school starts

"No need!" Bing Xin in the room shouted angrily when she heard the voice of the girl at the door.

"Oh, your girlfriend has a bad temper. You can contact me next time if you need it." Before leaving, the woman did not forget to wink at Xia Xia again.

Xia Xia closed the door when Bing Xin's cell phone rang.

"Qingxue, I'll go back."

"Wait for me, I don't need him to send it."

Bing Xin hung up the phone directly, but Xia Xia was completely at a loss as to why Bing Xin wanted to leave.

"Turn around, I want to get dressed." Bing Xin reminded Xia Xia who was standing there stupidly.

"Oh." Xia Xia could only turn around.

"Pull out the silver needle, I'm going back." Although Bing Xin couldn't feel the silver needle on her face, she could see it. Now that she was leaving, she couldn't leave with the silver needle on her face.

"I haven't continued to instruct you in depth." Xia Xia said awkwardly.

"Next time, I'll go directly to Qingxue for this kind of in-depth guidance, and I'll go back to accompany Qingxue." Bing Xin put on her shoes and was ready to leave.

"Then I'll take you there." Xia Tian also put on his shoes.

"You have a good rest here, you have to report to school tomorrow, I'm fine." Bing Xin said with a smile.

"I'm not worried, I'll take you there." Xia Xia was still worried.

"You forgot that I'm an expert now, who would dare to do anything to me, besides, it's only five minutes away from Qingxue's car." Bing Xin pressed Xia Tian on the sofa, "You just stay here and treat me honestly. on."


Bing Xin kissed Xia Tian's forehead.

"I'm leaving." When Bing Xin just walked to the door, she suddenly turned her head, "I warn you, don't look for that kind of slut."

"Uh" Xia Xia nodded embarrassedly.

Bing Xin walked out of the hotel and lay in bed in Xia Xia. Ten minutes later, Bing Xin called and told Xia Xia that she had arrived at Ye Qingxue's place. Hearing that Bing Xin had arrived home safely, Xia Xia started to practice Tianxingjue.

The night passed quickly.

The next morning, Xia Xia woke up early. After a brief tidy up, he bought two loving breakfasts for his cousin and Bing Xin. He took his admission notice to Jianghai University.

Today is the opening day of Jianghai University.

The entire Jianghai University is covered with banners, welcoming freshmen to report, and there are a lot of students coming and going. Today is the day for the new freshman to report collectively.

There are more than 10,000 freshmen at Jianghai University every year. They apply for different departments, but they will all be students of Jianghai University from now on.

There are all kinds of people, but most of them are out-of-town students, and less than a quarter of the local students.

Those college students came here with their dreams one by one.

Most of the students carried that large bag of luggage, and some students came by luxury cars. Those students who drove luxury cars undoubtedly became the focus of everyone's eyes.

Because everyone knows that those who drive luxury cars must be rich and handsome.

The rich second generation.

Some girls think that as long as they find a rich second-generation boyfriend, then she will be settled in the future, and she will be able to live a good life for the rest of her life.

But it turns out that most of them ended up being the playthings of the rich second generation.

Is Xia Tian the second generation of the rich? Of course not, he is his father of the second generation of the rich.

So in summer, keep your demeanor, he is walking.

That's right, he's no different from those ordinary students, and he's also walking here.

The seniors at Jianghai University were all very helpful. The male seniors all had smiles on their faces and ran to pick up the new students.

"Sister, why did you take so many things? I'll help you."

"Auntie, you're here to see the junior girl, and I'll take you there."

"Uncle, I'm a sophomore, and my junior is from the same department. I'll send her there. I'll get so many things."

The enthusiasm of those seniors moved the parents and freshmen alike, thinking that this place is indeed a

A good university not only has high quality students, but also has good friendship among students.

Helping each other.

But this is also limited to those fresh girls and their parents.

They were also freshmen. Those male freshmen had more luggage, but none of the seniors helped them.

It turns out that the friendship between the seniors is only to help the juniors.

For new students, they need to report to their own department first. This is very simple. Each department has different road signs. Anyone who can read can find it. Of course, those who do not know can not be admitted to Jianghai University.

"Hey, how's the nursing department going?" A red BMW stopped by Xia's side, and a trendy girl opened the window and asked.

"There are road signs ahead," Xia Xia replied.

"I'm driving and I can't read the road signs." The woman was obviously impatient.

"Turn left in front and turn right when you see an alley, go ahead fifty meters and turn left, then turn left, then turn right, go ahead thirty meters and turn left, there is a square, there are many people there, you go there and ask. "Summer has been gesturing for a long time.

"Funk." The woman raised her **** at Xia Xia. When Xia Xia first spoke, she was a little dizzy. In the end, Xia Xian's words made her collapse directly.

Xia Xia ignored her and moved on.

The path he took was the path of the nursing department. The place where the nursing department applied for registration was different from that of other So when I walked in the summer, I found that I had almost everything except myself. It was the girls and some parents of the students who sent them.

"Damn, it's all my cousin's fault. There are no boys in this major that you applied for." Xia Xia said depressedly.

After walking for a while, I came to the registration office in the summer. At this time, there were many people in the registration office, but Jianghai University had already known that there would be so many people, so there were more than 20 people in the registration office, all of whom were big The second and third school sister.

One is more beautiful than the other.

"Damn, it's still my cousin who is wise and gave me such a good major." Xia Xian was still complaining just now, but now he is thanking Ye Qingxue.

"Sister, I'll report." Xia Xia took out his admission notice.

"Finally, a man has arrived." That senior was like a wolf seeing meat.

In the summer when I was immersed in beautiful fantasy just now, I suddenly felt a chill all over my body. Normally, men should have such eyes when looking at women, but this senior sister's eyes were too scary.

"Sisters, there is a man at the registration office on the seventh." The news quickly spread to several other windows.

Those seniors who were applying for admission all put down their work and ran to the No. 7 gate. After such a long time, they finally saw the man.

"Don't come here, I'm a serious person." Xia Tian covered his chest with both hands and kept backing away.