face seemed to have a look of panic.

Xia Xia soon noticed that there seemed to be a silver-white van following outside the bus. The van was not driving too fast, so he followed the bus in a leisurely manner.

"That car outside is following you." Xia Xia asked the woman, looking at him.

"What are they following, please, help me call the police?" The woman didn't dare to speak loudly, as if she was afraid of something.

"What happened?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"I'm a reporter. I infiltrated a gang of kidnapped girls, and now I managed to escape. Those people followed behind the car just to arrest me." The woman whispered.

"Then why didn't you shout when you got in the car?" Xia Xia asked again.

"This is the way society is now. Even if I shouted, no one would believe it. Even if they believed it, they would definitely think that one more thing is worse than one less thing. If the people in the van discovered the situation here, they would definitely be tough. Get in the car and rob people, none of these people in the car will help, those people just say I am his wife, and then take out a knife to scare these people, even if they have a little thought to help, they will immediately obliterate that person. an idea," the woman explained.

"How many people are you locked up with?" Xia Xia asked.

"Hundreds of people, most of whom were deceived from other places. This organization is very strict. It is said that many of them have already been sold to those ktvs and bars outside." The woman said.

"Why is it so dark that those who are sold won't find a chance to escape or call the police?" Xia Xia asked again.

"It's useless, it is said that those people are related to the above people, and the woman who is deceived must deceive another relative or friend of her own, and then be beaten and abused, and finally can be sold. If that If the person who was sold runs away, his friend will suffer, and once he is caught, he will be dismembered." The woman's body trembled.

"How could you sneak into that kind of place?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"My friend was tricked into going in. After I received her call, I knew there must be something wrong. I also wanted to expose the place. I went in yesterday, and just tricked the guard into saying that I ran out of the bathroom." The woman explained .

"Are those people defenseless?" Xia Xia was puzzled, how could such an organization be defenseless.

"When Jean has it, there is a very small vent on the toilet.

Kou, I have practiced soft skills in dance, so I ran out of there. ' the woman explained again.

"Okay." Xia Xia took out his cell phone and dialed Captain Qian's cell phone number.

"Hey, Captain Qian, you can make merit again." Xia Xia dialed Captain Qian's cell phone number. He didn't want Lin Bingbing to take too much credit, because he knew that once Lin Bingbing made too much, she would be promoted. Once the official is big, with Lin Bingbing's character, there will be more to manage, and more people will be offended.

Captain Qian is very good at being a police officer, so he plans to train Captain Qian well in the summer.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are still thinking of me." Captain Qian on the other end of the phone was very happy when he heard that he could make a contribution again.

"You wait for me at the Jianghai University stop." Xia Xia hung up the phone.

"Going to Jianghai University, it's too far. I'm afraid they will get in the car and take me away." The female reporter said anxiously.

"It's alright, you're safe, wait for the police to come, you can just lead the way to rescue the other arrested people." Xia Xia said The female reporter didn't know why Xia Xia said she was safe , but she can only trust Xia Xia now, because there are too few people willing to come out to help her under such circumstances.

As expected by the female reporter, after two more stops, two big men got into the car, and the two big men rushed to the back as soon as they got in the car.

"What are you squeezing, you don't have eyes." A sissy shouted with great dissatisfaction, but the big man stared so frightened that he didn't dare to continue talking.

These two big men are more than 1.8 meters tall, and at least they must weigh more than 180 pounds.

Those who were squeezed were very dissatisfied, but no one dared to speak.

Soon the two big men squeezed into the woman's side. The woman looked at the two of them in horror, and her body involuntarily stood behind Xia Xia.

"Stinky boy, don't meddle in your own business, or I will ruin you." A big man warned viciously.

"One hand." Summer said coldly.

"What did you say?" The big man looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"If the two of you can block my hand, I'll let the two of you go." Xia Xia said again, his expression was very calm, his left hand let go of the handle, and the car was shaking a lot now, but what did he do? Nothing, and the body hasn't shaken in any way.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the two big men were stunned for a moment, but immediately their expressions became very hideous.