what a big case

Xia Xia's words are really arrogant. The two of them have their physiques lying there, but Xia Xia actually said that he wants to beat them both with one hand.

The two big men didn't want to make things worse, so the two deliberately pushed towards Xia Xia, hoping to solve Xia Xia without knowing it.


Xia Tian slapped him directly.

His two slaps directly attracted the attention of those around him. Because Xia Xia shot too fast, those two were also blinded.

"You two guys, you owed me 1,000 yuan last month and didn't pay it back, and now you dare to borrow money from me." Xia Xia shouted loudly, and even the female reporter beside him was blinded by his shouting.

I don't know what's going to happen in the summer.

The two of them didn't expect that Xia Tian would actually shout, so they simply broke the jar and threw it, and reached out to fight Xia Xia.


Two more slaps were thrown in the past.

"Why, why do you want to fight back? It's all uncles who have borrowed money these days, right?" Xia Xia continued after the two slaps.

"It's true that these two people, such a big man owes money to others."

"I used to have friends like this. They had money to go out to eat and drink, but they didn't have money to pay me back."

"Good fight, people today, I really can't say."

Those who were watching the lively around also started to criticize the two big men. They stood at the top of morality for a while in the summer, and those two people became villains who did not pay their debts.

The two strong men rubbed their faces, and one of the big men hurriedly shouted, "Don't listen to his nonsense, we don't owe him money at all, it's him."


Xia Xia gave both of them a slap, and typed back the man's words, "You two ungrateful fellows, you forgot that when you couldn't afford to eat, you begged grandpa to tell grandma. In the end, I was the only one who lent you money. no"

This time the big man took out a red book directly from his waist pocket.

Seeing him take out this book, Xia Xia slapped it again.


After the two slaps hit them directly in the face, Xia Xian took advantage of the two of them in a daze, grabbed the red book in their hands, and tore them to shreds, "I don't want the money, and I also tore the IOU, just take it I see you two dogs clearly."

The moment she saw the red book, the female reporter knew what the two were going to do. They were holding fake marriage certificates. Although they said they were fake, they did the same thing. Originally, I wanted to say that I was his daughter-in-law, that I was going to run away with Xiaobailian, and then forcibly dragged me away.

Now that the fake marriage certificate has been torn up by Xia Xia, the other party's strategy is useless.

Now she finally understands why Xia Xia said that the two owe him, otherwise no one can stop the two of them as soon as they show their marriage certificate.

"Damn." The big man saw that the fake marriage certificate was torn up, and when he thought about the slaps he was slapped by Xia Xia just now, he suddenly became angry.

bang bang

There is no imaginary fight scene.

Xia Xia went up and gave the two of them a kick, and directly stepped on the two of them on the ground, and the surrounding people had already given up a space.

"People like you, I really can't say anything. If you don't pay back the money, you have to do it." Xia Xia looked at the two with disdain.

"This kind of person deserves to be beaten. It's not a thing. He owes money to them and even beats them."

"I also have such a friend, so let's get a dog, it's just right."

"If you beat him well, this kind of person should be beaten, and he should be beaten to death."

The people around are cheering for the summer. This is the real purpose of the summer. If he does it directly in the car, it will definitely cause a sensation, and it will also cause unnecessary trouble, especially if the driver quietly drives the car. It will be broken when you drive to the station. When the car outside sees the bus driving to the station, it will definitely run away. It will be difficult to arrest them at that time.

"Young man, do you want me to send them to the hotel?" the driver said very decently.

"Forget it, they are unkind to me, too.

It can't be unjust, they are going to Jianghai University, and they will just pretend they don't know these people in the future, and I don't want the money. "Summer's outfit is very similar, and even the female reporter beside him gave him thirty-six likes silently in his heart.

"What a good boy, they have treated you like this, you have to send them to Jianghai University." The driver praised very much.

"Hey, after all, they were my friends before, right? They have to forgive others." Xia Xia looked righteous and dignified, as if he was really noble.

There were few people getting off the bus at the nearby station, so the van outside did not see the situation inside the car, so the two people lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

The people around didn't dare to approach them, and they all looked at the two of them with contempt, thinking that the two of them were touching porcelain.

The car drove all the way to the stop of Jianghai University. Xia Xia helped the two of them to get off. The people in the van watched them get off, and hurried forward to surround Xia Xia and the female reporter.

There are six people in total.

"You guys are already surrounded, surrender now." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Haha~www.mtlnovel.com~ Surrounding us, it's up to you alone, and that woman, it's just the two of you who surround the six of us." The others laughed and said, their eyes full of disdain.

At this moment, Xia Xia waved his hand, and there were more than 30 people around. If you look closely, all of them are police officers. Although they are in plainclothes and the cars they drive are ordinary cars, when they move, they all hang up on their own. The j license plate, those cars are also hung with j whistle.

When those people saw that the situation was wrong, they hurriedly ran away, but they were caught by the police before they had time.

"Brother Tian, ​​what credit did I take this time?" Qian Tou looked at Xia Xia with a smile on his face. He was much older than Xia Xia, but as soon as he saw Xia Xia, he called him Brother Tian.

"These people do all kinds of crimes, and there's nothing they don't do. She's a female reporter who just ran out. She said that there are hundreds of people who are locked up with her. You bring two people and let's drive that car. The van goes over first, and then you send someone over there," Xia Xia said.

"Damn it, such a big case, beauty, how many gangsters are there?" Qiantou asked.

"There are hundreds of people in total, but there are usually more than 30 guards there," said the female reporter.

"Bring me a gun." Xia Xia said, looking her head.

"Brother Tian, ​​you can't use a gun, you don't have a gun license." Qian Tou said embarrassedly.

"Who said I didn't?" Xia Xia took out two certificates, one was a gun license, and the other was a certificate for the head coach of the special team.