Regional friendly

Looking at Xia Xia's devil-like face, they remembered the last special training.

Everyone's back is cold.

Bing Xin just followed Xia Xia without saying a word. Although she also had some doubts, she knew that she should not ask here, and she has always wondered what Xia Xia's identity is.

Based on his chat with Ye Qingxue's mother just now, Bing Xin guessed that Ye Qingxue's mother was the director of the legendary special operations department.

But looking at her attitude towards Xia Xia, Xia Xia's identity does not seem to be low, and the attitude of these people in front of him towards him is not ordinary.

Listening to Xia Xia's words just now, these seven people seem to be at the level of group leaders, but when they looked at Xia Xia, they obviously had a trace of fear and awe.

"The punishment for losing has already been said. If you win, I will teach you a wonderful footwork." When Xia Xia said this, the group leaders who were still afraid just now had excitement written all over their faces. .

What does this mean? It means that summer is going to teach them kung fu.

Of course, Xia Xia is not going to teach the immortal steps in the clouds. In terms of the difficulty of the immortal steps in the clouds, even if you give them ten years, they will not learn anything, because they have to start from the Book of Changes and so on, and they have already Missed the best time to study.

Xia Xia was going to teach them the old boy's footwork. Xia Xia stole a footwork from him yesterday, when he was leaving. At that time, his technique was very fast, and only Yin Nie saw it.

But Yin Nie didn't say anything. Yin Nie had already reminded him that his kung fu was not too good. As for how Xia Tian did it, it was up to Xia Xia himself.

Xia Xia stole this footwork just to practice it for acquaintances. The requirements of Manyun Xianbu and Lingxi Yizhi were too high. He couldn't teach his relatives and friends to practice at all, but the footwork he stole was different. Always a hidden person.

The formal training method, although the footwork is not as delicate as the Yunyun Xianbu, but it is still a good footwork.

"It's a pity, that guy didn't bring any exercises to practice at that time, otherwise it would be good to steal it together." Xia Xia secretly thought, if he could still steal a copy of the exercises for cultivation, he would make a lot of money.

"Can I learn too?" Bing Xin looked at Xia Xia curiously.

"You are my girlfriend, of course you can learn it. If it wasn't for you who couldn't learn my kung fu, I would love to teach you everything I know." Xia Tian smiled gently.

Bing Xin was very happy to hear Xia Xia's words. Her grandfather knew martial arts, but there was a rule in her grandfather's place that it was passed down from male to female, so Bing Xin's older brother is now a master, and has won the title of King of Soldiers in the Northeast Military Region.

"Hello, sister-in-law," the seven team leaders of the special operations department shouted at the same time.

"Don't call it that." Bing Xin was a little embarrassed to be called.

"You guys are good, you are getting more and more sensible." Xia Xia looked at those people with admiration, and then shouted, "Let's go."

For Ye Wanqing, today is an important day. Although it is not an official match, today is a friendly match. It is a friendly match, but in the final analysis it is a battle for face.

The Special Operations Office of Jianghai City has never won a friendly match or an official regional match, and has always been at the bottom of the table.

There are four groups in the same area, and the other three groups seem to have come to them on purpose to find confidence.

People from the other two groups also came to watch the fun today.

In their eyes, the special operations department that abused Jianghai City is a very cool thing. There are four places in their district, and each place is full of experts, especially their instructors, some of whom are even from dragons. The masters eliminated from the group.

The reason why the dragon group eliminated some masters is to prevent the masters in the dragon group from developing lazy characters, because they don't have many opportunities to take action, but their identities and status are very high.

Over time, it is possible to raise idlers.

Therefore, there must be an assessment within the dragon group, and it is a monthly assessment. Those who do not meet the requirements will be eliminated directly, and those with poor strength will also be eliminated, waiting for newcomers with strong strength to enter.

Although those people were eliminated, they stayed in the dragon group after all, so their strength and identity are recognized by everyone.

Yes, so they are usually recruited as instructors by the Special Operations Department.

Before Xia Xia became an instructor at the Jianghai City Special Operations Department, the Jianghai City Special Operations Department had no instructors.

Therefore, the special operations department of Jianghai City has always given them the bottom.

In their eyes, the special operations department in Jianghai City has become their laughing stock. The special operations department with the worst strength will ask for help everywhere when a major incident occurs.

Ye Wanqing and Fan Zhuifeng are good friends, so most of them ask Fan Zhuifeng for help, but he has also asked the Dragon Group for help.

For the Special Operations Department, asking for help from the Dragon Group itself is not a glorious thing.

Now that there is summer, she absolutely believes in summer. The previous summer was already strong enough, and then he went to the military region to train for so long. Now the strength of summer is no less than that of the chief instructors of other groups.

And Xia Xia's ability to learn is all Xia Xia Long's, so it is almost an invincible existence in the same level.

Although she doesn't know much about Xia Xia, she knows a lot about Xia Xialong.

"Summer, you must win, my aunt's face is all handed over to you." Ye Wanqing said very solemnly, for her this is a good opportunity to turn around.

"Don't you need to subdue the theatergoers?" Xia Xia turned to look at his aunt.

"Forget it, let's keep them in the regional competition." Ye Wanqing was very satisfied with what happened in the summer.

The group came to the training ground in a mighty way. There were already many people there. The Jianghai City area included Jianghai City, Suhai City, Zhehai City and Hangzhou City.

This time, it is Suhai City who will hold a friendly match with them.

Suhai City is a city next to Jianghai City. Although the two cities are connected, the prosperity of Jianghai City may be better than that of Suhai City, but the special operations department of Suhai City may be stronger than that of Jianghai City.

They are the second-to-last in the area.

In other words, in the four areas, they are only ranked higher than the special operations department of Jianghai City, so they can only bully Jianghai City, and this time it is the same.

Although it was said to be a friendly match, it was actually to show their determination. Of course, they wanted to take the first place in the region.

"Director Ye, you are finally here. I thought you guys were all hiding." The director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City was actually a woman, and this person also had some similarities with Ye Wanqing.

"Hmph, I think you should call me sister, don't let people think that our Ye family is not polite." Ye Wanqing snorted coldly. The contradiction is not small at all.