Celebrities want to repay

Xia Xia excitedly handed the pen and paper that the beauty director had just brought over to the male star, "Sign me your name, and I'll delete the photo immediately. You have to pity us idiots."

"Hmph, the current fans are really annoying, just sign him." The female star said impatiently, she never looked at Xia Xia with her eyes, and looked down on others.

"Okay, I'll sign it for you, but you have to delete the photo immediately." The male star had seen a lot of this kind of brainless fan, and he was about to go crazy trying to get his own autograph, but he also enjoyed this feeling.

The male star took the pen and paper in Xia Xia's hand and signed his name on it "Okay, you can take it back and show it off, it's your honor to meet me today, you must have a good face when you go back to show off to others, hurry up. Delete the photo."

"Cousin, delete the photo." Xia Xia said lightly, Ye Qingxue also deleted the photo very happily.

Xia Xian opened the signed paper. Just now, this piece of paper was folded together. After the paper was opened, all the dishes ordered by Xia Xia were on it, and the bill was below.

The bill clearly stated 239,800 yuan.

"Beauty, come here." Xia Xia waved to the beauty director, "Our table has already been bought by the stars at the table next to us. They are really nice people and very generous. I am very moved and can only accept it silently. "

"Uh" Hearing Xia Xia's words, Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin both looked at the bill in his hand.

Xia Xia's hand is really amazing. Under the guise of a signature, they let the other party buy their own order. You must know that Xia Xia asked for 108 dishes. Although they were all small portions, the dishes cost no amount of money. Have.

The stars at the next table were even more stunned, "Scam, you're a scam."

"It's still a big star. I just said that I want to invite me to dinner. I signed all the words, and now I have to regret it." Xia Xia shouted loudly on purpose, and all the people around looked at them. Really a little embarrassed.

"Forget it, don't get acquainted with him, it won't cost much anyway." The female star felt a little embarrassed, so she decided to recognize it.

"Okay, this time I'm the one who's planted, you wait for me." The male star was afraid that Xia Xia would make things worse, so he deliberately let go of his harsh words. The money was spent so unjustly, and he still doesn't know Xia Xia. How much is that table.

However, he could still afford a few thousand dollars, so he could only admit it.

"It's still a big star, come on, here's the bill, it's only 239,800 yuan in total." Xia Xia said lightly, he deliberately folded the amount out for the male star to see.

The chin of the male star "230,000" was about to fall to the ground.

"What?" The other people were also completely stunned. What did they order in the summer, it was 230,000 yuan, which was too terrifying.

"Fraud, you are definitely a fraud, I can sue you." The male star looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Come and have a look, everyone. Celebrities will default on their debts, and celebrities will not pay for their meals." As soon as Xia Xia shouted, there were more and more people watching the excitement. The beautiful director was stunned by this situation.

She saw all the events this time. The meal was originally invited by Mr. Xu in Xia Xia, but Xia Xia asked her for the bill. She saw the arrogant attitude of the stars at that table, so It was only in the summer that I wanted to teach them a lesson.

She also doesn't like those stars very much. There are many big people who come here every day, but this is the first time I see these two stars. When they come, they will have a private room. Willing to let the brokers line up, and the brokers are even more unhappy when they look at everyone during the queuing process.

"Where's the manager of your hotel?" the male star shouted loudly. This is more than 200,000 yuan. He can't stand it if he pays more than 200,000 yuan all at once.

"Sir, the manager is very busy. I am the welcome supervisor. You can tell me anything." The beautiful supervisor stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Tell you okay, he cheated on me, tell me what to do?" The male star said aggressively, asking him to pay more than 200,000 yuan for others at once. How could this make him not angry.

r/> "I'm sorry, sir, you have already signed the bill. Our hotel uses a formal receipt. As long as you sign the bill, the receipt will be printed. Now I can help you get the receipt." The beautiful supervisor explained.

"That's not what I want to sign at all." The male star wanted to explain.

"That handwriting was written by you. As long as you didn't sign the form under duress, we don't care." Of course, the beautiful supervisor will not care about personal grievances. The rule here is to sign the form.

"But he just took the photo to coerce me." The male star talked about the photo.

"Sir, I'm sorry, what we mean by coercion means being held hostage. Your body is not restricted, so it's not coercion, and the handwriting on the signature is neat, which proves that you were very serious when you signed." I have been patiently explaining.

"I signed it seriously because he said he wanted my autograph." The male star explained ~www.mtlnovel.com~ It's not up to us. If you need anything else, you can call us. "After speaking, the beautiful director left there directly.

"Never mind." The male star was slightly taken aback.

"Hey, this is a big star. If you don't pay for food, you will default on your debt. The star is really amazing." Xia Xia sat there and said sarcastically.

"Stinky boy, how dare you cheat my money, I can take the money, but you think about it, since I have spent more than 200,000 yuan, I don't care if I spend another 200,000 to make you crippled. ." The male star said viciously, but his voice was so low that only they and this table in Xia Xia could hear him.

"I'm so scared," Xia Xia said cheaply, his expression was as cheap as possible, and even Ye Qingxue wanted to fix him severely when he saw it.

"Hmph, wait for me." The male star patted the table and got up to leave.

"Hey, if you don't pay the bill, the security guard at the door won't let you go. Tomorrow's headline will be the star restaurant's default." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

"Waiter, swipe your card" The male star was about to be mad at Xia Xia.

He confessed today, but he would never just let it go. He was deceived by more than 200,000 yuan all at once. How could he swallow this breath? He wants revenge, and he wants to find someone to repair it. Summer meal.

"200,000 is enough for me to buy your legs." The male star clenched his fist and said viciously.