new roommate

Xia Xia looked at Chen Jing in surprise. The reason why he was able to remember it was because of the changes in his body and the strength of his mental power, but Chen Jing actually remembered it. Answered the summer question without turning it over.

"Genius" Xia Tian looked at Chen Jing suspiciously.

"I taught myself all the mathematics in the university when I was thirteen." Chen Jing said lightly.

"Thirteen-year-old" Xia Xia was speechless in shock. He has now confirmed that this Chen Jing is a genius, and a genius among geniuses.

Thirteen is a terrifying age.

"Can I ask you a question?" Xia Xia looked at Chen Jing and asked.

"Only math questions, I am a special student, and I failed in other subjects." Chen Jing said with a blank face.

Xia Xia took a pen and paper and wrote down the elementary calculation formula of Manyun Xianbu on it.

When Chen Jing saw Xia Xia's formula, his brows began to wrinkle, and then his face actually showed excitement.

Summer didn't bother him.

ten minutes later

"It's figured out." Chen Jing handed the answer to Xia Xia. Looking at the answer Chen Jing calculated, Xia Xia didn't know what to say. It was completely correct.

"By the way, I think this formula should be a wireless non-series formula, which is a bit similar to Goldbach's conjecture. There should be other calculation formulas behind it." Chen Jing not only calculated it, but also saw the back .

"Yes, yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"Hello everyone, my name is Liu Qingyun, nice to meet you." Before the door opened, he heard the voice of the person outside the door.

Xia Xia and Chen Jing both looked at the man.

He is a very clean-looking person, but his clothes are very simple, similar to the previous summer, and all the things on his body add up to less than 100 yuan.

"Summer" Xia Tian stretched out his hand.

"Chen Jing" Chen Jing also stretched out his hand.

"From now on, we will be brothers in a dormitory, and you will be brothers of the world's richest man." Liu Qingyun said excitedly.

"Uh" Xia Tian and Chen Jing were both slightly taken aback.

"My dream is to become the richest man in the world." Liu Qingyun said excitedly.

"I wish you success." Xia Xia said embarrassedly, this new roommate is really interesting, and the goal is so big that he wants to become the richest man in the world.


The door was opened again.

A well-dressed man walked in.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Qiancheng." The fourth person finally arrived.

Everyone greeted each other one by one.

"Brothers, let's rank them in order, according to age." Liu Qingyun said excitedly.

"So old-fashioned," Zhao Qiancheng said.

"It's not soil at all. When we become elites in all aspects in the future, we will miss this friendship." Liu Qingyun glanced at everyone and continued, "I'll come first, I'm 20 this year, my birthday in January. "

"20, birthday in March." Although Zhao Qiancheng said old-fashioned, he still reported his age.

"18, August." Xia Xia said.

"17, November." Chen Jing said.

"Okay, from now on, the four of us are brothers. I'm the oldest, I'm the eldest, Zhao Qiancheng is the second, Xia Xia is the third, and Chen Jing is the fourth." Liu Qingyun arranged for everyone directly.

"The second child is hard to hear." Zhao Qiancheng said dissatisfiedly.

"Then I'll call you the second brother, and let them both call you the second brother." Liu Qingyun said.

"Forget it, it's still the second child. The second child gives people the feeling of a waiter." Zhao Qiancheng said helplessly.

"Brothers, tell me about your dreams." Liu Qingyun glanced at it and continued, "I'll come first, I hope to be the richest man in the world."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Qiancheng.

"I want to be the best lawyer, the one who never loses, but I only file lawsuits for good people." Zhao Qiancheng shared his dream


Both of them looked towards Summer.

"My dream should be to protect the people I want to protect," Xia Xia said.

Then everyone looked at Chen Jing, the fourth child.

"I hope to become a mathematician and participate in national research institutions." Chen Jing said lightly.

"Since everyone has dreams, we have to work hard. Let's talk about my dreams first. My dream is to become the richest man in the world. My life plan for myself is that when I graduate, I must already have my own company. Before the age of 30, you must see through the market demand and be one step ahead of others. Before the age of 40, you must become the richest man in Asia, and at the age of 50, you must become the richest man in the world." Liu Qingyun planned his life very well.

"Second, your dream may seem simpler than mine, but it's actually very difficult, because in this day and age, good people don't have the money to come out and litigate. You should have already considered this." Liu Qingyun looked at Zhao Qiancheng asked.

"Well, I thought about it, but dreams should still exist, in case they come true." Zhao Qiancheng nodded.

"What the third child said is a little vague, but I believe you can do it." Zhao Qingyun looked at Xia Xia and said.

"Well, I also believe in myself." Xia Xia said.

"The dream of the fourth can only depend on the fourth himself. If you have this idea, then your math ability must be very strong. As long as you work hard, you will definitely succeed." Liu Qingyun is a positive thinking. Man, his whole being is full of positive energy.

"Actually, I'm just talking." Chen Jing said awkwardly.

" we are about to welcome our best college life." Liu Qingyun asked again what department they were from. When Xia Xia said that he was a nursing department, the three of them had their jaws dropped. All fell to the ground.

dong dong dong

At this moment, the door was knocked again.

"Come in"

"Brothers, I'm next door. Today is the first day for everyone to report. Let's go out and get together in the evening." A bald man came in.

"This" several people are hesitant.

"There is a fellowship. It's an eight-person women's dormitory, and the other party strongly requests eight boys." The bald head said very seriously.

"Go," the four said in unison.

"Okay, see you tonight," the bald man said and walked out.


"Second, help me to see if my beard is growing."

"Boss, don't be too busy, look at my clothes first."

The eldest and the second have fallen into a state of madness.

Xia Xian sat there motionless, watching them, but immediately he saw the scene that surprised him the most.

The fourth Chen Jing, he didn't know where he got a box of hair wax, and he didn't know where he took out a mirror, so he wiped it like this, his posture was ecstasy.