
"I warn you, if you dare to take another step, I will shoot." The man with the gun looked at Xia Xia and others angrily. He wanted to delay time. There are only less than thirty people here. If two fights, these people are simply not enough to watch.

"Do you want to delay time and wait for your people?" Xia Xia directly saw through the other party's mind. If the other party really wanted to shoot, he would have fired a long time ago. Xia Xia obviously felt that the other party was afraid.

Because his hand holding the gun was trembling slightly, although the amplitude was small, but Xia Xia saw it.

The female reporter had said before that there should be hundreds of people here. Xia Tian estimated that there should be more than this number. After all, the female reporter came in yesterday.

"Shut up, I'll tell you, the soundproofing here is three times that of a normal house. Even if I shoot, I can't hear it outside. We have five guns here, enough to turn you into a hornet's nest." The man was vicious. Roaring at Xia Xia, Xia Xia took a fancy to him, making him even more panicked.

"Shoot." Xia Xia looked at the man and said lightly.

"What did you say?" Everyone looked at Xia Xia in disbelief. He seemed to mean to shoot. Now that the other party took hostages, he actually dared to let the other party shoot.

"Are you scaring me, don't you think that I dare not shoot." The man looked at Xia Xia angrily, with a particularly excited expression.

"Shoot, I'll let you shoot." Xia Xian looked at the other party and shouted.

His voice was loud, and the man's body trembled obviously, because he was frightened by Xia Xia's roar just now, and his emotions became even more excited: "Don't force me, I told you, don't force me."

"Shoot, then shoot, don't be afraid, blow that person's brain with one shot, try it." Xia Xia's voice was like a devil, and even Captain Qian next to him was afraid.

"Open it." The man fell into a frenzy and pulled the trigger with his fingers.


He shot, but it wasn't the man who shot, but Xia Xia. Xia Xia shot too fast. He shot directly through the man's palm, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground.


A scream came out of the mouth, and the others panicked and shot directly at the location of Xia Xia.

bang bang bang

Xia Xia fired four shots in a series, piercing the palms of the four.

"Comparing guns with me is like courting death." Xia Xia threw the gun to Captain Qian, and the moment Xia Xia shot, Fan Jin and Xiao Fei were already rushing up, and the two were fast.

In a blink of an eye, all those guards were knocked to the ground by them.

"Rescue everyone." Xia Xia said lightly, a large number of women were detained in each room, and when they heard that they were saved, all the women cried loudly.

Hug one by one, they were finally saved.

"Sisters, let's quickly thank our benefactors." A woman shouted with tears on her face.

"Thank you my benefactor." All those women actually knelt on the ground.

"Don't be like this, get up, this is Captain Qian of the Public Security Bureau. This time, he rescued everyone with foresight." Xia Xia stepped forward to help these people up one by one.

The criminals who fell to the ground have been **** by Xiao Fei and Fan Jin.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Captain Qian was moved to tears. He swore in his heart that he would be his boss after Xia Xia. No matter what happened in Xia Xia, he would definitely go through fire and water, and he would never give up.

"Thank you, Captain Qian, thank you" Tears flowed non-stop for all the women who were rescued.

"No thanks, I still need everyone's cooperation. I hope everyone will think about the information of the friends who were arrested and those who were sold. We are going to carry out a major purge this time, and we want to rescue all the people who were arrested. ." Captain Qian said in a righteous manner, "This time it's the reporter lady, only when we sneak in will we have a chance to save everyone out."

"Thank you, Miss Reporter." Those people said with tears on their faces.

"Let's get out of here first." Captain Qian also knew that these people wanted to get out of here quickly. People like them felt completely insecure until they got home.

"The trouble has come again.

Xia Xia smiled slightly, and his eyes looked outside.

"I'm sorry to say that there are people outside," Captain Qian asked with a frown.

"It would be better if there are more than 170 people. When will your people arrive? Can you bring enough police cars to hold so many people?" Xia Xia asked Captain Qian, looking at him.

"I didn't expect so many people. I'll call the director right now." Captain Qian took out his phone and called the director. After the director heard the situation here, he immediately led the team and called Feifei. Tigers.

The women who were caught saw that the road ahead had been blocked by the more than 100 people, their faces were full of horror, and the fire of hope that had just been ignited seemed to be extinguished again.

This group of people was dressed in neat black suits, and each of them had a fruit knife in their hands.

The mighty crowd couldn't see the rear at all, and the entire corridor was blocked by those in black suits, and it was impossible to leave from here. UU reading

"Hehe, it's quite good at fighting. Just a few people have beaten more than 30 of my subordinates." The leader has only one left eye, and there is a long scar on his right eye. It is very scary to go up. If ordinary people see it on the street, the first feeling is to avoid it.

"You guys are pretty scary too. I thought you guys had to be fully armed and have a gun each." Xia Xia said very casually. He was really afraid that those people would have a gun in their hands, because in that case the The battle is lost, and even if he can escape, no one else here can escape.

But his clairvoyant glanced around and found that only the one-eyed in front of him had a gun on his waist, and the weapons of the others were fruit knives in their hands.

"Hmph, I'm really curious how many of you can fight like this. How many can you fight? Forty, fifty, one hundred, or two hundred." The one-eyed snorted coldly, and looked at Xia Tian playfully. et al.

His tone was very contemptuous, but there was murder in his eyes. Xia Xia knew that this person was different from the one with the gun just now. He definitely killed people.

"You can ask your people to come up and try." Xia Xia looked at the other party and said.

"Don't move. I'll see who dares to come up. If one comes up, I'll kill one." Captain Qian held a gun in both hands and drank the other.

"Just you have a gun, right?" One-eyed took out the gun from his waist, looked at Captain Qian and said, "You said that if I shoot the women behind you, who will be able to escape?"