Shareholders are here

With Fan Jin and Xiaofei at the door, it would be impossible for a few simple idlers to pass through them. Old Xu still had confidence in this. Although he had just met Fan Jin, Fan Jin's strength was not comparable at all. Small flying difference, and Fan Jin has trained, is an all-round talent.

At this time, the entrance of the hotel was blocked by a group of idle people. There were more than ten people in total. The male star and female star stood behind the group of idle people, arrogant and arrogant.

"It's none of your business, just get out of the way." The male star shouted loudly.

"This is Tianximen. It's not like you are here for dinner." Several security guards stood behind Fan Jin and Xiaofei.

"We really didn't come to eat. Today I'm going to take a person inside." The male star said confidently. With so many people around him, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of a few small security guards.

As for Fan Jin and Xiao Fei, he already regarded them as the head of security.

In his eyes, the head of the security is still the security.

"This is Tianximen. If you want to find something, I won't be soft-hearted." Xiaofei said coldly.

"Stinky boy, what are you crazy about me as a security guard? The money I make from a movie is something you can't make in your life." The male star said wildly. Too lazy to treat Xiaofei with a good tone.

"I said if you can't get through, you won't get through." Xiao Fei said coldly, his eyes were like beasts, staring at the male star.

That male star was stared at by Xiao Fei as if he was stared at by a beast, but he looked at the idle people around him, and his confidence came again: "I warn you, if you don't get out of the way, I will destroy you together. ."

"You can try" Xiao Fei is still so cold, his eyes are still so scary, like a hungry wolf.

"Come on, come with me, and abolish him." The male star said to the idle people around him.

Those idle people walked straight forward.

The security guards also wanted to move forward, but they were all stopped by Fan Jin, "Just watch, these people are not enough for me and Xiaofei."

"How about playing faster than anyone else?" Xiaofei said coldly. He always said this to everyone, even when facing Old Man Xu and Xia Xia.

So Fan Jin was used to it.

"Okay, there are thirteen people in total, let's see which of us is faster." Fan Jin was talking about not using weapons, Xia Xia had already asked them, and they are not allowed to use weapons at ordinary times.

It can only be used in life-and-death combat.

Thirteen people, that is to say, as long as one of them defeats seven of them, they will win.

The two moved as soon as they said it, and Xiao Fei's speed was very fast. He kicked with both feet, and he kicked the four of them out at once.

"Fuck me, Xiaofei, you're lying." Fan Jin threw people out one by one with his hands, then put his hands on the ground, kicked two people out, and also knocked down four people.

"Hmph." Xiaofei didn't. He spoke and punched one at a time, knocking down two people again.

Fan Jin saw that Xiao Fei had succeeded and was rushing towards the third person. How could he let Xiao Fei succeed alone? He threw two people with both hands, and then kicked the last person on the left face.

At the same time, Xiao Fei's fist also hit the man's right face.

The two succeeded at the same time, six and a half each, regardless of the top and bottom.

The battle went on quickly, and everything happened between lightning and flint. Before the male star could say anything sarcastic, he saw the idle people he had brought down to the ground.

"What happened?" The male star looked at the few idle people lying on the ground and said puzzledly.

But he soon realized that the group of people he had recruited had been beaten down, and it was the two guys in front of him who had beaten all the thirteen people he recruited.

He suddenly felt a little unrealistic. Everything just now was like making a movie. He even suspected that it was a cameo arranged by the director.

But seeing the few people lying on the ground and screaming, he knew that all this was


"Did you just say you want them to abolish me?" Xiaofei said coldly, standing in front of the male star.

The male star's body kept retreating. He felt that Xiao Fei was like a beast, not a human being. "What are you doing, I'm a star, and I'm a public figure, if you dare."


Xiaofei punched him in the face, knocking the male star to the ground.

"If you dare to bring someone here to make trouble next time, I will break your leg." Xiao Fei said that his voice was cold, like a fierce wolf.

No one dared to question his words.

"Damn, do you know who you hit? I'm going to sue you." The male star's agent hurried to help the male star.


Xiaofei kicked the agent away with one kick, "Go, do you need more evidence?"

The female star was already frightened. When Xiao Fei looked at him, she fell to the ground in fright.

"Master won't let me hit women." Xiaofei said coldly.

The agent took out the phone, "Mr. Xu, UUkanshu Duan Yu was beaten, and now his face is swollen, the following scenes cannot be filmed."

After the manager's cry, the other party finally decided to come here.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Xu came to the gate of Tianximen. After he got out of the car, he hurriedly went to check Duan Yu's injury. When he saw Duan Yu's swollen face, he frowned, "Let the manager come out, I am. shareholders here."

Xu is always one of the shareholders here. Tianximen has a total of fourteen formal shareholders, of which the four major shareholders are Zeng Rou, Brother Xiao Ma, Mr. Huo and Mr. Xu.

And the boss is summer.

This was chosen by everyone, because only if the name of Xia is hung here, there will be no big people coming here to make trouble. As for the small people, they can solve it.

The manager came over soon. The manager is a mature and stable man. He naturally knew Mr. Xu, "Mr. Xu, you are here."

"What the **** is going on here? Why did the security guard beat people indiscriminately? Duan Yu is the male lead I invested in the next movie." Mr. Xu said with great dissatisfaction.

"President Xu, he brought people to make trouble." The manager said with a slight smile.

"He brought people to make trouble. He is a star, how could he bring people to make trouble?" Mr. Xu asked.

"Mr. Xu, you can count. Just now someone inside cheated me of more than 200,000 yuan. I asked someone to judge, but they didn't let me in at all, and they beat me like this." Duan Yu looked wronged. said.