1 hits 170

Threatening, that one-eyed is threatening Qiantou, he can see that the gun that Qiantou is holding is a j-gun, and J-cha must not care about the safety of the hostages, so he held a gun at the women, and Qiantou dared not shoot.

"Damn" Qiantou put the gun back on his waist, he really didn't dare to shoot, and he couldn't afford anything wrong.

"How long until your people arrive?" Xia Tian asked.

"There are more than 30 people who will arrive in ten minutes. It will take twenty minutes for a large team." Qian Tou said lightly. Ten minutes is enough to do a lot of things. Normally, 170 people play against five people, and ten minutes is enough to divide the body. Then escaped.

"Enough." Xia Tian said lightly.

"What is enough?" Qian Tou asked in confusion.

"Enough for me to knock them down, and then leave here." Xia Xia shook his arms and legs, he was going to shoot, so many people had weapons in their hands, if Xiao Fei and Fan Jin were let on, the two of them would definitely Injured, the knife has no eyes, and if the chop is right at once, it will be bad.

"Boss, I can do it." Fan Jin said.

"Master, I can do it too." Xiaofei stepped forward and said.

"The passage here is not narrow. If you go up, each of you will face twenty knives at the same time. I don't want you two to get hurt here." Xia Tian walked forward step by step, "You two are optimistic, this kind of Fighting is hard to see a second time."

This battle is different from the previous one. Even though the two of them fought a dozen or so each other just now, they all faced one or two people alone, and at most, they only faced four people.

The gap between four and twenty for a person is huge.

"Do you see what's in my hand?" Xia Xia held twenty silver needles in both hands. Although the silver needles were very thin, he deliberately let Xiaofei and others see it. Different skills, although silver is not very useful for paying masters, but its advantages are that it is easy to carry, easy to attack, and it is a great threat to people whose strength is much different from your own. It is also a battle that can be solved with one move. A silver needle is not the same as kicking out a kick, and the silver needle can be thrown out dozens of times at a time, while kicking a leg, a person can only kick out one kick at a time."

Xia Xia patiently explained to the two of them that he didn't insist that they both learn silver needles like himself, but he had to let them know that their skills were not overwhelming.

It is not the same thing to have a lot of skills without being overwhelmed and being greedy for a lot of chewing.

Too many skills without overpowering one's body means mastering various abilities, while greediness means that one can open a mountain spring, learn Earthquake Boxing, and then learn Tiger Boxing and so on. .

To pursue slightly stronger martial arts, it is better to lay a solid foundation for yourself.

"Hack him to death." One-Eyed said viciously, and the group of Xiaodi behind him all raised their big knives.

These people are really going to hack Xia Xia, this is not just a casual talk, but they are really going to start, and they all look very disgusting.

All the women behind Xia Xia didn't dare to look at them. Some bowed their heads, some turned their heads, and one person would fight 170 people with bare hands. This person would definitely be chopped to pieces.

Neither of them thought summer would survive.

"What are you looking at? Go and help." The female reporter said anxiously.

"The boss won't let us go." Fan Jin said blankly, his eyes were always looking at Xia Xia without moving in the slightest, he was afraid of missing any detail.

"You guys, you're so mad at me, are you just watching him do such a dangerous thing alone?" The female reporter said more and more anxiously.

"I listened to the master." Xiaofei said lightly.

"I believe in Brother Tian." Although Qian Tou was also a little worried, he still chose to believe in Summer.

"You are mad at me." The female reporter was really at a loss for words. These people were really annoying. Xia Tian was their friend, but they just looked at it like that.

When the female reporter looked at Xia Xia's back, she really felt the demeanor of a general.

Xia Xia's ten fingers are bent, the clouds under his feet move quickly, and twenty silver needles quickly pierce the two closest to him.

On the necks of the ten people, the twenty fell to the ground in an instant.

Twenty silver needles appeared on Xian Xian's hand again. At such a close distance, Xia Xia's silver needle's hit rate was also 100%, and he could easily stab the silver needle into the opponent's body.

All this happened very quickly. In less than ten seconds, the twenty people fell down.

From the outsiders' point of view, those people's knives suddenly fell down just as they were about to chop in the summer. All this was very strange, as if they were filming a movie.

"Slow death, slow death." Xia Xia opened her clairvoyant and looked at the speed of these people as if she was dying slowly.

"What are you doing, hack him to death, or I'll let you kill your whole family." One-eyed threatened, these people all have a handle in his hands. He is very vicious, and his subordinates are very afraid of him. If anyone does something bad If so, he will really kill the other party's whole family.

As soon as one-eyed said that he was trying to kill the whole family, those people seemed to be taking stimulants.

It's not like dying at all.

"I got together, so good at 13, one sentence everyone's popularity will come up." Xia Xia couldn't help but praised ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although he admired the ability of the one-eyed, he didn't show the slightest mercy, and his hands were fast. The silver needles were stabbed into the necks of those people, and they were all killed one by one.

One person against 170 people, this is an impossible gap to overcome, but the female reporter saw a scene that she will never forget for the rest of her life.

I saw that Xia Xia's entire figure was like a fairy, walking through the crowd with dreamy steps under his feet. His hands were like lightning, and every time he hit it, someone would fall to the ground.

Soon, they finally understood what it meant that the martial arts in the world could only be broken quickly.

Even the one-eyed was completely stunned, "Is this still a human being, isn't it filming a TV series?"

One-eyed slapped himself, "It hurts, I'm not dreaming."

He was sure that he was not dreaming, but it was a bit too exaggerated to play against 170 people alone, even for a TV series.

five minutes later.

"It's over." Xia Xia clapped his hands. At this time, all the 170 people were lying on the ground, not even screaming, because they had all passed out. The gun was aimed at Xia Xia. "I know you are powerful. I have never seen someone so powerful. But I didn't know that you can't get past the bullet. If you dodge, the people behind you will be shot."


One-eyed didn't talk nonsense this time, and shot directly.