Be aware of your identity

"Xia Xia, you seem to have gone too far. That's more than 200,000 yuan." Ye Qingxue said with a frown. No one could misunderstand that 200,000 yuan. That male star was cheated by Xia Xia for 20 yuan. Wan, it's definitely not going to be the case.

"Who let him bully his cousin." Xia Xia said very seriously.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Ye Qingxue's heart warmed. Xia Xia taught the male star a lesson for him. This moved her heart. If Xia Xia wasn't her cousin, maybe she would really fall in love with her. summer.

"I think they will definitely retaliate." Bing Xin said.

Xia Xia smiled slightly. Is he afraid of revenge? Is he a person who is afraid of things? Even Jiang Tianshu is not afraid, so how could he be afraid of a star?

Xia Xia admitted that he was a hooligan. As the old saying goes, a hooligan knows martial arts, and no one can stop him.

As the old saying goes, when the road sees an injustice, let's roar, and we'll leave after the roar.

The beautiful supervisor called Mr. Xu immediately about the situation here. Mr. Xu had already told her that they were honored guests in the summer, so she was afraid that something special would happen in a while.

Mr. Xu's reply was that he will be there soon.

Hearing Mr. Xu's words, the beauty director was even more convinced that Xia Xia's identity was unusual.

"You, wherever you go, there will be trouble." Ye Qingxue said helplessly.

"I will laugh at the sky from the horizontal knife. After laughing, I will go to sleep. When I wake up, I will pick up the knife, and I will cross the knife to the sky again." Ray fell.

The dishes are here.

"Wow, it's so delicate." Ye Qingxue's eyes were all attracted to the dish as soon as it came up. Although the dish was small, it was very delicately made, and it looked like it made people want to eat it.

"What would you two drink?" Xia Tian asked.



The two said at the same time.

Ye Qingxue said the juice, and Bing Xin said beer. Xia Xia and Ye Qingxue turned to look at Bing Xin at the same time.

"You want to drink?" Ye Qingxue asked inexplicably.

"En" Bingxin was a little upset. She wanted to drink some wine, but she didn't know why she was upset. It might be because her brother was coming, or it might be summer.

She knew how powerful her brother was, and she didn't know whether she would go back with him.

If she really went back with her brother, then it would be impossible for her to go with Xia Xia.

"Okay, I'll drink with you." Ye Qingxue saw that Bing Xin was in a bad mood these days, and she planned to have a good drink with Bing Xin.

"What wine to drink?" Although Xia Xia didn't know why the two of them were drinking, but since they were going to drink, what Xia Xia had to do was to get them wine and send them back when they were drunk to protect the safety of the two of them.

"Harbin Beer, the one endorsed by Sun Honglei, is the interesting one," Ye Qingxue said.

The beauty director looked at Xia Xia, meaning she was asking about Xia Xia.

"Let's get a box first." Xia Tian said lightly.

"Okay." With Xia Xia's agreement, the beauty director nodded and asked someone to fetch the wine.

"Sister Bingxin, Sun Honglei is a star in your place, isn't he similar to the two stars just now?" Xia Xia asked in confusion. He had met quite a few stars recently.

"It's different. Sun Honglei is a local star in Harbin. It's not far from me. They are not on the same level as Sun Honglei. Sun Honglei is very friendly to people. I have seen him once before, and he loves to laugh." Bing Xin explained. .

"I remember him playing the bad guy." Xia Xia also remembered that Sun Honglei.

"He's much better than those creamy boys." Bing Xin also liked Sun Honglei very much. She felt that Sun Honglei's domineering appearance was very similar to Xia Xia, but Xia Xia was more handsome than Sun Honglei.

"Your wine is here." The beautiful supervisor brought the wine.

"How many?" the beauty director asked with a smile, but she immediately realized that she forgot to bring a bottle starter, "I'm sorry, I'll go get a bottle starter."

"No need." Xia Tian smiled slightly

, picked up two bottles of beer with both hands, flicked his thumb hard, the two bottle caps flew high, put the two bottles of wine on the table in the summer, and then picked it up with his right hand, and the two bottle caps fell directly into his hand .

"It's too exaggerated to pick up beer with your fingers." The beauty director was slightly taken aback, she pinched her face with her hands, she was sure that she was not dreaming.

Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin shook their heads helplessly.

Xia Tian is really too violent. Although he is strong, he doesn't know how to cover up. It is really shocking to use such an incredible ability in front of others casually.

"Sir, this is the first time I've seen someone lift a bottle cap with their fingers. I've seen a lot of people using chopsticks and lighters before." The beautiful supervisor said admiringly.

"Ignore him, he's a pervert." Ye Qingxue smiled slightly, she and Bing Xin took a bottle of beer, and the two really started drinking like this.

Seeing the way the two of them drank, Xia Xian was shocked. The two of them were actually blowing with a bottle.

"Cousin, you two will drink more soon." Xia Tian reminded.

"Why do you drink it if you don't drink too much?" Ye Qingxue said very happily.

Hearing Ye Qingxue's Xia Xia could only keep silent. Let them go. When summer was depressed, Mr. Xu came. Seeing Mr. Xu coming, the beauty director also hurried up to say hello. .

"How was the food?" Mr. Xu sat directly beside Xia Xia.

"It tastes good and the things are fresh." Xia Xian nodded in appreciation and said, "By the way, why are you here?"

"I heard that you are in trouble, so I came over to have a look." Mr. Xu smiled slightly.

"What trouble can I have?" Xia Xia didn't think he would have any trouble. Although he knew that the male star would cause him a little trouble, he didn't take it as trouble at all.

"You, what status are you now? Sometimes you don't need to do these little troubles yourself at all, and there are many things that you don't need to do at all." Mr. Xu said lightly, and he also saw that there was going on there. Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin, who were blowing the bottle, didn't say anything. He knew what he should take care of and what he should not take care of.

"I don't have any identity, I'm just a student who is going to college soon." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Mr. Xu, those few people are back, they brought a group of people, they seem to be gangsters." The beautiful supervisor ran over and hurriedly said, she saw a mighty group of people.

"Don't worry, they can't get in." Elder Xu said confidently, because there are two people outside Tianxi Gate, one is Gao Fei and the other is Fan Jin.