protect short

Everyone in Jianghai City's Special Operations Office knew that they couldn't beat Situ Hao, and the reason why Xia Xia let them do this was to protect them.

Although they knew that Xia Xia was there to protect them, they were all dejected, hating that they were not strong enough, and that they had embarrassed the Jianghai City Special Operations Department.

"Let me raise your head no matter what you do, as long as you don't be lazy, I will let you all kill that guy one by one in the future." Xia Xian scolded when he saw their appearance.

"Instructor, have we embarrassed us?" the leader of the seventh group asked depressedly.

"What a shame, knowing that you can't fight but insisting on face, isn't that an idiot, this is just a sparring battle, isn't it a battlefield, if it's a battlefield, to protect the family and the country, then whatever Yes, but are you going to let yourself be beaten for the sake of your bad face?" Xia Xia reprimanded while watching those few people.

"Remember what I said, when Lu Jian roars, draw a knife to help him if he can beat him, and leave when he can't beat him." Xia Xia gave them a wise saying.

Although this wise saying made them dizzy, they all decided that they should learn from Xia Xia well and never let what happened today happen again.

The people from the Jianghai City Special Operations Department stepped onto the arena one by one, and jumped off the arena one by one.

This dramatic scene made the other three departments look down upon them very much. They believed that one should be dignified, and even if they couldn't beat them, they had to persevere to the end.

"Hey, Ye Wanqing, your Jianghai City Special Operations Department is really a shame. If you can't beat it, you just admit defeat. You don't even have the guts, right?" The director of Suhai City's Special Operations Department said disdainfully.

"My people all have their value, and they will never do meaningless things." Ye Wanqing said lightly.

"It doesn't make sense. You think this battle is meaningless, right? I really think highly of you. You Jianghai City Special Operations Department are already used to losing face." The female director of Suhai City Special Operations Department said sarcastically. .

"You're talking a lot of nonsense, haven't you finished playing yet? I'm afraid that you won't have enough people for a while." Xia Xia walked directly to the stage after speaking.

Now everyone else in Jianghai City has conceded defeat, and he is the only one left.

Of the ten people in the Suhai City Special Operations Department, none of them lost.

"Hmph, I'd like to see what skills he has." The director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Office snorted coldly. He still remembers how rude Xia Xia was to him just now, and he just wanted to do it directly.

But he knew that if he did it himself, he would be used as a gunman, which would not be worth the loss, so he chose to remain silent.

Although he chose to remain silent, it did not mean that he was afraid of Xia Xia, nor did it mean that he would not pursue the matter. He just wanted to wait for Su Hai City to take action first. If Su Hai City won, then he could He directly ridiculed the people at the Jianghai City Special Operations Department.

If the people of Suhai City lose, then it will not be too late for him to do something.

Now that he finally got his shot in the summer, he was ready to watch the show.

The people from the Zhehai City Special Operations Office, who have never spoken, are all ready to watch the show. Their principle is not to speak, because they are here to watch the show today.

"You are alone, we still have ten people, even if it is a wheel battle, can you persevere?" The director of the Special Operations Department of Suhai City was full of disdain.

"I don't care, you can let them go together." Xia Xia said very casually.

Arrogant, I have to say, Xia's words are simply too arrogant.

"Hmph, we won't take advantage of you, so that you won't admit it if you lose, but don't forget the bet." The director of the Special Operations Office of Suhai City deliberately stated the bet again, she thought they would definitely win , so she must make Ye Wanqing lose face.

This bet is a good opportunity.

"Whatever you want." Xia Xia had already walked to the stage.

"Your name is Situ Hao, right? You hurt me just now, but I am very protective of my shortcomings." Xia Xia looked at Situ Hao and said lightly.

"Really, I have a bad temper." Situ Hao looked at Xia Xia coldly and said


"Change it." Xia Xia said very casually.

Xia Xia has this ability, he can choke the other party to death with a single word, so that the other party can't say anything.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to argue with you." Situ Hao didn't know how to pick up Xia Xia's words. Xia Xia was not him, so he opened his mouth and asked him to change.

"I use one hand, as long as you can let me use the second hand, even if I lose." Xia Xia looked at Situ Hao and said, if he really didn't speak, he would be arrogant.

He actually said that he would defeat Situ Hao with one hand.

"Looking for death" Situ Hao started directly.

He punched Xia Xia with a punch, using the inertia of time. The speed was not fast, but the punch was powerful.


A crisp slap sound came.

"Too slow." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

Situ Hao is really good at fighting. Everyone has seen it just now. He was beaten dozens of times by the leader of the seventh group, and nothing happened, but at this time, he was slapped by Xia Xia.

There was bright red blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"You are courting death." Situ Hao looked at Xia Xia angrily, and threw a punch. The speed of this punch was much faster than the previous punch.


A crisp slap is too slow, too slow, and there are flaws all over the body. Xia Xia shook his head again, disappointment written all over his face.

The people in the audience were stunned. They could clearly see Situ Hao's strength just now. He was definitely a master, but now Situ Hao has no power to fight back in Xia Xia's hands.

"Damn, Situ Hao, what are you doing, hit me up." The director of Suhai City's Special Operations Department said angrily.

"Two times." The director of the Hangzhou Special Operations Department was slightly taken aback.

"The instructor is doing well." The people from the Jianghai City Special Operations Office shouted excitedly.

"Xiamen, come on!" Bing Xin shouted excitedly, Xia Xia was her man, Xia Xia was microscopic in this situation, of course she was very happy.

"Momada" Xia Xia blew a kiss to Bing Xin.

"Good chance." Seeing Xia Xia turn his head, Situ Hao rushed up and punched Xia Xia's head.


There was another crisp slap, and this slap sent Situ Hao flying out.

"Didn't you see me and my girlfriend show affection? I hate it." Xia Xia glared at Situ Hao, who was swept away.

This time, everyone present was stunned. Situ Hao didn't even succeed in a sneak attack. One second Xia Xia was still blowing kisses with that hand, and the next second, his slap slapped Situ Hao out.