time inertia

The purpose of the director of Suhai City's special operations department sending Situ Hao is obvious. She wants to take revenge, and revenge for Xia Xia made her lose face just now, and it also represents her determination to win.

When Situ Hao made his move, those under Xia Xia were also eager to try.

"Who is this Situ Hao?" Xia Xia glanced at the group leader and asked.

"A very powerful expert. He used to be the chief instructor of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City. Later, that guy Ying Qi was eliminated by the Dragon Group and became the chief instructor of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City. Situ Hao was demoted to a team leader, although He was downgraded to the team leader, but his strength did not decrease." The team leader of one group explained.

Situ Hao is a famous person, because he deliberately abdicated at that time. Some people say that he is afraid of Ying Qi, and some people say that he can bend and stretch.

But until now, no one knew why Situ Hao gave up the throne.

Not even a test.

"Who among you can kill him?" Xia Tian glanced at the people behind him.

No one spoke, because they all knew that they were not Situ Hao's opponents.

"It looks like I really need to give you a special training in a few days." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"Instructor, let me try it." The leader of the seventh group volunteered.

"Okay, go up and beat that girl, I tell you to come down, you just jump down, understand?" Xia Xia whispered.

"Don't worry, Instructor, although hitting me may not beat him, but I'm no worse than him in running away." The leader of the seventh group showed a smile.

"Let's go." Xia Tian patted the leader of the seventh group on the shoulder and said.

The training arena of the Jianghai Special Operations Department is an eight-by-eight square arena. This type of arena is usually used for special training and learning. Today happened to be a friendly match, so it was held here.

There was nothing blocking the arena around.

"Humph" Situ Hao didn't say anything, just snorted coldly, and then started directly.

Without any hesitation, the moves he used were very simple, not like any martial arts moves. It looked like the most common type of military boxing, but his strength was not small. There were bursts of noise.

This shows the power of his punch.

The leader of the seventh group is not a coward either. He hits when he says he wants to. He dodged the punch as soon as he ducked, and then kicked it out.

Situ Hao was actually kicked by him.

"Pretty!" Others from the Jianghai City Special Operations Department shouted excitedly. The members of the seventh group also came over to watch the fun. They were all elated when they saw their team leader showing great power.

"This person is not simple." Xia Xia raised his head and looked at Situ Hao in the ring.

Situ Hao's kick just now was obviously deliberately kicked by the team leader of the seventh group, but he was not in any condition. Through his perspective, Xia Xia discovered that his body didn't even have the red that he had been hit.

In other words, he hardly felt any pain just now.

The leader of Team Seven continued to attack and hit again. Although Situ Hao's fist was powerful, his speed didn't seem to be very fast. In just one round, he was hit three times by the leader of Team Seven.

"Team leader, come on." The members of the seventh group shouted when they saw the mighty appearance of the team leader.

"No, what's wrong?" Xia Xia frowned, he could sense what was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

The battle had been going on for a minute, and Situ Hao didn't even hit the leader of the seventh team, but he was hit dozens of times by the team leader of the seventh team.

"No, jump" Xia finally saw what was wrong.

But he shouted too late. Situ Hao's fist had already hit the leg of the leader of the seventh group. The patriarch of the seventh group was also a tough guy. His leg was directly broken. offstage.

"It's time, **** it, why didn't I find out sooner." Xia Xia scolded secretly. Situ Hao used human inertia and time difference. He deliberately missed the opponent and made the opponent's body form inertia. Attacks are accelerated by 0.1 second, although it is only 0.1 second, but if dozens of times add up

It was only a few seconds, and the other party was slowly getting acquainted with his speed.

It is the inertia of the body.

He gave people the illusion that he could dodge the punch.

The result is predictable.

"Team leader." The members of the seventh group hurried over.

Xia Xia came to him, "Be patient."

"Yes." The leader of the seventh group nodded, his forehead was covered in sweat.

Xia Xia pointed his fingers directly on the leg of the team leader of the seventh group, and cut the bone directly. This was a preparation for the bone connection. If it was not broken, it would be impossible to connect it.

At this point, the face of the leader of the seventh group became even more ugly.

Then Xia Xia Shuang said that if he pressed hard, his legs were connected.

"Stand up and move around." Xia Xia looked at the leader of the seventh group and said.

"Leader, I'll help you." The leader of the seventh group stepped forward and said.

"Let him stand up by himself." Xia Xian stopped the man.

Although the man didn't understand Xia Xia's purpose, he still stopped what he was doing.

The leader of Group 7 exerted a little force and really stood up, and everyone looked at Xia Xia in disbelief, "My legs are healed~www.mtlnovel.com~ The leader of Group 7 said excitedly, he originally thought he My legs must have been lying down for a few months, but I didn't expect it to be better now.

"Go back to rest for a few days, do some light exercise, and you should be fine in three days." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Instructor, you are too powerful." Everyone looked at Xia Xia with admiration.

"You guys, jump up and jump down for me. You don't need to fight. You can't beat him. He is a good player in using time. You just saw that the speed of his punches is exactly the same. In fact, he is slowly accelerating. Then let your body adapt to his speed, form inertia, and then knock you down with one blow." Xiayan explained to the other six.

"Instructor, are you just admitting defeat?" The others said unwillingly.

"Winning or losing is a common thing in military affairs. People should have self-knowledge, and they must recognize their own shortcomings. It's just a matter of coming back next time. Besides, isn't there me?" Xia Xian didn't want their legs to be broken. .

The strength of the seven of them is not too different, and they will not be the opponents of that Situ Hao.

"On the other side, are you going to admit defeat? You're used to admitting defeat anyway, but don't forget to make a bet." The director of Suhai City's Special Operations Department shouted loudly.

She deliberately shouted the word bet very loudly.

In her opinion, one Situ Hao could wipe out everyone in the Jianghai City Special Operations Department.