I'm a mutant too

What Xia Xia cares about most is whether he needs to drink blood. If he needs to drink blood, he will be a fool. Then he will become a vampire. Let him drink human blood, just think about it himself. want to vomit.

"You are a mutant breed. Normally, mutant breeds do not need to drink blood, and you don't have to worry. Hidden bats only drink blood once a month. It is said that once a year is enough when you reach the rank of Earl or above." Bai Yu explained.

"In other words, as long as it's a mutant, you don't need to drink blood," Xia Xia asked, and he was worried about Bing Xin.

"Of course there is no need. In the vampire family, the mutants belong to impure bloodlines, and can only be regarded as half a vampire." Bai Yu was like an encyclopedia.

"I can rest assured." In the summer, he wants to let his cousins ​​and the others mutate as well. What he wants to know most is whether there is any harm. Now that it is determined, there is no harm in mutating, but there are strong and weak points. If the mutation is good, it is stronger. Like Bing Xin, some mutation is not good, and the strength is worse, but even if it is worse, it is stronger than the speed and strength of normal human beings.

You are me, my big apple.

"Ah, Sister Bingxin, you finally miss me."

"Oh, then you're busy."

Bing Xin called Xia Xia to tell Xia Xia that freshmen have started school recently, and their literature and art department is busy. They let Xia Xia play by themselves, but they are not allowed to hook up with little girls.

Xia Xia made a serious promise, but when he put down the phone, he began to think, who should he go to play with.

"Bai Yu, how about I take you to a bar?" Xia Xia hadn't been to see Sister Hong for a long time, and wanted to go for a walk with Sister Hong.

"Let's go, I usually go there, but I only drink." Bai Yu was a free-spirited person. In ancient times, he would definitely be a sword fairy like Li Bai.

Xia Xia and Bai Yu left, saving money for taxis. There was no need for the two of them to take taxis at all. The two continued to compete for speed.

The two of them are much faster than a taxi.

Soon, the two came to Sister Hong's bar.

When I came to the bar in the summer, I didn't see Sister Hong, but Jack was still there.

"Jack, give me two cups of your best drink." Summer's favorite drink is Jack's masterpiece.

"Xiamen, you haven't been here for a long time. Sister Hong said she misses you." Jack joked with Xia Tian in Chinese.

"What about Sister Hong?" Xia Tian asked.

"A group of distinguished guests came inside, and Sister Hong went in to entertain them," Jack said.

Soon two glasses of beautiful wine were brought to Xia Xia and Bai Yu. It was the first time that Bai Yu had seen such a wine, so he picked it up and looked at it for a long time without drinking it.

"Hey, wine is for drinking, not for viewing." Xia Xia reminded Bai Yu when he saw Bai Yu there.

"This wine is so special." Bai Yu replied.

"Of course, Jack's wine is not something ordinary people can drink." Xia Xia said with admiration.

"Stinky boy, do you still know if I'm coming to see your sister?" Sister Hong saw summer from afar.

"Sister Hong, didn't I leave Jianghai some time ago, I just came back two days ago." Xia Xia hurriedly explained.

"Huh" Sister Hong saw Bai Yu behind Xia Xia, and Bai Yu also saw Sister Hong.

The two looked at each other, and then Xia Xia realized that Sister Hong's face was actually red, while Bai Yu had been staring at Sister Hong in such a dazed way.

"Hey, have you seen enough?" Xia Xia interrupted Bai Yu.

"You are very beautiful." Bai Yu looked at Sister Hong and said lightly.

"Thank you" Sister Hong's face flushed and she lowered her head, looking like a shy girl.

Bai Yu has been walking around for so many years. It can be said that he has seen countless women. Sister Hong is indeed very beautiful, and she belongs to that kind of mature beauty, but Xia Tian doesn't think that Sister Hong is more beautiful than Zeng Rou.

This may be the beholder in the eyes of the beholder.

Bai Yu has never said such a thing to the second woman in her life.

Sister Hong sat on Xia Xia's left, and Bai Yu sat on Xia Xia's right. Bai Yu held the wine glass, but never drank.


gram, give me a drink. "Sister Hong gave Bai Yu a look after saying, "Drink it, I'll let Jack get it for you after drinking it." "

"Sister Hong, you're too partial. I've been here for so long. You only let me have a drink every day. He only comes once, so you give him the privilege, right?" Xia Xia said unconvinced.

"Your name is Sister Hong, right?" Bai Yu ignored Xia Xia.

"Well, what's your name?" Sister Hong also ignored Xia Xia.

"Hey, that's enough for the two of you, I'm sitting in the middle, a big living person." Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly.

"My name is Bai Yu." Xia Xia still ignored Xia Xia. At this time, he seemed to have only Sister Hong in his eyes, and even the fine wine in his hand was completely ignored by him.

"The name is so weird, but it sounds like a fairy." Sister Hong smiled slightly, and the two of them looked at each other, completely ignoring Xia Xia. In their eyes, there was a vacuum between them. of.

Xia Xia didn't speak this time, and looked at the two of them strangely.

He was a little confused. He couldn't understand what happened to these two people. It was obviously the first time they met, so it seemed like they had known each other for a long time, and at this time, there was absolutely no one else in their eyes.

only each other.

"I like feathers." Bai Yu took out a feather~www.mtlnovel.com~ This feather was as white as snow.

"I like it too. Someone like you who likes cleanliness and flawlessness shouldn't come to such a place." Sister Hong took the feather from Bai Yu's hand.

"I like to drink, and drinking can forget some unhappy things." Bai Yu shook the wine glass in his hand.

"Looking at a person like you, your heart should be very quiet. Are you also unhappy?" Sister Hong asked with great interest. She was very curious about what kind of person Bai Yu was.

"Of course, everyone has their own meaning and value, but once you work hard for meaning and value, life will be boring." Bai Yu believes that the meaning of his life is to be faster than Wei Guang's sword.

As for his value, it should be what he can do. He believes that helping Xia is one of the values ​​of his life.

"Sister Hong, the people in that room are clamoring for you to come over." A waiter shouted anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Sister Hong frowned. Those people in the back room were distinguished guests, and she couldn't afford to offend her, but she had already gone to toast just now.

"The people in that room said that you respected Director Li just now, but not Director Zhang. That's why they didn't give Zhang Zhang a favor, so they asked you to go over and pay respects." The waiter explained.

"Hey." Sister Hong sighed. She didn't want to see these people, but she didn't dare to offend them.

"I'll accompany you." At this moment, Bai Yu stood up and walked towards Sister Hong.