The legendary building 8

"Finally, a man is here." Some senior sisters actually cried excitedly.

"As for this?" Xia Xia looked at those senior sisters in confusion.

"Brother, you don't know our hardships. There are more than 3,000 students in the nursing department in our second year, and there are only 12 men in total. Only one man can be assigned to an average of more than 200 women." That The senior said excitedly.

"This ratio is indeed a bit scary." Sweat dripped from Xia Xia's forehead.

"Quick, leave your mobile phone number, QQ number, WeChat ID, sn, Renren, measurements, height, etc. as long as you can write it down." The senior who received him said excitedly.

"Is this also the registration procedure?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Yes." Everyone nodded at the same time, all looking at him expectantly.

"I only have a mobile phone number, and I haven't used anything else, so I'll leave my mobile phone number." Xia Tian wrote his mobile phone number in the form.

"This is your admission procedure, this is your dormitory key, you live in Building No. 8, 529, you can go and clean up first, if you have time later, I don't mind treating you to dinner, Senior Sister." Summer's senior said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Xia Xia smiled slightly, then turned and left.

"Hey, the one in front, do you know where the girls' dormitory No. 4 is?" A familiar voice came from behind. The owner of this voice could hear it without looking back in the summer. It was the one who drove the red BMW.

"Turn left in front and turn right when you see an alley, go ahead fifty meters and turn left, then turn left, then turn right, go ahead thirty meters and turn left, there is a square, there are many people there, you go there and ask. " Xia Xia said directly without looking back.

"Uh" the woman was slightly taken aback when she heard Xia Xia's answer, because the answer was so familiar to him, "It's you, it's you again"

The woman finally remembered who this person was. Isn't this person the same person who gave directions to her car. When she saw the summer, she would get angry.

"I didn't even look back, you can recognize me." Xia Xia said depressedly.

"Apart from you, who else can be so bad and so wretched, look at you, a big man actually applied to the nursing department, you are planning to become a male nurse after graduation, a pervert, hooligan, wretched." BMW girl The mouth is like a machine gun, talking non-stop.

But Xia Xia kept walking forward, ignoring her at all, as if he hadn't heard her speak.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." The BMW girl also discovered this situation.

Summer continues to walk there.

"Hey." The BMW girl ran a few steps and circled in front of Xia Xia. "I'm talking to you."

"Hey, who are you, do we know each other? I admit that I'm very handsome, but you don't have to openly show love to me on the street. I'll tell you that I'm very reserved." Xia Xia looked at the BMW girl faintly said.

"Uh" The BMW girl was stunned by Xia Xia's words, "A shameless person can actually reach this level."

Xia Xian ignored her and continued to walk forward. This time, the BMW girl didn't catch up. She was still immersed in Xia Xia's shameless words just now.

Building No. 8 is not the last building, but a dormitory building on the far right. This dormitory building seems to be completely isolated. After entering the building in the summer, I found that there is not even a guard.

At this time, there were many people coming in and out at the gates of the other buildings, but there was no one at the gate of Building No. 8.

Xia Tian's room is 529. When he walked up the stairs, something even more bizarre happened. The corridors were all posted with talismans, and in some places there were beads and Guanyin stickers.

"Damn it, why does it seem to be a legendary ghost building?" Xia Xia said depressedly while looking around.

And he found that there seemed to be no one in the building, and all the doors on the entire first floor were locked.

The university dormitory shouldn't be very lively, but no one can be seen here. The corridor is also dark, and the sun can't brighten the empty corridor.

When Xia Xia walked to the second floor, he actually saw a mouse, "This is too ridiculous.

Well, this is Jianghai University, is there no one to clean up the dormitory?"

But there are no such things in the corridor on the second floor.


When Xia Xian walked up to the third floor, there was the sound of an iron basin falling to the ground not far away. Xia Xian turned his head and looked at a man with messy hair and a greasy face. At first glance, he knew that he was staying up late to play games again. Man, at this time, he was shirtless on the upper body and wore big shorts on the lower body.

Just now, the iron basin in his hand fell to the ground. The moment Xian Xian turned his head, a look of fear appeared on his face, but when he saw Xia Xia's face, that fear disappeared.

Xia Xia ignored him and walked to the fourth floor again

Before he got to the fourth floor, he could hear the loud noises from above. When he got to the fourth floor, it could be said that the place was smoky, with beer bottles and cigarette butts everywhere.

Summer is very strange, is there no one here to care?

The loud noises just now were obviously someone playing poker.

But this is not the destination in summer. The dormitory in summer is 529. The fifth floor is relatively much cleaner than the other floors, but it is very deserted. At least no one is seen in summer.

"529, it's here." Xia Xia saw that the door lock was open, which meant that someone had come here.

After pushing the door open.

A man with glasses appeared in Xia Xia's field of The glasses man nodded silently when he saw Xia Xia.

Xia Xia also nodded at him, entering the room Xia finally found a touch of Jianghai University atmosphere, the dormitory is a four-person dormitory, everyone is a bunk, the bottom bunk puts things, the upper bunk lives, and the facilities in the room are also very good. All, water dispenser, network cable, electric plug and so on.

The decoration inside the house makes the whole house look clean.

Xia Tian glanced at his bed, the one on the left by the window.

There is a sponge cushion on the bed now, and other things need to be purchased by myself.

"Hello, my name is Xia Xia." Xia Xia extended his right hand very friendly.

The "Chen Jing" glasses man also stretched out his hand.

"You seem to be looking at high school numbers, right?" Xia Xia asked the man with eyes.

"Well, review and review." The man with glasses said very casually.

However, what he said surprised Xia Xia very much. Reviewing is an advanced number in the university, but what he said was actually reviewing, not previewing.

Reviewing means that he has already learned it, or he will know it long ago.

"What is the answer to the question at the end of page 84?" Xia Tian suddenly asked. He had read and memorized all of these books.

"There is no answer to that question, it is Chen Jingrun's Goldbach conjecture." Chen Jing said directly without going over the book at all.