If you lose, crawl away

From the conversation between the two of them, it can be heard that the two of them are sisters, but from the words, it can be heard that the relationship between the two of them is very bad, and it can even be said to be **** for tat.

Otherwise, if they were also sisters, how could it be possible to speak ill of each other when they met.

"Sister, your mouth is still so powerful, but unfortunately your ability is just out of proportion to your mouth. Every time the regional competition is the last one, it's really difficult for you, and every time you have to give everyone the bottom." Su The director of the special operations department of the sea city said sarcastically.

"Haha." Ye Wanqing smiled coldly, "It's like you're the first in the group, but you're only the second to last."

"What's wrong with the second-to-last? It's not better than you." The director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City said disdainfully. Although they were the second-to-last, the second-to-last was not the same as the first-to-last.

There are only four places in total. Who would pay attention to the second-to-last place, but the last-to-last place will definitely become everyone's laughing stock.

Therefore, Jianghai City has always been the object of ridicule.

Not only the people from the Special Operations Office of Suhai City looked down on them, but even the two people watching the theater next to them looked disdainful. They didn't come to investigate the details of the Special Operations Office of Jianghai City. There is no need for that.

What they have to do is very simple, to see how the people in the Jianghai City Special Operations Department are bullied and laughed at.

They even used Jianghai City's Special Operations Department as a negative teaching material.

"You are optimistic. If you don't work hard, you will be bullied and unable to hold your head just like the Jianghai City Special Operations Department in the future." These are the original words that several of their special operations departments taught the team members.

Xia Xia finally understood why my aunt had to let him win.

He just came here, and he could see the disdain in those people's eyes. Those people didn't seem to be looking at comrades-in-arms or colleagues, but garbage.

"It seems that we must win." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"These people are so strange. They are all for the organization, but they are in different regions. When they look at people, they look down on them." Bing Xin whispered, she knew that she couldn't attract too many people here. Attention, because she is not from the Special Operations Department.

"This kind of person is too common. Everyone in your family belongs to the army. You should be able to see this kind of situation often." Xia Xia said lightly. In this way, although they are all soldiers, and everyone is from the same military region, there are really many internal competitions between different divisions.

"We really don't have that. The most common thing in our Northeast Military Region is fighting. Everyone talks with their fists and makes friends with their fists. There is no intrigue in our place. In the world, our Northeast Military Region is the place with the highest military quality in the country." Bing Xin said very proudly.

"That's really different." Xia Xia said with emotion. According to Bing Xin, the Northeast Military Region is what Xia Xia imagined the army to be like.

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. If you lose for a while, don't cry." Ye Wanqing said unceremoniously. There was a summer when she was confident of winning, and she was too lazy to talk to the opponent now.

Everything depends on her strength. She wants to convince the Suhai Special Operations Department that she loses.

"It's a joke that I lost, Ye Wanqing, do you dare to make a bet with me?" The director of Su Hai City's special operations looked at Ye Wanqing and asked.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to lose the bet." Ye Wanqing said lightly.

"I can't afford to lose Ye Wanqing, you are really joking, as long as you dare to take it, let's bet whoever loses and crawl out of here." The director of Suhai City's Special Operations Department looked at Ye Wanqing angrily and said.

"You will definitely not be able to lose." Ye Wanqing said again.

"There are so many people here, everyone can bear witness, you dare not gamble," the director of Suhai City's special operations department said sarcastically at Ye Wanqing.

"My soldiers are not very obedient. If someone dares to breach the contract, they will probably help some people fulfill their promises." Ye Wanqing said disdainfully, she didn't want to bet on such a meaningless thing, because she knew that even if she won, the other party would Nor will travel bet.

/> "Hmph, I'm afraid you won't admit it." The director of the Special Operations Office of Suhai City said coldly.

"Better, I'm very interested." Xia Xia, who had been standing by the side, said with a smile.

"What are you, is there a place for you to speak here?" The director of Suhai City's special operations department looked at Xia Xia fiercely and shouted, for her, Ye Wanqing could barely equal her.

"What I am, I don't know, but as long as I say a word, I can guarantee that you can't leave here alive." Xia Tian still smiled, as if to verify his words, the seventh group of people from the surrounding When they came out, they were fully armed, as if they were going to do it.

"What are you going to do? Ye Wanqing, you don't care about them." The director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City shouted at Ye Wanqing.

"I'm sorry, our new instructor has a bad temper, but everyone listens to him, so I can't control it." Ye Wanqing shook her head helplessly, meaning you can figure it out, I can't help.

"The guns are loaded" with the words of summer~www.mtlnovel.com~ those people's guns are all drawn, and the shells are ready, just wait for the words of summer, and then raze that area to the ground.

"Stop it, stop it, what are you doing? I'm the director of the Special Operations Office of Suhai City." The director of the Special Operations Office of Suhai City shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry, my ears don't work well, so I'm ready to shoot." As soon as Xia Xia spoke, those people raised their guns.


Just then, there was a gunshot.

"Who shot?" Xia Tian asked.

"Report to the instructor, my marksmanship is not good and I lost my fire." Daniel shouted loudly.

"Oh, be careful, don't waste bullets next time you go out on fire." Xia Xia said loudly, I have to say that they cooperated very well.

"Director Ye, let your people stop. Today they are here to compete." The director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Office said coldly.

"I am a person with a good temper. If you apologize, I can spare you, but I hate nosy people, because when I am angry, my ears are not good, and my mouth is not good. If any orders are issued indiscriminately, it will not be good." Xia Xia glanced at the director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Office and said.

"You are really threatening me." The director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Department looked at Xia Xia playfully and asked. He was different from the director of the Suhai City Special Operations Department. They were always the first in the region.