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Just now, the men who were still chatting about their dreams have now become wild wolves in estrus. Even the fourth oldest, Chen Jing, who is the least talkative, revealed his sullen personality. Xia Xia was completely dumbfounded.

A group of people with surging positive energy, when they heard the richest men in women's minds, the barristers and mathematicians were left behind.

Xia Xia finally understood why King Zhou and Wu Sangui could change the fate of the world for one woman.

In the final analysis, it's a sentence that goes to the brain.

They wanted to seduce those girls with their own charm, and Xia Xia glanced at them indifferently, "A handsome man like me didn't plan to use charm to conquer women, you are still smug there."

"The third one, do you want to go out and get my hairstyle done?" The boss, Liu Qingyun, kept combing his hair with a comb, and the electricity was turned on.

"The third child, do you want me to be more serious? How about a suit?" The second child, Zhao Qiancheng, had a lot of clothes. He opened his suitcase and found all kinds of clothes inside.

"Handsome, it's not just talking about it." The fourth Chen Jing made his hair shiny. He didn't know where to get a trench coat and scarf, and his glasses were replaced with big sunglasses.

"Xu Wenqiang" Xia Tian was completely stunned. If it wasn't for the fourth eldest, Chen Jing, who was only 1.7 meters tall and weighed 150 pounds, he would have had this illusion.

"Fourth, you're not hot, it's thirty degrees outside, you're dressed like this." The boss, Liu Qingyun, was about to collapse.

"Second son, your clothes are good, they look good, where did you buy them?" The second son, Zhao Qiancheng, noticed the summer clothes.

"Oh, a friend bought it." Xia Xia explained that he was wearing the same dress that his cousin and the others had sent back yesterday, and he didn't even know how much the dress cost.

"Your taste is actually higher than mine, no, I have to wear brighter clothes." The second child, Zhao Qiancheng, continued to choose clothes.

"Brothers, I want to say that the friendship is at night, and now we haven't even eaten lunch." Xia Xia looked at the few people and said, hearing Xia Xia's words, several people put down what they were busy with.

The few people who were awakened by Xia Xia simply packed up and went downstairs with Xia Xia.

"Brothers, we have several tasks. First, we have to eat, then we go shopping, and finally we have a friendship." The boss, Liu Qingyun, said excitedly. Listening to his tone, he could not wait to have a nighttime meeting soon.

When going downstairs, especially on the second and first floors, several people walked carefully.

"I heard that our building is haunted at night." The fourth Chen Jing whispered.

"When I asked others about Building No. 8 on the way here, they all ran far away." Zhao Qiancheng, the second child, said in a low voice.

"You're right, this building is indeed haunted." At this moment, a terrifying voice came from behind several people.


"Uh" Xia Tian was slightly taken aback, because at this time the eldest was holding his left arm, the second was holding his right arm, and the fourth was holding his thigh, all three of them were screaming with their eyes closed.

"You are the ghosts, I am a human." The owner of the voice shouted loudly.

"People are people, what are you talking about when you run behind us." The boss, Liu Qingyun, complained.

"I'm your senior and I live on the third floor. What I told you just now is that it is indeed haunted. Many people have died here before. It was an accident. All the people on the first floor died, so the first and second floors are here. No one dares to live." The senior explained.

"Impossible, it's news that so many people died." The boss, Liu Qingyun, didn't believe it.

"Hehe, do you think the government dares to report this matter?" The senior smiled coldly. "Remember, don't go out after twelve o'clock at night, especially on the first and second floors."


Everyone took a deep breath

"Bullshit." Xia Xia said lightly. He had already seen it with a perspective eye just now. These rooms are full of debris, not a haunted house at all, and there is no blood around here at all, which means here Not only has no one died, but even a chicken has never died.


"Classmate, don't believe it. Everyone here knows that there will be terrifying voices on the first and second floors at night." The student said in a cold tone, obviously very dissatisfied with Xia Xia's doubts.

"Let's go." Xia Xia didn't bother to pay attention to him, it was the kind of news that made those trivial things that were originally insignificant.

It is not the first time that Jianghai University's cafeteria has come here in summer. Last time, I came with Li Ying and the others, so this summer I brought the three of them here.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria, I was completely shocked in the summer. Today is the day when the freshmen start school. There are people everywhere. The first meals of freshmen are almost always eaten here.

So there are more people here than usual.

Because there are still a lot of things to pack in the afternoon, even those rich second-generation people mostly eat here. After all, Jianghai University is not small, and it is very troublesome for them to go out.

The school rules of Jianghai University are that everyone lives on campus, but a small number of people only have a name in the dormitory, like her cousins ​​Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin, who have hardly lived in the dormitory.

They have never lived before, but they still have to report to the dormitory of Jianghai University.

For freshmen, the first day of school is the busiest.

The three roommates in the summer are all out of so they all live on campus.

"There are so many people." The boss, Liu Qingyun, said dejectedly, looking at the crowded cafeteria.

"Are you sure you want to wait in line to eat here?" Zhao Qiancheng, the second child, asked suspiciously.

Xia Xia was also depressed. Even if so many people lined up for an hour, they might not be able to eat, and they might have to share a table with others. At this moment, he saw a familiar figure.

"Hey beauty, what a coincidence." Xia Tian actually saw the BMW girl again.

"Don't you know me?" The BMW girl looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"The first time is born, the second time is cooked, you look at so many people here, you will definitely not be able to eat when you go in, why don't we do it like this, we two rock paper scissors, whoever loses, invites everyone to go out to eat, how about" Xia Xia looked on his face. Looking at the BMW girl with a smile, she said.

Liu Qingyun and the others all looked at Xia Xia in confusion. They didn't understand how Xia Xia knew such a high-end and elegant woman.

From the dress of the woman, it can be seen that she is definitely the legendary Bai Fumei.

However, they understood from Xia Xia's words that Xia Xia and this woman absolutely did not know each other, maybe they had only met once or twice at most.

"You're sick, right? We are also four beauties. It's a gift for you to go to dinner with you. You still have to bet with me. Whoever loses will treat the guest." The woman looked like an idiot. looking at summer.