can't turn off

Xia Xia didn't understand why the clairvoyant opened involuntarily, but he couldn't help but look at Bing Xin. Bing Xin's underwear was sky blue, and the inner pants and inner clothes were a set, with a big red lip print on it.

It looks cute and playful.

Bing Xin seemed to feel that she couldn't jump there. She came to Xia's side with a toss, and she actually stepped directly past Xia's body. This step doesn't matter, she stepped over Xia's head, and Xia's perspective The eyes are open, and this angle allows the summer to see the most beautiful moments.

Bing Xin did a backbend in front of Xia Xia. This pose is not too difficult, and this pose shows her upper body perfectly in front of Xia Xia.

Xia Tian wanted to turn his head away, but his body didn't obey.

A little black and a little white appeared in his mind.

The little black man said, "Take a look, look one more time. If you don't see this beautiful picture, you will regret it to death."

The little white man said, "Don't listen to it, he is the incarnation of evil, and I am the righteous. Don't look at it, but grab it. I can guarantee that it will be very good."

Xia Xia swallowed her saliva. At this moment, it might be due to the effect of alcohol. Bing Xin's body was unstable. She turned over directly. This time, she just happened to be lying on Xia Xia's body, and her upper body was directly attached to her. in summer.

"Silence is better than sound." This is the first feeling of summer.

Although Bing Xin was a little dizzy, she still felt that her upper body had fallen, but when she thought that it was Summer who caught her upper body, she didn't know whether it was the effect of alcohol or the effect of psychology.

She didn't dodge or move, she just lay on Xia Tian's body.

Xia Xian didn't move either, but he grabbed his hand, a feeling he would never forget for the rest of his life.

Ye Qingxue just finished looking for a song. She sat directly next to Xia Xia with a beer in one hand and a microphone in the other. She might have been drinking a little too much. .

She put an arm around Xia Xia's neck, and then sang directly.

She hugged her very hard. Ye Qingxue's figure was not covered. She hugged her like that, and Xia Tian's face just stuck to her upper body.

The scene at this time is as beautiful as it is beautiful. Maybe because Bing Xin didn't respond, Xia Xia's hands grabbed harder.

Bing Xin's face was already blushing. She didn't know whether she was blushing because she was embarrassed, or because she drank too much. Although she did drink a little too much, she could still feel what Xia Tian was doing.

"No, I can't do this." Bing Xin seemed to have regained some sense of reason, and then put her hands on the ground and directly stood up.

She didn't go to see Xia Xia. She was afraid that Xia Xia would see something. She danced directly in front of Xia Xia. At this moment, she seemed to understand why she wanted to learn dance.

Just to dance to show your loved ones.

She likes summer, but she doesn't know how to speak, so she plans to use dance to express it. Bing's heart is beating very fast, and she is completely addicted to dancing.

Xia Xia was different. His eyes were completely unable to leave Bing Xin.

It was the first time that the clairvoyant didn't obey the command. He could no longer close his clairvoyant. According to normal circumstances, the clairvoyant should have reached its limit long ago.

But now the clairvoyant eyes haven't been closed, and his mental power is not loaded in the slightest, nor does he feel dizzy.

Unscientific, really unscientific.

"Damn it, your eyes, when you see a beautiful woman, you don't even turn off the see-through function." Xia Xia secretly scolded, and now Bing Xin can be said to be seen by him, because Bing Xin dances from various angles It's non-stop jumping.

Her dance is beautiful, and her people are even more beautiful.

Ye Qingxue seemed to be tired, put down the microphone in her hand, and followed Bing's heartbeat, but her beating and Bing's heartbeat were completely different.

Bing's heartbeat is dance and art, while Ye Qingxue is dancing blindly.

But whether it's art or blind dance,

Xia Xia's perspective eyes were no longer obedient, and a pair of eyes kept wandering on the two women's bodies, feasting their eyes.

Summer is really cool now.

As beautiful as this scene is.

The clairvoyant's eyes were far beyond the limit, and Bingxin's heart was also tired. She picked up a bottle of beer and continued drinking. She decided that she had to drink a little more until she didn't know anything.

Ye Qingxue saw Bing Xin began to drink, and she was very happy to keep up, and the two girls drank heavily there.

Finally, after Bing Xin had no idea how much she drank, she sat down beside Xia Xia with a bottle of beer, and she approached Xia Xia's ear, "I like you."

The voice was very small, but Xia Xia heard it clearly.

Bing Xin said that she was completely paralyzed in Xia Xia's arms, her hands firmly grasped Xia Xia, and she would not let go of her hands without saying anything. Tears flowed from her eyes.

Tears wet summer clothes.

"My brother is He is going to take me away, so I can't be with you." Bing Xin said while crying. Drank too much.

Xia Xia gently hugged Bing Xin in his arms, and the perspective eye actually looked at Bing Xin's upper body, because this posture looked the best for the upper body.

"Grandma, I was about to say very handsomely, no one can take you away, but these broken eyes actually saw the upper body of others." Xia Xia cursed secretly, he was completely convinced by his own perspective. I usually want it to be more busy, but it gets dizzy after using it for a while. Now, it's been used for almost an hour. Not only does it not feel dizzy at all, but its spirit has improved significantly.

Although Xia Xia didn't know how the clairvoyant appeared, he guessed that this clairvoyant was definitely a pair of super eyes.

Seeing Xia Xia holding Bing Xin, Ye Qingxue rushed over, "I want to hug too."

"Okay, hug" Xia Tian held the two girls in his arms with one hand. Although Xia Xia just wanted to hug him quietly, X-ray was not obedient at all, and kept swimming on the two girls. walking.

"Hey, you two really drank too much, let's go." Xia Xian stood up, just at this moment a familiar figure walked past the door. When he saw this figure, Xia Xia was slightly taken aback.

"Wenya" He was sure that the person passing by outside was Wenya, but at this time Wenya was dressed up coquettishly, looking like a wine girl, and there were two men beside her.