Just let 2 of them go

Seeing Xia Xia's two documents, Captain Qian did not dare to speak, because he knew that the special operations department was very mysterious and could not reveal the identity of the other party, so he did not speak, but asked Xia a gun for him.

"Get me another one. I have enough bullets ready." Xia Xia said again.

"One more, okay, I'll borrow one." Captain Qian nodded and said.

When Captain Qian came back, there were already two more people by Xia's side, one was Fan Jin and the other was Gao Fei.

"Uh, who are they?" Captain Qian asked in confusion.

"I'll help you." Xia Xia smiled slightly and threw the gun that Captain Qian brought over to Fan Jin.

"Xiao Fei, this is for you." Xia Xia threw the Lanyun dagger to Gao Fei.

"Thank you, master." Xia Tian knew that the blue cloud dagger was a good thing when he saw it.

"Well, don't embarrass me for a while, the two of you. If you miss someone, I'll help you shoot, but if you miss anyone, I'll punish you once." Xia Xia said very seriously, Fan Jin and Gao Fei's skills Xia Tian believed it, but he still asked for a gun just in case.

With the skills of the two of them, if they missed anyone, it would really be a problem.

"Captain Qian, can you drive?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes." Captain Qian nodded.

"Then you drive, we'll leave now, and when we're almost there, you'll inform the bureau and let them send a car to pick you up." Xia Xia said.

"Why?" Captain Qian asked in confusion.

"The female reporter said that there are people on those guys, let's be safe and don't reveal the news." Xia Xia said.

"But there are hundreds of hostages inside, so I'm afraid we won't be enough." Captain Qian said worriedly.

"Yeah, those people also have guns in their hands. What if they shoot?" The female reporter said worriedly. She had seen the viciousness of those people, that is, a criminal gang.

"It's enough for the two of you to watch the fun with me, it's enough to let the two of them in." Xia Xia said very casually.

"The two of them" Captain Qian was even more worried. If Xia Xia shot, he would feel more at ease, but he was worried about the safety of the hostages, but Xia Xian actually said that he would not shoot and let the two later shoot.

"If you don't trust me, I won't go." Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly.

"Brother Tian, ​​I was wrong." I have to say that Captain Qian's speed and attitude of admitting mistakes are very good.

"Then let's drive." Xia Tian nodded and said.

The female reporter told them the location of the gang, and Xia Xia was surprised that the other party's hiding place was actually in the city, and such a terrifying place still existed in such a prosperous Jianghai City.

No one would have imagined that a closed community would actually be the base of this organization.

"Could it be that other people in this community can't hear anything?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The entire community below the fifth floor belongs to them. Even if someone shouts for help, they can't hear it above the fifth floor, and whoever dares to shout, will suffer more than death after shouting." The female reporter explained.

"Do you two understand the general situation?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes." The two nodded.

"Then let's go." After the car drove into the underground garage of the community, Xia Xia said to the two of them that the car belonged to them, so no one stopped him, but people could already be seen outside. "By the way, try not to kill people. "

After the two got out of the car, they instantly attacked the two closest to them, knocking them down with their bare hands.

This kind of sudden situation made everyone there stunned, but they had a monitoring room, and the people in the monitoring room directly sounded the alarm, and when the alarm sounded, all the guards here ran towards here.

"They have set off the alarm. This kind of alarm will only go off here and can't be heard outside, but those people seem to have sirens on them. When the alarm goes off, no matter where they are, they will rush here. Upstairs Those who are resting will also come down soon." The female reporter said worriedly.

"Summer, I have called people just now, but it will take at least twenty minutes for them to get here."

Captain Qian said.

"Yes." Xia Xia nodded, and the three of them looked out of the car.

Soon, Captain Qian and the female reporter were completely stunned, because those two people didn't use weapons at all, but it took them less than a minute to kill more than ten people.

"It's too far here, let's get out of the car and have a look." Xia Tian opened the car door and got out of the car. Captain Qian and the female reporter also got out of the car.

"Brother Tian, ​​where did you find these two perverts, they are too powerful." Captain Qian didn't know what to say at this time. Although his skills were not bad, he knew that he There is absolutely no way to compare them.

Xia Xia smiled slightly, and kept looking at Fan Jin and Gao Fei. Gao Fei's strength was indeed growing rapidly, and Fan Jin's strength was also steadily improving. "One is my younger brother, and the other is my apprentice."

"Brother Tian, ​​just accept me." Qian Dui said extremely exaggeratedly, he admires Xia so much now, even his younger brother and apprentice are so powerful.

"It's too exaggerated. Are they all veterans? They are so powerful. Can you lend me your phone to take a photo? I want to write down the stories of the two of them~www.mtlnovel.com~ The female reporter said excitedly.

"Wrong, in this incident, there was neither the two of them, nor him, only him." Xia Xia pointed at Captain Qian and said.

"Why?" the female reporter said inexplicably.

"We are people who are very afraid of trouble. You only need to write that Captain Qian rescued you heroically on the bus, and then single-handedly cracked down on this large-scale criminal gang." Xia Xia looked at the female reporter very seriously and said.

"I can write it as Captain Qian and the three heroes together." The female reporter still wanted to be more realistic.

"I saved you, you should listen to me." Xia Xia said solemnly, and he asked the female reporter to write this in order to make Captain Qian more creditable.

After all, Captain Qian can be said to be his person now, and there will be no shortage of troubles for him in the future, so the higher his position, the better for Xia Xia.

"Okay." The reporter nodded.


At this moment, someone fired inside. When the sound of gunfire was heard, everyone looked inside. It was a pistol. There were five people standing inside with pistols.

"Stop me, or I'll shoot." The man in the lead shouted. He held a woman hostage. Seeing him holding a woman, Fan Jin and Gao Fei turned to look at Xia Xia at the same time.

They are waiting for the summer to speak.

Xia Xia walked forward slowly, and Captain Qian and the female reporter also followed.