
Ye Qingxue is very confident this time. There are already three kings. She remembers the position of the last plum blossom. I wanted to draw the club k, but I got the **** q next to the club k.

She originally thought that this **** Q was enough to win Summer, but she didn't expect that Summer would draw a diamond K, but even if Summer won, they only drank two bottles in total.

As long as Xia Xian agrees to bet ten bottles, then she will win by drawing plum blossoms, and then Xia will lose ten bottles.

Ye Qingxue was even more excited when she thought of winning. Although she was full of confidence before, she didn't expect that summer's luck would be so good, and she was bigger than her twice.

This time, she wants to let Xia Xia drink ten bottles directly. Xia Xia will definitely feel a little dizzy after drinking ten bottles. At that time, she will take the opportunity to continue to win Xia Xia.

She played all the abacus very well.

"Speak up, do you dare?" Ye Qingxue put her hands on her hips and looked at Xia Xia aggressively.

She straightened up her upper body, as if she was going to compete with Xia Xia.

"It's not that I don't dare, I'm afraid I'll drink too much of the two of you." Xia Xia said depressedly.

"The two of us are not afraid of drinking too much, so you can say if you dare." Ye Qingxue continued, "If you dare, you are not a man."

Ye Qingxue was really afraid that Xia Xian would not dare, so she directly added the following words. In this case, Xia Xian could not say that she would not dare, or Xia Xia would admit that she was not a man.

"You're cruel." Xia Tian really wanted to say that he didn't dare, but the words behind his cousin pushed him back abruptly.

"Come on, we both have a good drink." Bing Xin patted her chest and said.

"Okay, let's compare," said Xia Xia.

Ye Qingxue was overjoyed when she heard that Xia Xia agreed. This time she must win Xia Xia. When she thought of winning Xia Xia, she was very happy. She had already locked the biggest plum blossom card.

It was the one next to the q of spades, and her hand went directly to that card. When she got the king of clubs, she was overjoyed and said to Xia Xia before she even looked at the card, "This time you are sure to lose. , the biggest club K is in my hand."

After speaking, Ye Qingxue directly opened her card, but to her surprise, her card was not the king of clubs at all, but the five of spades.

"How is it possible that I clearly remember that this one is from Plum Blossom K." Ye Qingxue's face was full of incredulity.

"It's my turn, right." Xia Xian said lazily, he drew a card in it very casually, and after opening it, it was a six of spades, and Xia won again.

Bing Xin looked at Ye Qingxue strangely, she absolutely believed in Ye Qingxue's memory, but why did Ye Qingxue make a mistake, and she actually drew a small five.

They lost, and the two of them lost again.

This time, it's ten bottles.

"I'm willing to admit defeat, I'll drink it." Bing Xin said very aggressively.

"I'll accompany you," Ye Qingxue said.

"No, you won this time. If you're confused, how can we win?" Bing Xin said very frankly, and she really started drinking after she said that, and she couldn't bear to watch it in the summer.

Because she was blowing on the bottle, a girl actually drank bottle after bottle.

"Why not." Summer really couldn't stand it anymore.

"No, I can't forget it, I have to drink it." Bing Xin shook her head and continued to drink her wine.

"I still remember the position of the q of hearts. Although the q of the plum blossoms is badly remembered by me, the q of hearts will definitely not be bad." Ye Qingxue secretly said in her heart that she did not believe that Xia Xia's luck was so good every time, this time she would definitely To win summer.

"Come on, it's still ten bottles." Ye Qingxue was cruel this time. Seeing Bing Xin's face getting more and more red, she felt a little sorry.

"Cousin, why don't you play, your luck is not very good today." Xia Xia said helplessly, he has a see-through eye, how could he possibly lose to Ye Qingxue unless he deliberately lost.

"No, Xia Xia, I warn you, if you have the ability, take it out. If you dare to lose to me on purpose, I will ignore you again." Ye Qingxue threatened, Xia Xia Gang

Just as she was about to lose to her on purpose, she opened her mouth to warn.

Xia Xia was very helpless like this. Xia Xia saw the club K that Ye Qingxue called out just now. The club K was right behind the five of spades. When she shuffled the cards, one of them was not shuffled, so she remembered the wrong position.

"Okay." Xia Tian nodded. He could see it. Today, cousin and Bing Xin went to drink too much.

Ye Qingxue put her hand directly on the q of hearts and pulled out the q of hearts. This time he did not make a mistake, it was the q of hearts. Ye Qingxue was full of excitement when she saw the q of hearts, she really hit the draw .

She was so excited that she picked the wrong one just now, which made her mistakenly think that she remembered everything wrong. Now, she is sure that she has only the kind of plum blossom that she remembered wrongly, and the others should be correct.

"Q of hearts, haha, summer, you've decided to drink this time. Now only the club k is bigger than me. I don't believe it. Your luck is so good, you can still draw the club k." Ye Qingxue said excitedly, That chance is simply too small. A person can be lucky once or twice, but not every time.

Bing Xin's ten bottles of wine were finally She also drank a little too much, her eyes were blurred, her face was flushed, and I had to say that she was different now.

"Cousin, I remember you said just now that the K of clubs is near here, right?" Xia Xia put his hand next to the five of spades just now. "I believe you, just want this one."

Xia Xia took it straight out, and after opening it, it was plum blossom K.

When she saw Mei Hua K, Ye Qingxue completely collapsed. This time, she didn't say anything, just started drinking. Bing Xin saw that she was drinking, and she started drinking very happily, and the two girls started drinking again.

"I don't want to play anymore, I want to sing." Ye Qingxue was no longer in the mood to play, she actually kept losing.

"I want to dance." Bing Xin jumped as soon as she said that, and a big split came directly on the sofa. Bing Xin's dance was not based on bragging. I saw it during the basketball game in the summer.

Doing splits and bending over, that's just trivial.

Bing Xin jumped up on the sofa like this, and she actually took off her clothes while jumping, her jacket was taken off by her.


Bing Xin, who was dancing, was so beautiful, Xia Xia's eyes were completely attracted, and her perspective eyes opened involuntarily, but in just a moment, Xia Xia couldn't extricate herself.

Bing Xin's body is very soft. The movements she does are very difficult. Even in summer, it is difficult for me to see these movements on TV.